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ISBN: 978-606-591-188-8
Anul publicării: 2011
Editia: I
Pagini: 280
Editura: Editura Universitara
Autor: Alexandra Doros, Corina Graziella Dumitru
Compared to everything else written in the field, the present book means to be a corpus of emancipation of all the multiple-choice tests designed by the Bucharest Academy for Economic Studies teaching staff for the Bachelor’s degree, chartered accountant and financial auditor examinations, in which the coordinator of this work, Univ. Prof. Dr. Graziella Corina Dumitru, had a significant role, too. The new element, able to increase the formative value and to facilitate the access to the accounting knowledge repository, consists in the solutions presentation. It is an invitation inciting you to learn accounting without the actual presence of a teacher.
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