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Editura Universitara Mapping Ireland - Essays on Space and Place in Contemporary Irish Poetry - Nicoleta Stanca

ISBN: 978-606-28-0120-5

DOI: 10.5682/9786062801205

Anul publicării: 2014

Editia: II, revizuita si adaugita


Editura: Editura Universitara

Autor: Nicoleta Stanca

Cod Produs: 9786062801205 Ai nevoie de ajutor? 0745 200 718 / 0745 200 357
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Acknowledgements /7 

Introduction /11

Chapter I

John Hewitt: Colonies of the Past and Present /35

Chapter II

Thomas Kinsella: Universal Voracity and History/45

Chapter III

John Montague’s In-Between Journeying /59

Chapter IV

Michael Longley: The Pilgrim Soul in the North /73

Chapter V

Derek Mahon: Painting History and Placelesness /87

Chapter VI

Paul Muldoon: A Playful Approach to Irishness /101

Chapter VII

Tom Paulin: Centos of Commitment (to Art) /115

Chapter VIII

Ciaran Carson: Troubles in the City /125

Chapter IX

Eavan Boland: The Mythical Suburban Irish Woman /135

Chapter X

Medbh McGuckian: Ballerinas and Other Storyless Characters /157

Chapter XI

Richard Murphy and Mary O’Malley: The West in Irish Ecopoetry /173

Chapter XII

Eamonn Wall: Journeys of the New Irish across the US /185

Conclusion /199

Works Cited /217

NICOLETA STANCA este profesor asociat la Universitatea Ovidius din Constanta. A publicat trei studii de lungime a cartilor: Maping Ireland (Essays on Space and Place in Contemporary Irish Poetry), (2014), The Harp and the Pen (Tradition and Novelty in Modern Irish Writing), (2013), Duality of Vision in Seamus Heaney's Writings (2009), articole in reviste academice si capitole de carte despre Studii irlandeze, identitate irlandeza-americana, studii literare si cultură populara.
A fost co-editor a volumelor conferintelor, cea mai recenta fiind: Provocari nationale si transnationale catre imaginarul american (2018).
Este vicepresedinte a Asociatiei Romane pentru Studii Americane si absolventa a Institutului Multinational de Studii Americane, Universitatea New York (NYU).

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