Despite what the press articles say, that the authors who write about the pandemic would do it for "financial speculation", we consider that the statement has an air of superiority. Most likely, there are a tiny number of writers who want to be more visible during this period and try to take advantage of the subject of the pandemic. In our case, this is not the case. Care for society and its destiny has enabled us to work on a guide; a thoughtful psycho-social recipe book, starting from the observed behaviors.
101 freedoms during the pandemic. Psycho-socio-behavioral realities of Romanians are presented in the form of field observations and analyzes. I reported these observations to science and psychoanalysis, out of a desire to provide added value.
The idea of the book came from the thought that the Romanian population should / should have had access to a National Register of their own freedoms in such a period. Just as you go to the National Registry of Sex Offenders and look for what you need, so do liberties.
Throughout the writing, liberties have undergone transformations. They were written breathlessly, based on our creative elements. Some would call it inspiration. Others, originality. The purpose of freedoms was decided when we identified three macro dimensions through which they could be exploited by the reader, at the mental level: psychological, social and behavioral.
We recommend reading to the general public, as well as to lovers and enthusiasts of psychology, psychoanalysis, sociology, psychiatry, law; in general, to those who come as training from the socio-human sciences, who want to find answers and perspectives.
Alin Les
ALIN LES has completed a PhD in Criminological Psychology (Psychology and Criminology) at the University of Bucharest on the topic of normal and paraphiliac sexual phantasies in normal subjects and sexual offenders (rapists). He has also studied and participated in specialist training programmes in Clinical Psychology, Criminology, Criminal Law, Polygraph Techniques, Educational Sciences and Theology.
In 2016, Mr Les was the first to introduce Criminological Psychology as a subject in Romania at the University of Bucharest through the Master’s Programme „Applied Psychology in the Field of National Security” in „Psychopathology, Psychological Criminology and the Assessment of Simulated Behaviour”. He is currently an Associate Professor with the University of Pitesti, where he teaches „Judicial and Criminological Psychology”.
Mr Les provides psychological, judicial and criminological advice to investigators, forensic pathologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, sexual offenders and victims. He has published 20 papers in the field of social, psychoanalytical, behavioural, criminological and couple’s psychology, some of which are: Criminologie si psihologie criminologica (Criminology and Criminological Psychology) (Oscar Print, 2013), Monologuri PSI despre cuplul modern (PSI Monologues on the Modern Couple) (Paideia, 2013), In logica stiintelor criminale (Insight into the Logic of Criminal Sciences) (co-author Ruxandra Rascanu), Psihopatologia fantasmelor sexuale (The Psychopathology of Sexual Phantasies) (Universul Juridic, 2018), Cum vad eu iubirea. Un A-Z clinic (My Perspective on Love. A Complete Clinical Analysis) (Ars Docendi, 2020), Psihologie criminologica. Rolul psiho(pato)logiei clinice in descifrarea comportamentului criminal (Criminological Psychology. The Role of Clinical Psycho(patho)logy in Deciphering Criminal Behaviour) (Editura Universitara, 2020), 101 libertati in vremea pandemiei. Realitati psiho-socio-comportamentale ale romanilor (101 Liberties During the Pandemic. Psychological, Social and Behavioural Realities in Romania) (Editura Universitara, 2020), Despre minciuna (On Lies) (Editura Universitara, 2020).
Mr Les is well-known in Romania for having created the Sexual Phantasy Assessment Questionnaire (CEFS) psychological instrument. He is also a member of Division 39 of the American Psychological Association: Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytical Psychology.
Despite what the press articles say, that the authors who write about the pandemic would do it for "financial speculation", we consider that the statement has an air of superiority. Most likely, there are a tiny number of writers who want to be more visible during this period and try to take advantage of the subject of the pandemic. In our case, this is not the case. Care for society and its destiny has enabled us to work on a guide; a thoughtful psycho-social recipe book, starting from the observed behaviors.
101 freedoms during the pandemic. Psycho-socio-behavioral realities of Romanians are presented in the form of field observations and analyzes. I reported these observations to science and psychoanalysis, out of a desire to provide added value.
The idea of the book came from the thought that the Romanian population should / should have had access to a National Register of their own freedoms in such a period. Just as you go to the National Registry of Sex Offenders and look for what you need, so do liberties.
Throughout the writing, liberties have undergone transformations. They were written breathlessly, based on our creative elements. Some would call it inspiration. Others, originality. The purpose of freedoms was decided when we identified three macro dimensions through which they could be exploited by the reader, at the mental level: psychological, social and behavioral.
As I mentioned, I analyzed freedoms from a double triple perspective. On the one hand, from the perspective of three dimensions: psychological, social and behavioral. Psychological - because everything went through everyone's psychic filters. Social - because, inevitably, man is not allowed to live in isolation, and behaviorally, because by the way we responded to internal stimuli (emotional, emotional) and external (prohibitions by military ordinances, statements on their own responsibility , wearing masks and gloves, etc.), I acted or reacted. Basically, freedoms were analyzed both as an effect of a mix of new circumstances and as the possibility of alternatives to see life.
Knowing / observing a wide range of behaviors, attitudes, states that, when explained, open the reader's eyes was part of the objectives of this book. We were interested in giving the reader the opportunity to reflect on these freedoms. The pandemic has sharpened our senses and any ban has inflamed our psycho-social space. On the other hand, but also as a continuity, the idea of freedoms that will last over time, regardless of the stages of the pandemic - pre-, in- and post- - came to life at the time of the panic, following the discovery of the first military ordinances. The psychological, social and behavioral symptoms of the first days of the pandemic played a major role in the decision to put on paper suggestions to get over what could be called easier. In a broad sense, the 101 freedoms have a modest claim to take the place of that good psychotherapist who would have helped us get over the impasse caused by SARS-VOC-2 faster.
