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Editura Universitara Limba romana contemporana.Ghid teoretic si aplicativ. Fonetica.Fonologie.Ortografie.Ortoepie.Punctuatie.Lexicologie.Morfologie.Sintaxa - Mariana Varlan

ISBN: 978-606-28-0227-1

DOI: 10.5682/9786062802271

Anul publicării: 2015

Editia: I

Pagini: 264

Editura: Editura Universitara

Autor: Mariana Varlan

Cod Produs: 9786062802271 Ai nevoie de ajutor? 0745 200 718 / 0745 200 357
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  • Limba romana contemporana.Ghid teoretic si aplicativ. Fonetica.Fonologie.Ortografie.Ortoepie.Punctuatie.Lexicologie.Morfologie.Sintaxa

Mariana Varlan

Prefata /7
Generalitati /11
Sunetele tip: vocalele, semivocalele, consoanele, literele, alfabetul limbii romane/ 11
Diftongi, triftongi, vocale in hiat /12
Anexe: /14
Sistemul fonologic al limbii romane: /14
Sistemul vocalic / 14
Tabloul consoanelor romanesti /15
Transpunerea in scris a elementelor sistemului fonetic al limbii romane / 22
Alternantele fonetice / 30
Schimbarile fonetice conditionate / 31
Accentul/ 37
Principiile ortografiei si ortoepiei romanesti/ 42
Cateva norme (reguli) ortografice si ortoepice ale limbii romane/ 44
Despartirea cuvintelor in silabe /54
Semnele de punctuatie si de ortografie / 62
Scrierea cu litere majuscule si cu litere minuscule / 73
Structura vocabularului/ 76
Structura functional-ierarhica a vocabularului / 76
Structura semantica a vocabularului / 87
Cuvantul – sensul – contextul /87
Structura etimologica a vocabularului/ 101
Mijloace de imbogatire a vocabularului/ 110
Alte probleme de vocabular / 122
C A P I T O L U L A L V - L E A : N O T I U N I G E N E R A L E D E
Articolul /126
Substantivul /133
Adjectivul/ 146
Pronumele / 154
Numeralul /183
Verbul/ 192
Adverbul/ 212
Prepozitia / 218
Conjunctia / 223
Interjectia /228
Generalitati/ 232
Partile de propozitie/ 241
Subiectul /241
Predicatul/ 248
Atributul /256
Complementul / 259

Aceasta lucrare conceputa in forma unui caiet de lucru isi propune sa vina in sprijinul studentilor de la specializarile Litere-Limbi straine si Stiintele Educatiei, descriind sub forma unor sinteze teoretice si practice aspecte variate ale limbii romane contemporane conforme cu exigentele actuale ale invatamantului nostru preuniversitar si universitar.
Tinand cont de rigoarea stiintifica, care impune alinierea cu informatia la zi a problematicii prezentate, lucrarea de fata descrie in capitole si subcapitole distincte domenii si subdomenii ale limbii, precum: fonetica si fonologia, ortografia, ortoepia si punctuatia, lexicologia, morfologia si sintaxa. Fiecare capitol si subcapitol teoretic este urmat de exercitii aplicative variate, propuneri pentru teme de dezbatere in cadrul seminarelor si o bibliografie selective destinata completarii informatiilor teoretice si rezolvarii aplicatiilor.
Demersul didactic este logic construit, studentul avand posibilitatea sa-si verifice cunostintele dobandite la curs sau prin studiu individual.
Diversitatea exercitiilor (de recunoastere, de substituire, de creatie, de analiza gramaticala, lexicala etc.), organizata gradual – de la simplu la complex –, ii da studentului posibilitatea de a fixa in maniera clasica cunostinte de baza si de a (re)invata prin descoperire ceea ce i se prezentase teoretic.
Aspectele din domeniile fonologiei, foneticii, ortografiei, ortoepiei si punctuatiei respecta si recomandarile/modificarile din Dictionarul ortografic, ortoepic si morfologic al limbii romane, editia 2005 (coordonator: prof. univ. dr. Ioana Vintila Radulescu) iar problemele lexicului vizeaza numeroase aspecte ale dinamicii limbii romane actuale concretizate in subcapitole distincte, menite sa lumineze diferitele perspective ale organizarii masei lexicale.
Aspectele gramaticale din domeniile morfologiei si sintaxei tin cont in anumite cazuri si de noile interpretari pe care editiile din 2005/2008 ale Gramaticii Academiei ni le propun, fara a omite insa aspectele din gramatica traditionala.
Fara a constitui o editie definitiva, acest suport de lucru ramane deschis si, in acest fel, va putea fi imbunatatit cu noi fapte si explicatii menite sa clarifice mai bine anumite dificultati sau "capcane" ale limbii romane. Mariana Varlan

This paper, conceived in the form of a workbook, aims to support students from the specializations Letters-Foreign Languages ​​and Educational Sciences, describing in the form of theoretical and practical syntheses various aspects of the contemporary Romanian language in accordance with the current requirements of our pre-university education. university.
Taking into account the scientific rigor, which requires alignment with up-to-date information on the issues presented, this paper describes in separate chapters and subchapters areas and subdomains of language, such as: phonetics and phonology, spelling, orthoepy and punctuation, lexicology, morphology and syntax. Each theoretical chapter and subchapter is followed by various applied exercises, proposals for topics for debate in seminars and a selective bibliography designed to complete theoretical information and solve applications.
The didactic approach is logically constructed, the student having the possibility to verify his knowledge acquired during the course or through individual study.
The diversity of exercises (recognition, substitution, creation, grammatical, lexical analysis, etc.), organized gradually - from simple to complex -, gives the student the opportunity to fix in the classical way basic knowledge and to (re) he learns by discovery what was theoretically presented to him.
The aspects from the fields of phonology, phonetics, orthography, orthoepy and punctuation also respect the recommendations / modifications from the Orthographic, orthoepic and morphological Dictionary of the Romanian language, 2005 edition (coordinator: prof. Univ. Dr. Ioana Vintila Radulescu) and the lexicon problems concern numerous aspects of the dynamics of the current Romanian language materialized in distinct subchapters, meant to illuminate the different perspectives of the organization of the lexical mass.
The grammatical aspects in the fields of morphology and syntax take into account in certain cases the new interpretations that the 2005/2008 editions of the Academy Grammar propose to us, without omitting the aspects from the traditional grammar.
Without being a definitive edition, this work medium remains open and, in this way, it can be improved with new facts and explanations meant to better clarify certain difficulties or "traps" of the Romanian language.

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