ISBN: 978-973-749-871-7
Publisher year: 2010
Edition: I
Pages: 230
Publisher: Editura Universitara
Author: Rosemarie HaineÅŸ
I considered necessary to address this issue for several reasons: first, the fact that the term public image, although appears very often in everyday speech, is not known in depth its significance, mechanisms and processes that train individual, in the Second, it has become fashionable to talk about image and perception, without knowing too well what it means, thirdly, for the interest with which my students have approached this topic, Fourth, because the institutions of Romania and policy makers rather derisory grant them various forms of communication and expression, in the fifth row, for an effort of synthesis of all of us interested in studying communication, you must determine the integration of theoretical knowledge in practical reality in Romania. This paper is of a wide target audience: students, opinion leaders, journalists, advertising, public relations and marketing specialists, heads of organizations and public institutions, the public ultimately they will have a good view through the a new field, but fascinating social communication.
Imaginea institutionala
DownloadRosemarie haines is Associate Professor PhD at the National School for Political and Administrative Sciences, faculty of Public Administration. She published at Editura Universitara the following books: "Institutional image" and "Communication techniques in organizations".
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