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Editura Universitara Business management - Simona Vasilache

26,98 Lei

ISBN: 978-606-591-097-3

Anul publicării: 2011

Editia: I

Pagini: 341

Editura: Editura Universitara

Autor: Simona Vasilache, Anca Mândruleanu, Ionela Dumitru, Constantin Bratianu

Stoc epuizat
Cod Produs: 9786065910973 Ai nevoie de ajutor? 0745 200 718 / 0745 200 357
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This is a textbook addressed mainly to the students of the Faculty of Business Administration, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest. However, it can be used successfully by any student in Business, Economics, Management and Marketing, since it presents the fundamental concepts and ideas concerning Business Management. Also, it can be used by anybody working in one of these fields who is willing to improve his or her level of knowledge and understanding.


Management refers to the activity or the process of getting things done, effectively and efficiently, through or with other people. At the limit, it can be done by a single person. Good management is concerned with both attaining goals and doing so as efficiently as possible. When the focus is on the business process we discussed about the business management.


Business Management is a relatively new field of theory and practice in the emergent economies, like those of the former socialist countries, that changes completely the way we think work, competition, motivation and leadership. Moreover, the fast and unpredictable changes in the business environment due to globalization and disruptive innovations create new challenges for the young generations to understand and perform business in new mental settings. This book tries to explain the main concepts and ideas necessary for a successful business management, enlarging significantly the old spectrum of the traditional management. Thus, we introduced new topics about leadership, communication, organizational knowledge, intellectual capital and e-business. The classical management theory focused on rules, hierarchies and command-and-control mental models. The new management theory focuses on leadership, motivation, knowledge creation and sharing, and business innovation.


The book is designed and elaborated in the framework of the best business management textbooks we could study, and it contains our university experience in developing continuously this field of education.


Constantin Brătianu

Anca Mândruleanu

Simona Vasilache

Ionela Dumitru
Simona Vasilache As. univ. dr. Simona Vasilache is a faculty member of the UNESCO Department for Business Administration, and a member of the Research Center for Intellectual Capital, Faculty of Business Administration, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest. She has got her Doctor of Management degree from the Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, and Doctor of Philology from The University of Bucharest. She teaches: Cross-cultural Management, Communication in Management, and Business Management.
Constantin Bratianu Prof. univ. dr. dr. dr. h. c. Constantin Brătianu is the Head of the UNESCO Department for Business Administration, and the Director of the Research Center for Intellectual Capital, Faculty of Business Administration, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest. He has got his Doctor of Philosophy degree from Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, USA, and Doctor of Management – Magna cum Laude from Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest. He is Doctor Honoris Causa of the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, University of Craiova, University of Oradea, and University “Stefan cel Mare” of Suceava. He has been Visiting Professor at: Tokyo University of Science and Technology, Japan; Kobe University, Japan; Osaka University, Japan; Our Lady of the Lake University from San Antonio, Texas, USA; Modern University, Cairo, Egypt; University of Applied Sciences, Steyr, Austria. He teaches: Business Management, Strategic Management, Change Management, and Knowledge Management. He has been General Director for Higher Education in the Ministry of Education and Research (1998-200, 2005), and Expert for Science and Education in the Romanian Parliament, Chamber of Deputies (2001).
Anca Mândruleanu As. univ. dr. Anca Mândruleanu is a faculty member of the UNESCO Department for Business Administration, and a member of the Research Center for Intellectual Capital, Faculty of Business Administration, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest. She has got her Doctor of Management degree from the Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest. She teaches Business Management, Entrepreneurship and Banking Techniques and Operations.
Ionela Dumitru As. univ. dr. Ionela Dumitru is a faculty member of the UNESCO Department for Business Administration, and a member of the Research Center for Intellectual Capital, Faculty of Business Administration, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest. She has got her Doctor of Management degree from the Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest. She teaches: Entrepreneurship, Organizational Behaviour, and Business Management.

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