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Editura Universitară Psychotherapy game of chance pathologic

50,00 Lei 32,50 Lei

ISBN: 978-606-591-673-9

DOI: 10.5682/9786065916739

Publisher year: 2013

Edition: I

Pages: 297

Publisher: Editura Universitară

Author: Steliana Rizeanu (Pintilie)

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Suggestive work entitled Psychotherapy pathological chance game is divided into a total of five major chapters, which combined an original approach is synthetic and especially the game of chance psychotherapeutic pathologically distinct chapters that synthesize and race at the same time, the main points innovative publishing of this journey, from the emergence and development of the game from the player's personality characteristics, diagnosis and assessment of the game, the player getting the same treatment of pathological findings in formulating much needed psychotherapeutic plan.

In terms of psychological treatment has accredited the idea that cognitive behavioral therapy has proven to be far the most effective method of treatment.

Consistent with this view the author proposes a model of cognitive-behavioral therapy is directed towards certain goals, such as:

1. minimize the consequences associated with games of chance pathological behavior that manifests in living subjects seeking treatment;

2. avoid or reduce risk situations to develop a game of chance pathological behavior;

3. management of negative emotional states associated with this condition (depression, anxiety, stress);

4. entertainment needs and developing new ways pleasant leisure and socializing, which do not pose a destructive effect on the subject.

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Prefata / 9


1.1 Definirea jocului de sansa patologic si scurt istoric / 13
1.2 Modele si teorii explicative ale jocului de sansa patologic / 13
1.3 Factori implicati in dezvoltarea si mentinerea formei patologice a jocului de sansa /  25
1.4 Fazele aparitiei jocului de sansa patologic / 25
1.5 Categorii  de jocuri de sansa / 30
1.6 Consecintele formei patologice a jocului de sansa / 34
1.7 Prevalenta formei patologice a jocului de sansa / 40 

2.1. Tipologiile de personalitate ale jucatorului de sansa patologic / 45
2.2 Similitudini intre tabluol clinic al jocului de sansa patologic si tulburarea de personalitate borderline / 63
2.3 Profilul psihologic al jucatorului de sansa patologic din Romania / 65 

3.1 Criteriile de diagnostic pentru jocul de sansa patologic / 78
3.2 Instrumente de diagnosticare a jocului de sansa patologic / 84
     3.2.1. Chestionarul Gamblers Anonymus / 84
     3.2.2. Inventarul de diagnosticare pentru jocul de sansa patologic "South Oaks Gambling Screen" (SOGS) / 84
     3.2.3. Massachusetts Gambling Screen (MAGS) / 88
     3.2.4. Chestionarul de autoevaluare NCPG / 92
     3.2.5. Indicele de severitate a jocului de sansa patologic / 93
     3.2.6. Scala de evaluare a gandurilor irationale (GRCS) / 94
     3.2.7. Inventarul situatiilor de risc (IGS) / 97
     3.2.8. Chestionarul Freedom from Problem Gambling / 103
     3.2.9. Inventarul SOGS-RA (South Oaks Gambling Scren - Revised for adloscents) / 104
     3.2.10. Scala de autoevaluare a severitatii formei patologice a jocului de sansa / 109
3.3 Factorii de risc ai aparitiei jocului de sansa patologic / 109
3.4 Prevenirea aparitiei jocului de sansa patologic / 112
3.5 Prezentarea programului "Joaca responsabil" / 120

4.1 Principiile si stadiile schimbarii in cadrul jocului de sansa patologic / 123
4.2 Abordari diferite in tratamentul formei patologice a jocului de sansa / 131
4.3 Studii de eficienta a terapiei cognitiv-comportamentale pentru jocul de sansa patologic / 140
4.4 Modele de terapie cognitiv-comportamentala pentru jocul de sansa patologic / 144
4.5 Introducerea unui nou model de terapie cognitiv-comportamentala pentru jocul de sansa patologic / 149
4.6 Studiu de caz / 210


Resurse utile / 229

Bibliografie / 230 


Steliana Rizeanu (Pintilie)
Steliana Rizeanu (Pintilie)


Associate Professor at Hyperion University in Bucharest, the Master of Clinical Psychology and Counseling Psychology, where he teaches courses : Introduction to psychotherapy, child and adolescent psychopathology , Psychodiagnosis and Assessment of clinical child and adolescent psychology addictions .

Principal clinical psychologist , trainer - supervisor in clinical psychology and integrative psychotherapy , psychotherapist specializing in cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy in Aquamarine Clinic in Bucharest.

Author of books : Introduction to psychotherapy Psychotherapy chance game pathological gambling addiction . Guide to help players and their families pathological gambling .

He has published numerous articles in national and international journals with international peer review and editorial committee .

Elected member in Bucharest Territorial Branch Committee of the College of Psychologists of Romania , the Commission clinic.

Nominated for inclusion in the 2014 edition 32 prestigious publication Who's Who in the World.

Coordinator of the " play responsibly " in Romania , which offers counseling for gambling addicts .

Member of the European Association for the Study of Gambling : EASG - European Association for the Study of Gambling .

Member of the Association of Cognitive and Behavioral Romania .

Member of the Romanian Society of Applied Experimental Psychology .

Member of the Romanian Association of Integrative Psychotherapy .

Member of the European Institute for Studies in pediatric therapy .

Member of the Association of Applied and Behavioral Medicine Psychosomatics .

Member of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Hypnotherapy .

Member of the Romanian Society of Statistics.


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