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Editura Universitara European Union Law and Arbitration. Slices and slides. Text, cases and materials

60,00 Lei 39,00 Lei

Editura: Editura Universitara

Autor: Daniel-Mihail Sandru

ISBN: 978-606-28-1263-8


Anul publicării: 2021

Editia: I

Pagini: 298

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Cod Produs: 9786062812638 Ai nevoie de ajutor? 0745 200 718 / 0745 200 357
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Lucrarea "European Union law and arbitration. Slices and slides. Text, cases and materials" este pusa la dispozitie in format online, integral si gratuit, de catre dl. prof. Daniel-Mihail Sandru si Editura Universitara.

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This present book, “European Union law and arbitration. Slices and slides. Text, cases and materials”, is what the title highlights: slices and slides. This training course was prepared following he invitation addressed by Mr Professor Flavius Baias to teach the course "European Union law and arbitration" at the master's degree in "International Arbitration" of the Faculty of Law of the University of Bucharest.
The teaching material within this volume is rather a series of ideas or of references: it has a methodological, operational nature. But it is also a first form of a general construction dealing about the relationship between European Union law and arbitration. Documents enclosed reflect both theoretical and practical experiences. The reader has to get familiar with advanced concepts and mechanisms of both areas in order to fully understand this material.
I hope that this first step will be followed by debates and studies relevant to this field also in Romania.
  • European Union Law and Arbitration. Slices and slides. Text, cases and materials

DANIEL-MIHAIL SANDRU has been a professor of European Union law and international trade law for over 20 years. He has been an arbitrator at the Court of International Commercial Arbitration attached to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania for over 10 years. With extensive research in both fields, and also experience as an arbitrator, Daniel-Mihai Sandru produces in this volume a sketch of the tangled relationship between European Union law and arbitration. 

I.  Introduction, methodology  / 7

II.  Arbitration and the procedure of preliminary ruling (art. 267 TFEU) / 39

III.  European Court of Justice arbitration under public law and the Brexit panel / 73

IV.  Data protection in international arbitration / 97

V.  Public procurement and international commercial arbitration / 131

VI.  EU Competition Law and State Aid confronted arbitration / 141

VII.  EU law and investment arbitration / 174

VIII.  Arbitration and EU Private International Law / 203

IX.  Arbitration and EU Consumer Law / 227

X.  Interpretation and application of European Union law by the Court of International Commercial Arbitration attached to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania / 260

XI.  Arbitration and the autonomy of EU law. Arbitration and the Right to Effective Judicial Protection. Human rights and arbitration  / 272

XII.  ADR mechanisms at EU level / 287


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