We recommend reading to the general public, as well as to lovers and enthusiasts of psychology, psychoanalysis, sociology, psychiatry, law; in general, to those who come as training from the socio-human sciences, who want to find answers and perspectives.
Alin Les
Argument / 13
Libertatea 1. Despre incertitudine / 16
Libertatea 2. Despre libertatea captiva / 16
Libertatea 3. Despre infidelitate / 16
Libertatea 4. Despre frica / 16
Libertatea 5. Despre control / 17
Libertatea 6. Despre fidelitate / 17
Libertatea 7. Despre incredere / 17
Libertatea 8. Despre caracter / 18
Libertatea 9. Despre angoapohondrie (angoasa vulnerabilitatii la rau si boala) / 18
Libertatea 10. Despre valori / 18
Libertatea 11. Despre sadism 19
Libertatea 12. Despre temperament / 19
Libertatea 13. Despre cultura violentei / 20
Libertatea 14. Despre realaptare / 21
Libertatea 15. Despre eroarea de planificare / 22
Libertatea 16. Despre Inconstient / 22
Libertatea 17. Despre atasament / 23
Libertatea 18. Despre stres / 25
Libertatea 19. Despre perspective / 26
Libertatea 20. Despre „lau” / 26
Libertatea 21. Despre paranoia / 27
Libertatea 22. Despre introspectie si iluzia introspectiva / 28
Libertatea 23. Despre indiferenta pozitiva / 30
Libertatea 24. Despre tortura / 31
Libertatea 25. Despre iertarea continua / 32
Libertatea 26. Despre deziceri/ 33
Libertatea 27. Despre anestezierea Sinelui / 34
Libertatea 28. Despre recompense / 35
Libertatea 29. Despre vise / 37
Libertatea 30. Despre sindromul oboselii cornice / 39
Libertatea 31. Despre sindromul resemnarii / 40
Libertatea 32. Despre infidelitatea compulsiva / 42
Libertatea 33. Despre fanteziile/fantasmele sexuale feminine (I) / 44
Libertatea 34. Despre fanteziile/fantasmele sexuale feminine (II) / 46
Libertatea 35. Despre fanteziile/fantasmele sexuale feminine (III) / 47
Libertatea 36. Despre suspiciuni / 48
Libertatea 37. Despre nopti / 49
Libertatea 38. Despre absurd / 52
Libertatea 39. Despre iluminare / 52
Libertatea 40. Despre modestie / 52
Libertatea 41. Despre etica / 53
Libertatea 42. Despre tolerabilitate / 53
Libertatea 43. Despre solidaritate si solitaritate / 54
Libertatea 44. Despre posesie / 54
Libertatea 45. Despre necunoastere / 55
Libertatea 46. Despre defecte / 55
Libertatea 47. Despre pronie / 56
Libertatea 48. Despre speculatie / 56
Libertatea 49. Despre relatiile homosociale, biosociale si heterosociale / 57
Libertatea 50. Despre fantezie / 58
Libertatea 51. Despre graba / 59
Libertatea 52. Despre conflicte / 60
Libertatea 53. Despre ura / 62
Libertatea 54. Despre impostura / 62
Libertatea 55. Despre deranj / 63
Libertatea 56. Despre uniformizarea negativa / 64
Libertatea 57. Despre indurare / 64
Libertatea 58. Despre foame / 65
Libertatea 59. Despre comparatii sociale si barfe / 66
Libertatea 60. Despre ordini (individuale si mondiale) / 67
Libertatea 61. Despre iubire 69
Libertatea 62. Despre simplitate / 71
Libertatea 63. Despre fatalitate / 72
Libertatea 64. Despre frig / 73
Libertatea 65. Despre irationalitatea funciara / 74
Libertatea 66. Despre adevarul social al sexualitatii feminine / 75
Libertatea 67. Despre exodul in Germania / 78
Libertatea 68. Despre manele / 79
Libertatea 69. Despre optimism / 79
Libertatea 70. Despre negociere / 81
Libertatea 71. Despre contaminare / 81
Libertatea 72. Despre rezistenta / 82
Libertatea 73. Despre preferinte / 82
Libertatea 74. Despre onoare / 83
Libertatea 75. Despre rusine / 84
Libertatea 76. Despre excelenta / 84
Libertatea 77. Despre show-uri / 85
Libertatea 78. Despre oglindire / 86
Libertatea 79. Despre pretentii / 86
Libertatea 80. Despre umanitate /. 87
Libertatea 81. Despre ascensiune si reconfort / 88
Libertatea 82. Despre criminalitate / 89
Libertatea 83. Despre cumpatare (I) / 90
Libertatea 84. Despre cumpatare (II) / 91
Libertatea 85. Despre reconfort / 93
Libertatea 86. Despre lectura / 94
Libertatea 87. Despre invincibilitate / 95
Libertatea 88. Despre curaj / 97
Libertatea 89. Despre spionaj / 98
Libertatea 90. Despre masurile de relaxare (teritorialitate) / 99
Libertatea 91. Despre gang-bang / 101
Libertatea 92. Despre supravietuire / 103
Libertatea 93. Despre pasiunile putin puternice / 104
Libertatea 94. Despre intetirea comportamentala / 106
Libertatea 95. Despre managementul irascibilitatii / 107
Libertatea 96. Despre schema piramidala a abuzului sexual / 109
Libertatea 97. Despre continutul delirului / 113
Libertatea 98. Despre terorism / 114
Libertatea 99. Despre comportamentul social in fata educatiei sexuale si a violului / 116
Libertatea 100. Despre abuz / 119
Libertatea 101. Despre libertatea absoluta, completa si neechivoca a cuvantului / 122
Referinte bibliografice / 125