Health psychology is an extremely vast field of study, with profound implications in psychological practice in all areas of human and social life. This paper aims to provide those with additional training modern landmarks in this discipline. The set of volumes entitled “Health psychology - applied approaches - includes specialized studies, signed by Romanian authors, university teachers, practitioners from health organizations, but also young aspirants to a career in health. The objective of these publications is represented by the increase of the informative capital, the updating of the information within the university curriculum, the highlighting of some Romanian, international contributions, and, especially, of the personal contributions of the authors, capitalizing the current scientific interests and practical experience.
Both the studies in the volumes published in 2010 and those that will follow aim to cover general and specific topics in health psychology. In a review of the topics we mention the following topics: the need to study health psychology, models in health psychology (eg, biopsychosocial model), body systems (nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, etc.), diseases and psychology (in heart disease, diabetes, congestion, brain damage, arthritis, HIV, etc.), applications in specialized subfields (psychoendocrinology, psychoneuroimmunology, psychocardiology, etc.), promoting healthy behavior (eg, maintaining a healthy diet, weight control, sleep , smoking and alcoholism - psychological, social aspects, treatment strategies), patterns of behavior change, accident prevention, behavior and severe diagnoses, such as cancer, stress and determinants, illness, personality and coping, well-being, social and family support , couple, mental balance, the role of the psychologist in the therapy of sick people, answer emotional disorders in chronic diseases (denial, anxiety, depression), techniques for controlling thoughts, emotions or other maladaptive symptoms, pain and chronic disease management, pain psychotherapy (hypnosis, guided imagery, patient distraction, etc.), quality of life, psychological intervention in chronic disease, patient education, health promotion programs, methodological aspects (evaluation, measurement of health status and countless psycho-behavioral variables), challenges of research and applications of health psychology in certain existential settings (family, clinics, organizations , etc.), use of health services, interventions in hospitals or specialized units, hospitalization of children, preparation for medical interventions, characteristics of people working in the field of health, psychologist-patient communication, patient-doctor, analysis of costs necessary to run programs health etc.
To these topics are added modern contributions: the boundaries of psycho-behavioral normality, studies of healthy personality, positive personality, psychological aspects in brain pathologies, maladaptive phenomena, mental fragility in psychosomatic disorders, studies on family and partnership dynamics, activities and therapeutic relationships, current standards of practice in the field of health psychology, etc. The intention of the publisher, but also of the authors is to continue this editorial approach in the coming years, having the will to consolidate the training of applicants for employment in the field of health, but also of those who already work in these structures.
Eugen Avram is a University Lecturer, doctor in psychology, holder in the Department of Psychology of the University of Bucharest and specialist clinical psychologist at the Emergency Clinical Hospital "Bagdasar-Arseni", Neurosurgery III. His specializations include (master studies): health management, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, organizational psychology. He is the author and coordinator of several volumes. In the field of health and neuropsychology published: Avram, E. (coord.) (2009). Neuropsychology - brain and functionality, University Publishing House, Bucharest; Ciubotaru, V.G., Avram, E. (coord.) (2009). Disability neuroscience, University Publishing House, Bucharest; Tataranu, L., Avram, E. (coord.) (2009). Neuroscience and clinical psychology, E.D.P., Bucharest; Avram, E. (2010). Neuropsychology - the basics of theory and practice. Ed. S.P.E.R., Bucharest; Ciubotaru, V.G., Avram, E. (coord.) (2010). Health optimization, University Publishing House, Bucharest.
In the field of health management he is co-author of the volumes: Development of management in health organizations. Excellence in neurosurgery services, University Publishing House, Bucharest, 2007, Modern Management in health organizations. Perspectives in neurosurgery services, Medical Publishing House, Bucharest, 2009 (both in collaboration with A.V. Ciurea and V.G. Ciubotaru); Management of health systems and organizations, "Carol Davila" University Publishing House, Bucharest (2010, coord: A.V. Ciurea, C.L. Cooper, E. Avram).
Editorial appearances in the field of personality psychology and organizational psychology are: Psychology in A Positive World (coord., 2008), University of Bucharest Publishing House, Personality Psychology - Architecture and Dimensions (author, 2009), Organizational-managerial psychology in European context (2007, co-editor: RZ Cretu), Organizational-managerial psychology - applied perspectives (coord., 2007), Psychology in modern organizations (coord., 2008), Organizational trust (co-author: Pamela Shockley-Zalabak, 2008) (last at the University Publishing House, Bucharest ), Organizational-managerial psychology. Current trends, Polirom, Iasi (2008, co-editor: Cary L. Cooper).
He is also the author of over 20 chapters published in collective volumes, 30 studies in national journals and 3 studies in ISI-listed journals.
Iuliana Badulescu graduated from the "Carol Davila" Faculty of Medicine in Bucharest (1991) and the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Department of Psychology, University of Bucharest (2008). He is currently a resident physician in Psychiatry ("Prof. Dr. Al. Obregia" Clinical Psychiatric Hospital) and a clinical psychologist in supervision. He became a specialist in Family Medicine (1995) and a specialist in Public Health and Management (2004). He has competence in Family Planning (1997).
Verginia Cretu is a university professor, PhD, at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest, PhD supervisor. He is the author of important works (books, studies) in the field of special psychopedagogy. He is also a member of the specialized commissions and consultant for the practice and legislation in the field of assistance to persons with disabilities.
Mihaela Gheorghiu is a second degree scientific researcher, doctor in psychology, associate professor at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Bucharest. He has a clinical experience of over 30 years, with expertise in the field of psychological evaluation and rehabilitation of work capacity.
