ISBN: 978-606-28-1152-5
Publisher year: 2020
Edition: I
Pages: 198
Publisher: Editura Universitara
Author: Alina Trache
This paper aims to open the possibility of detaching solutions for examining Romanian poetic prose capable of stimulating the approach of other aspects, such as the establishment of paradigms in Romanian literature and depending on the forms of poetic prose.
Romanian Poetic Prose
DownloadALINA TRACHE is a teacher of Romanian language and literature at L.T. "Ovid" Constanta; defended his doctoral thesis in 2009 at the "Ovidius" University of Constanta with the topic „Proza poetica romaneasca”; he attended the courses of Advanced Studies in 1999, with a dissertation exam at the "Ovidius" University of Constanta; is a member of the National Body of Experts in Educational Management since 2012; has published works in the field of research and education - Mari povestitori - Mihail Sadoveanu si Vasile Voiculescu, Estfalia Publishing House, Bucharest, 2009; Limba si literatura romana. Tehnica ciorchinelui / Ghid de studiu. Aplicatii pentru limba si literatura romana – gimnaziu (Abordare didactica), Arves Publishing House, Craiova, 2009; Limba si literatura romana. Tehnica ciorchinelui / Ghid de studiu. Aplicatii pentru limba si literatura romana liceu (Abordare didactica), Arves Publishing House, Craiova, 2009; Ghidul de studiu al literaturii romane pentru bacalaureat, Muntenia Publishing House, Constanta, 2005; Campul semantic al termenilor ce denumesc sentimentul iubirii in limba romana, Constanta, 1999; Et in Ovidius ego, the book of the Theoretical High School "Ovidius", Constanta, 2005.
1 Literary genre or discourse? / 9
2 What is the border? / 14
FORMS OF THE BORDER (Historical Writings, Memorial Literature, Essay) / 15
3 From the poem in prose to the poetic novel and vice versa: (Poetic prose, The poem in prose, The poetic novel) / 20
Poetics / 36
Poetics and prose / 38
Literacy / poeticity / 41
Discourse in prose / versified discourse / 43
Poetic / lyrical vs. poeticity / lyricism / 44
Lyricism, narrativity, drama… in potency / 47
Indices of poeticity in poetic prose (including narratological) / 49
Picturesque in Pasoptist prose (V. Alecsandri) / 59
Forty-eighth Messianism (Al. Russo) / 64
The vocation of the story (Mihail Sadoveanu) / 67
Childhood nostalgia (Ion Creanga, Zaharia Stancu) / 80
Medelenism (Ionel Teodoreanu) / 87
The atmosphere of the fairs and the slum (G.M. Zamfirescu) / 95
Femininity and poeticity (G. Ibraileanu) / 100
Poetic intertextuality (Mihai Eminescu) / 108
The poetic fantastic (Ion Minulescu) / 113
The unusual under the mask of silence and mystery (Mateiu I. Caragiale) / 138
Constructed Poetics (Gellu Naum) / 142
Metaphor and metaphorism (Fanus Neagu) / 147
"The essay as a metaphor of the idea" (Nicolae Manolescu) / 153
From the poeticity of prose to the narrative of poetry (Mircea Cartarescu) / 156
Antipoeticity - femininity between ironic and parodic (I.L. Caragiale) / 160
The reception of the concept of poetic prose puts before the reader a report of antonymy of two terms considered totally opposite. Poetic prose as an independent narrative form was reported only in the study of Mihai Zamfir - Proza poetica romaneasca in secolul al XIX-lea.. Therefore, it is important to point out how aspects of literary forms can be included in the genre or archigen, according to the typology given by Gérard Genette, of poetic prose. It should be noted that artistic prose, then rhyming or rhythmic prose, lyrical and poetic prose emphasize different appearances and due to its dual status - narrative form / poetic content. Narrative discourse acquires various nuances through the varieties of narrative techniques used by the prose writer or elements of poetics. Considered a hybrid form or as belonging to the frontier literature, poetic prose remains one of the literary categories that evades a rigorous definition, presenting all its intrinsic aspects.
The structure of the paper highlights a theoretical part and a literary research part. The theoretical part revealed especially in the first two chapters of the paper consists of information from literary theory, which we tried to crystallize into a coherent vision. The analysis was extended assuming an unusual interpretation of prose through the prism of poetics. The selection of the corpus of texts was constituted during the research of the concept of poeticity, not according to the authors and does not propose a chronological perspective on the Romanian poetic prose.
Bibliographic resources reflect our concern for the widest possible documentation. Specialized works were consulted - literary theory and criticism, studies and articles, dictionaries, works from the corpus of texts selected from Romanian literature. The diversity of documentation sources reveals the need to provide minimal scientific support.
