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Editura Universitara Psychosocial Characteristics of Images of Power in Mass Communication

25,00 Lei 16,25 Lei

Editura: Editura Universitara

Autor: Oprea-Valentin Busu

ISBN: 978-606-28-1262-1

DOI: https://org.doi/10.5682/9786062812621

Anul publicării: 2021

Editia: I

Pagini: 162

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Cod Produs: 9786062812621 Ai nevoie de ajutor? 0745 200 718 / 0745 200 357
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Different categories of specialists in social sciences as well as different categories of proffesional communicators will find here a synthetic picture of the more significant classical and modern theories regarding the role of power as a ”Fundamental phenomenon that regulates and organizes social life”, and as it appears to us: a brute force, an alluring mermaid, a possessor of saving solutions and skills etc. 
Also, because we live in a time when direct communication is outdated, the author analyzes the media system mainly under the aspect of image construction or personalized representation of power. 
A special mention also deserves the fact that the author achieves his goals by using a multiple perspective - social, psychosociological, anthropological.
This approach is not a final decryption of the contents of the concepts of power and communication - image, but is part of a continuum of efforts to reveal the rich, challenging social reality, thus bringing his own contribution both to finding answers and to the birth of new questions.  
  • Psychosocial Characteristics of Images of Power in Mass Communication



The Concept of Image / 9
Image Typology / 13
The Social Image of Organizations / 16
The Identity of Organizations / 18
Transport of Symbols / 23

The specifics of the power relationship / 27
Power as a social phenomenon / 38
Symbolic resources of power / 44
Power structure / 47
Exercise of power / 49
Personalization of political power / 52
Personal power and the cult of personality / 54
Political power / 58
Power and domination / 66
Distance to power / 67
Leader and crowd / 70
The concept of masses / 74
The three figureheads of the masses / 77
The capacity for suggestion and the credulity of the masses / 82
Imagination of the masses / 85
The concept of communication / 87
The communication process and its stages / 89
Stages of the communication process / 93
Types of communication / 94
Mass communication / 95
Mass media - a tool for mobilizing public opinion / 101
Communication campaigns / 108
Electoral marketing / 115
Symbolic representation of power / 128
The electoral poster - a classic vector of political communication / 132




In the context of the current global economic and financial recession, I believe that an approach from the perspective of social communication and psychosocial interactions, at the level of Romanian society, will provide a series of scientific data, which can be a benchmark to deepen some images of power in mass communication. Internationally, it is increasingly visible the struggle of some companies to possess a certain essential element or to control access to any of the sources of power, even if it means financial or hierarchical interests, so images of power in mass communication is a topic which can answer some riddles or generate new ones.
The enormous power of the media comes from the role it plays, that of organizing information for society, of facilitating and orienting the social perception of various phenomena. In 21st century society, the “informational web” created - to which each of us brings our own contribution - feeds the daily consumption of information that ensures, both the thirst for information of people, the understanding of the relationships daily life, but also the design and support of the interests of the individual and of social groups. The press, radio, television and more recently, the Internet have become the vectors of information, through which man feels, lives and communicates instantly anywhere in the world. But what happens when apparently honorable interests hide petty goals, dictated by necessity or deliberately planned? In this context, what credibility do the media have?
The growing dependence of people on it creates the right ground for the use of one of the most formidable weapons, used in a unique way and without the possibility of reply: misinformation. And through it, it is possible to change people’s feelings, beliefs, attitudes and behavior without resorting to violent means. The power of media information on public opinion can be analyzed in at least two time plans: the immediate, short-term influence and the medium and long-term impact, much more important and sustainable.
The information with the character of immediate influence has the role of triggering the process of reordering the existing data until that moment. Information or information flow with a duration measured in years can influence not only the opinion itself, but even the evaluation tools as such; not only the reaction, but even the mentality. Therefore, when we talk about the power of the media, the center of gravity of the analysis is required to focus on medium and long term effects. Each individual realizes, more or less, that he permanently lives in a virtual computer ocean and that none of the primary necessities necessary for the survival of the human being could be viable without adequate information support, the media being the transmission belt between consumed reality and a potential projection of the future.
The power of media information lies in the fact that it provides information to society, highlights more strongly certain phenomena, events, to the detriment of others, organizes in a certain way the social perception of current events.
The frequency and diversity of the transport of images of power correlate directly in proportion to the size and importance of the territorial space of the human community targeted to be dominated.
The intensity of the positive / negative deformations and the degree of closeness to reality / virtual correlates directly proportionally with the gradual levels of authority, respectively of legitimation of power.


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