ISBN: 978-606-591-051-5
Publisher year: 2010
Edition: I
Pages: 426
Publisher: Editura Universitara
Author: Vasile Miltiade Stanciu
Economic integration as a model of sustainable human development can sometimes carry with it the meaning of difficult to explain our evolution as a whole. Never in history, man has ceased to deal with both as himself, and especially with his peers in a fierce competition and sometimes continue to struggle with negative externalities of evolution, "greed" of nature, social inequities and shortcomings submission in age. The answers to these struggles and searches have been solved in the human community membership stable, powerful able to solve problems together the multitude of economic, social, spiritual, cultural, political and institutional.
Lack of trust in others, disappointments generated by them, or any other insurmountable obstacles encountered and led to the creation of an illusory reality obtained by isolation. Sometimes isolation from the community was the human response to the problems they face. But that was not a solution for development and progress. Probably, one of the only solutions to resolve human-human social challenges was the integration into a viable institutional structure. A high structure that both numbers and level of complexity and functionality, which resulted either in family or community organization or the European Union.
European integration process started years ago cincizecisidoi was marked by complexity when life was characterized by direct interdependent but also some uncertainty and opposite direction, which led him to evolve into what it is today. European integration process undertaken by institutional freedoms must contribute to the development but only in respect for the identity of meaning, by promoting the diversity of identities in the name of rationality and hope the best for the entire community of living: people, environment, communities, organizations, institutions and families. Simultaneously, the evolution of meaning it is based on a natural development, fair and normal for all countries involved in the integration process, with the final aim of increasing the wealth and living standards for their populations.
Studying the problem of integration in the context of realities such as sustainable development, globalization and competitiveness issues that we intend to reveal the role and purpose of education lead in this process. The role of education in these times of need is fundamental to tip the balance in that part should go humanity. The assertions are even more important if we think that the fruits of education are not collected immediately, but after a longer process of 20-30 years or longer.
At the same time, the fact that education is closely related to economic development can not be questioned in developed countries, and not only has an economic role special education. Education is essential for the economy itself, the famous American economist JK Galbraith said. Essential factor in the evolution of the individual or company is education. Should the best education to benefit all the population including those who are the lowest on the social ladder, because they most need the means that allow them to move upward, that escape from ignorance, continue JK GalbraithF. No doubt the words of the famous economist, on the contrary, support its view, stressing the to be created so that both education and development, and why not economic as a whole, to combine to generate the final prosperity for every citizen. In light of our paper this framework is provided by the EU institutional structure called life which, in our opinion, is in the process of transition from horizontal to the vertical transition. The first step was generated by a dream, the European to the participation of individuals, peoples, nations interpreted as a whole, was born and developed for over a few hundred years going through gradual stages: Utopian dream-dream achievable - dream do.
The second stage is the vertical transition of the Union shall enter into the next period: when changes need to occur from the inside out. Home community of the people of Europe have to shelter under one roof all its citizens, whether they are called, German, French, English, Romanian, Bulgarian, Luxembourg etc. Must provide access equally to wealth and prosperity, conditions of work and life, the opportunities offered. In their absence or in increasing differences between the houses of common European dream can say that has not fully met.
On the other hand, starting from the premise that I entered the XXI century century should be century Responsibility believe that economic integration must take into account the same extent and reality of the needs, the interests of integrated, so integration to be based on the principle of win-win for all parties included in the process and not just called win-loss, in which, unfortunately, only one side wins, usually the strongest.
In this context, consider that the work is current, and by focusing the analysis on two directions, that of integrating the competitiveness on the one hand, and the role they occupy in the competitive education, on the other hand, along with proposal a new paradigm for understanding and interpretation of things, the whole health living, trying to open scientific debate deep in the Romanian society, and not only to bring into question the important role of education in increasing competitiveness, in the broader integration process in Europe.
Our approach, cross accents sometimes more or less acidic, and proposed to try to demonstrate the importance of educational process in terms of fulfillment of human life. Economic integration project with the principle of competitiveness which is so based education is a very exciting intellectual challenge but also difficult. Certainty of hope in a world ruled by European-based competitiveness responsibility to use knowledge that is founded on education, we claimed during approach this topic.
Integrare economică prin competitivitate. Paradigma sănătăţii întregului viu
DownloadMiltiade Stanciu is lecturer at Spiru Haret University - Department of Marketing and International Economic Affairs and associate professor at National School of Political and Administrative Studies, Faculty of Communication and Public Relations. He has a PhD in Economics at the Academy of Economic Studies. He completed a Masters in Communication Policy, National School of Political and Administrative Studies, Faculty of Communication and Public Relations, Bucharest and postgraduate courses in Communication and Public Relations, National School of Political and Administrative Studies, Faculty of Communication and Public Relations. It is licensed Maiorescu University, School of Accounting and Management Information Systems, specializing in finance and banking.
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