The innovative character of the research consists in the novelty of the perspective of approaching prose through the prism of the categories of poetics. The scientific-innovative character is outlined by the intention to give a systemic, narratological interpretation, of capitalizing on the determined categories of the Romanian poetic prose. The syncretic character of the prose, its narrative / poetic dimensions, the intertextual relations, the imaginary worlds and the types of characters, the narrative strategies and techniques, the poetic categories are highlighted. The research of poetics in Romanian prose was revealed in literary criticism only in the study dedicated to this issue - Romanian poetic prose in the nineteenth century of Mihai Zamfir. The consulted bibliographic material fully justified the option for the theme by references that attest to the existence of poetics in prose. It is made up of specific categories, but overall it is a difficult phenomenon to conceptualize. From this point of view, the research presents the analysis of the interference between narrative, poetic (and dramatic) at the textual level.
Key research terms: discourse / genre, frontier genres, literary, poetic, poetic, lyrical, lyricism, narrative, narrativity, drama, prose discourse / versified discourse, narratological approach - subjectivity, reflexivity, involved narrator, categories of poeticity - the picturesque, the messianism, the unusual, the atmosphere, the femininity, the vocation of the story, the nostalgia of childhood, the Medelenism, the poetic intertextuality, the poetic fantasy, the constructed poetics, the metaphorism, the metaphor of the essayistic discourse, the narrative of poetry, the antipoeticity.
The approach of theoretical research brings together some of the concepts regarding the connections between literary genres. In order to frame as clearly as possible the territory of poetic prose in which there are representations of poetics, I consulted the works of authors concerned with the issue of combining literary genres, including: the theorists of Russian formalism Sklovski, Tinianov and Tomasevski, M. Bahtin, Wolfgang Kayser, modern poetics of linguists and structuralists - Tzvetan Todorov, Gérard Genette, Oswald Ducrot, Jean-Marie Schaeffer, Adrian Marino etc. Extremely useful in learning the research methodology, especially in Chapter III were the works of E. Lovinescu, Serban Cioculescu, G. Calinescu, G. Ibraileanu, Nicolae Manolescu, Eugen Simion, Constantin Ciopraga, M. Anghelescu, Dumitru Tiutiuca, Nicolae Rotund, Henri Zalis, Mihaela Mancas sa The research of various theoretical studies on literary genres and their combination has allowed the formulation of aspects to reproduce the inclusion in a genre with different features of poetic prose and poetics in relation to the narrative text.
Starting from the presentation of the features of the genre, the first chapter - DISCOURSE AND BORDER - will review not only the review of definitions and a possible classification of poetic prose as a literary genre, aspects of frontier discourses and will reveal diachronic elements of the concept of poetic prose as "genre".
The second chapter - POETICITY - offers by etymological approach corroborated with the hermeneutics of meaning the first meanings, thus the following oppositions were identified: prose discourse / versified discourse, literary / poetic, poetic / lyrical, poetic / lyrical, then at the textual level it stands out also a lyricism, narrative, drama… in potency. The analytical approach renders the indications of poetics in poetic prose, through narratological sources, but also by defining the concept of poetic prose in Romanian literary criticism being delimited certain paradigms from the perspective of joining or not Romanian literature to this discursive form.
Starting from the topicality of the topic and from its research level, in the third chapter - CATEGORIES OF POETICITY IN ROMANIAN PROSE - a narratological study will be undertaken, from unique angles offered by the essential aspects of the investigated prose. Among these can be highlighted - the presentation of the categories of poetics on the narrative field, in Romanian poetic prose, through elements of narrative and poetic interference - picturesque, messianism, story vocation, childhood nostalgia, Medelenism, atmosphere, femininity, poetic intertextuality, poetic fantasy, unusual , the constructed poetics, the metaphorism, the metaphor of the essayistic discourse, and the last two sub-chapters bring in reversal attention to the poetics of prose through the narrative elements of poetry in a poetic text and of antipoeticity in the narrative text. Relying on a body of text comprising writers from the Pasoptist period to the postmodern era such as V. Alecsandri, Al. Russo, Mihail Sadoveanu, Ion Creanga, Zaharia Stancu, Ionel Teodoreanu, G.M. Zamfirescu, G. Ibraileanu, Mihai Eminescu, Ion Minulescu, Mateiu Caragiale, Gellu Naum, Fanus Neagu, Nicolae Manolescu, Mircea Cartarescu, I.L. Caragiale, the second part of the paper highlighted certain defining features of the poetics of Romanian prose, in an itinerary including Romanian writings that could fit into a type of literature such as poetic prose. This narratological research on the aspects of prose poetics - essential categories, define a series of characteristics that return in the composition of the genre.
The present paper aims, thus, to open the possibility of detaching some solutions for examining the Romanian poetic prose able to stimulate the approach of other aspects, such as the establishment of paradigms in Romanian literature and according to the forms of poetic prose.
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