From time immemorial, man has been concerned with providing daily food that would allow him to survive and live. As soon as he was aware of the many needs of his body, he sought to improve and diversify his diet by drawing on natural animal and plant resources.
With the development of society and due to the emergence of new means of processing existing natural raw materials, food has undergone a different evolution, moving from organic food, based on whole natural foods to that based on cultural foods. Currently, the consumer has a complex diet, desirable as balanced as possible so as to provide the body with all the necessary nutrients.
Nutrition is a process by which more than fifty substances (essential nutrients) are introduced into the body, necessary for growth, development, development of vital processes and energy supply and for modern man, it must be adapted to the conditions in which it carries out its daily activity. so that he remains physically and mentally healthy.
Increasingly sedentary life, stress, lack of physical activity, the fact that intellectual work has an increasing share, makes modern man consume high amounts of stimulants (coffee, tea, alcohol) and ready-made foods, with a high content of chemical additives, misled by the tastes that deceive us most of the time by urging harmful, devitalized foods. These negative aspects of the current diet require an education in children in order to adopt and promote a rational diet. We are already facing cases of childhood obesity, as a result of the increasing and more frequent consumption, from an increasingly young age, of unsuitable foods (junk ‑ food) which through attractive organoleptic characteristics urges to consumption.
Rational nutrition determines the consumption of foods with a complete and balanced content of nutrients, vitamins and mineral salts. Given the extraordinary offer on the food market, a rational diet is not difficult to achieve. The available goods are able to satisfy the most diverse tastes, ensuring at the same time the rational nutrition towards which we must strive.
The commodity is the material correspondent of a determined consumption need. This material correspondent created to be made by the market - material object (including as a support for various information) - appears in two hypostases: as a product ‑ entity until the contracting phase, then as a batch of identical goods, homogeneous and finished products until the moment of sale, when it is transmitted to the consumer, again, as a product ‑ entity. Traditional merchandise defines goods as a movable economic good intended for exchange, which meets certain requirements of materiality and transferability. This can be considered, on the one hand, a means of satisfying particular needs derived from the subjective desires and aspirations of the individual, and on the other hand, a system of means of production derived from the social consumption system.
At present, the consumer behavior of consumers tends to become more uniform due to the increasingly differentiated, more complex supply of goods that better meets expectations. In reality, however, consumption is based on a small number of grains, potatoes, meat, eggs of birds grown industrially for this purpose, emulsified and refined fats.
Modern goods, viewed as a whole, have a functional component - having a precise destination, it meets a well-defined purpose; an instrumental component - the technical ‑ economic circulation of the goods is based on a judiciously established technical and commercial logistics; an aesthetic component - the commodity being a form of mediation between the needs of consumers and the possibilities of producers, based on the design and aesthetics of the product and last but not least includes a social component, because it generates a certain satisfaction in consumption, determines preferences and builds consumer loyalty. namely social status.
Taking into account the daily demand that acts on consumers, it is especially important to pay more attention to food and implicitly to food quality.
A healthy diet involves, first of all, knowing the truth about food and secondly eliminating harmful substances from the daily diet. Eating healthy, relying on authentic information, can prevent discomfort caused by diseases due to a chaotic diet.
Ignoring the direct relationship between food and health, the negative effects will not be long in coming, which is why this material is a useful tool for all food consumers, interested in knowing the basics of a rational, healthy diet.