He walked up to twenty meters from the figure and counted, with his arm outstretched:
– One... two... Are you ready, Conrad? Fire!
The two bullets were fired at the same time.
There was a cry of pain. The figure seemed to collapse. The two men were hurrying in there.
- Aha, there you are, scoundrel! I'll show you what dough Vorski is made of! Snapanul, you kind of ran me over! Well, now I've got you covered!
After the first steps, he slowed down, for fear of a surprise. The figure does not move; and Vorski, approaching, saw that he had the inert and deformed appearance of a dead man, of a corpse. He had nothing else to do but jump on her. So Vorski did, laughing and joking:
- Good hunting, Conrad. Let's go get the game.
But he was very surprised, taking the game, to feel in his hands nothing but an almost impalpable prey, consisting, in fact, in a white robe, without any man in it, the wearer of the robe fleeing in time, after having caught it in the thorns of a bush. As for the dog, it had disappeared.