Mihai Golu is a university professor. PhD, tenured at "Spiru Haret" University and associate professor at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Bucharest and "Titu Maiorescu" University. In 1973 he completed an advanced study internship at Carnegie-Mellon University in the USA, specializing in cybernetic psychology and information psychology. His editorial activity is a fundamental landmark in several fields of psychology: neuropsychology, neurocybernetics, experimental psychology, general psychology, personality psychology, etc. He served as President of the Romanian Association of Psychologists (1990-2001); Minister of Education (1991-1992); Minister of Culture (1992-1993); President of the National Commission of Romania for UNESCO (1990-1994); Active member of the New York Academy of Sciences (1995); included in many biographical encyclopedias including: "Man of the Year 1992" by the Cambridge International Biographical Center and "Man of the Year 2002" by the American Biographical Institute.
Cornel Mihalache primary neurosurgeon, doctor of medicine, head of the neurosurgery department at the Emergency Clinical Hospital “St. Andrei ”from Galati, head of works at the Faculty of Medicine,“ Dunarea de Jos ”University, Galati.
Alin-Dumitru Rasina is a primary neurosurgeon, doctoral student, scientific researcher in the Stereotaxic and Functional Neurosurgery Department of Bagdasar-Arseni Hospital in Bucharest. He followed internships training and training courses in Lyon (1999-2000), Paris (2003-2004), Salzburg (2008).
Alexandru Tascu is a doctor in medical sciences, primary neurosurgeon in section I Neurosurgery of the Bagdasar-Arseni Clinical Hospital, Bucharest. He is the head of works at the Department of Child Neurosurgery - UMF "Carol Davila", Bucharest. He has competence in Health Services Management, master in Health Management, specializations in Israel, Belgium, France.
Andreea Cristina Constantin, Georgiana Ichimescu, Daniela Ionescu, Denisa Florina Neacsu, Valentina Nastase, Andrei Petre, Iulia Maria Tirscoveanu are trained in clinical psychology at the Faculty of Psychology / University of Bucharest.
Chapter 1 Mihai Golu
The concept of "normality" and the limits of its use in applied psychology / 11
Chapter 2 Eugene Avram
Psycho-behavioral health: a personal approach / 18
Chapter 3 Verginia Cretu
Concepts and principles that mean respecting the inalienable rights of the disabled person / 36
Chapter 4 Alexandru Tascu
Behavioral disorders caused by brain disorders / 70
Chapter 5 Alin D. Rasina
Parkinson's disease: pathological and psychological implications / 84
Chapter 6 Cornel Mihalache
Psychic and functional decline in Alzheimer's disease / 106
Chapter 7 Mihaela Gheorghiu
The positive approach of the mentally disabled patient / 126
Chapter 8 Iuliana Badulescu
Recovery of the mentally ill - current debates / 138
Chapter 9 Andreea C. Constantin & Iulia M. Tirscoveanu
Autobiographical memory in psychopathology studies / 158
Chapter 10 Daniela Ionescu, Georgiana Ichimescu, Denisa F. Neacsu, Andrei Petre, Valentina Nastase
Disadaptive aspects of behavior / 175
Health psychology is an extremely vast field of study, with profound implications in psychological practice in all areas of human and social life. This paper aims to provide those with additional training modern landmarks in this discipline. The set of volumes entitled “Health psychology - applied approaches - includes specialized studies, signed by Romanian authors, university teachers, practitioners from health organizations, but also young aspirants to a career in health. The objective of these publications is represented by the increase of the informative capital, the updating of the information within the university curriculum, the highlighting of some Romanian, international contributions, and, especially, of the personal contributions of the authors, capitalizing the current scientific interests and practical experience.
Both the studies in the volumes published in 2010 and those that will follow aim to cover general and specific topics in health psychology. In a review of the topics we mention the following topics: the need to study health psychology, models in health psychology (eg, biopsychosocial model), body systems (nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, etc.), diseases and psychology (in heart disease, diabetes, congestion, brain damage, arthritis, HIV, etc.), applications in specialized subfields (psychoendocrinology, psychoneuroimmunology, psychocardiology, etc.), promoting healthy behavior (eg, maintaining a healthy diet, weight control, sleep , smoking and alcoholism - psychological, social aspects, treatment strategies), patterns of behavior change, accident prevention, behavior and severe diagnoses, such as cancer, stress and determinants, illness, personality and coping, well-being, social and family support , couple, mental balance, the role of the psychologist in the therapy of sick people, answer emotional disorders in chronic diseases (denial, anxiety, depression), techniques for controlling thoughts, emotions or other maladaptive symptoms, pain and chronic disease management, pain psychotherapy (hypnosis, guided imagery, patient distraction, etc.), quality of life, psychological intervention in chronic disease, patient education, health promotion programs, methodological aspects (evaluation, measurement of health status and countless psycho-behavioral variables), challenges of research and applications of health psychology in certain existential settings (family, clinics, organizations , etc.), use of health services, interventions in hospitals or specialized units, hospitalization of children, preparation for medical interventions, characteristics of people working in the field of health, psychologist-patient communication, patient-doctor, analysis of costs necessary to run programs health etc.
To these topics are added modern contributions: the boundaries of psycho-behavioral normality, studies of healthy personality, positive personality, psychological aspects in brain pathologies, maladaptive phenomena, mental fragility in psychosomatic disorders, studies on family and partnership dynamics, activities and therapeutic relationships, current standards of practice in the field of health psychology, etc. The intention of the publisher, but also of the authors is to continue this editorial approach in the coming years, having the will to consolidate the training of applicants for employment in the field of health, but also of those who already work in these structures.