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ISBN: 978-606-591-211-3
Anul publicării: 2011
Ediția: I
Pagini: 200
Editura: Editura Universitară
Autor: Alexandra Moraru
The paper proposes the analysis of a set of interviews given by British and American Ambassadors at the end of their Foreign Office careers in order to investigate the levels of power, dominance and inequality, as well as to prove the standardised structure of the diplomatic discourse. In this respect, the research will apply Critical Discourse Analysis and will concentrate on the mental models of discourse by analysing the use of metaphor, among other devices. However, the novelty of this work resides in the use of the latest linguistic trend – cognitive semantics – as its most important apparatus, as well as the application of Conceptual Metaphor Theory on the interview genre of the diplomatic discourse.
Metaphoric representations of british, american and romanian identities in diplomatic discourses
DescarcaArgument / 7
1. Introduction / 9
2. Theoretical Background / 13
2.1. Cultural and Sociological Theories Applied to Discourse / 13
2.1.1. Imperialism / 15
2.1.2. British Imperialism / 16
2.1.3. American Imperialism / 20
2.1.4. Pride / 24
3. An Overview of the Basic Linguistic Concepts and Terminology / 26
3.1. Discourse Analysis / 26
3.2. Turning Points in the History of Metaphor / 27
3.3. Cognitive Semantics / 29
3.3.1. Conceptual Metaphor Theory / 31
3.3.2. Blending Theory / 34
4. The Rhetoric of British Imperialism Encompassed in the Interviews Given by Former British Ambassadors / 36
4.1. Towards the Character and Stylistic Expression of a Nation / 36
4.2. British Pride, Shame and Responsibility Mirrored in the Discourse of British Foreign Officials / 37
4.3. Arrogance of the Superior – the Feature of a Fearless Nation / 47
5. Recurrent Symbolic Instances in the Language of the Interviews / 55
5.1. The Foreign Office – Metaphorical Mappings / 55
5.1.1. Building a Career within the Foreign Office / 66
5.1.2. The Embassy and Its Employees / 70
5.2. Business Interest, a Persistent Trace of British Imperialism / 81
5.3. Other Sources of Imperial Behaviour / 94
5.4. The Monarchy / 98
5.5. The British Frustration – The European Union / 104
5.6. The British as Opposed to Other Nations / 110
5.6.1. Mappings of a Perfect Relationship – The British-American Pair / 110
5.6.2. Romanian Instances and Their Metaphorical Mappings in the Discourse of the Interviews / 113
5.6.3. British Relations with the Former Communist Countries – Fighting Against Communism / 126
6. Conceptualising the American Portrait / 131
6.1. The Americans’ Self Portrait / 131
6.2. American Ambassadors Recurrent Ideas in Conceptual Metaphors / 134
6.2.1. The American Foreign Service / 139
6.2.2. The American Embassy / 147
6.2.3. Business Mappings in American Ambassadors’ Interviews / 153
6.2.4. American International Relations / 157 American – Russian Relations / 157 American – Romanian Relations and Eastern European Identities / 161 A Dark History of Romania / 161 Mapping the Russian Influence in Romania / 172 Food Metaphors in Romanian Foreign Affairs / 177 Journey Metaphors in Constructing Romanian Identity / 179 Romania’s Advertising Campaign in Conceptual Metaphors / 182
7. Summary of Findings / 187
8. Conclusions / 191
Bibliography / 195
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