he present work highlights the theoretical foundation of the scientific work with the title "Peculiarities of socialization in preschool children", supported in the 2016-2017 school year, with a view to awarding the didactic degree I. I approached this topic, because it represents a current problem in psychopedagogy. We all know that the purpose of education involves the formation and permanent development of the human personality, with the aim of optimal social integration of the individual, to the requirements of the community.
Socialization is a complex and extensive process, which involves stages, forms, mechanisms, factors of socialization. The basis of socialization is the family, the educational institution, the community. It is important for every parent to be a role model for their child. Also, the kindergarten, through all types and forms of instructional-educational activities, provides the child with individualization through socialization. The game, by its complexity, regardless of the place of its implementation, outdoors, at home, in kindergarten, gives the child security and self-confidence. Through play, the child discovers the world, loves, experiences emotions, dreams, evaluates his capabilities and limits, forms his self-image, the latter two being essential premises for socialization. And last but not least, socialization imprints in the child's soul and mind the true moral values that a modern society needs: love, kindness, honor, fairness, respect, responsibility, empathy, courage.
The educator's model is decisive, because she has the noble mission of stimulating relationships between children, making them want to be with others, cooperate and fulfill various social roles. I invite you to read this work, because the topic addressed is and will remain topical.
Salome Valentina