ISBN: 978-606-28-0877-8
DOI: 10.5682/9786062808778
Publisher year: 2019
Edition: I
Pages: 416
Publisher: Editura Universitara
Author: Marin Manolescu
EVALUAREA IN EDUCATIE. Meritocratia si mediocritatea
DownloadProf. Marin Manolescu is. PhD at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest.
He is currently professor and director of the Department of Pedagogy of Primary and Preschool Teach save Bucharest from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, coordinator of the Master "Education presecundara. Development policies and strategies. "
A pre-university teaching career through all the steps (teacher, professor) and universal sieve. Is PhD in science education.
Areas of scientific competence and teaching: theory and methodology of assessment, curriculum theory, initial and continuous training of teachers, professional practice and teaching. It has a rich management experience, probably at the university and university education institutions and central level.
He participated in various stages of training and development at home and abroad, participate in various national and international projects and programs: SOP HRD, PHARE, World Bank, ARACIS, UNICEF, MECI, as an expert or assessor.
He has published five books of the author, as co-author three books, is the coordinator of several works by the author team, is the author and coauthor of studies and articles published in magazines and specialized scientific publications in the country and abroad. Is a member of the editorial teams of magazines in the field of education.
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