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Editura Universitara Christian Lfe: Theological and Practical Aspects - Sorin Badragan

ISBN: 978-606-28-0749-8

DOI: 10.5682/9786062807498

Publisher year: 2018

Edition: I

Pages: 208

Publisher: Editura Universitara

Author: Sorin Badragan

Product Code: 9786062807498 Do you need help? 0745 200 718 / 0745 200 357
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Christianity is life. Far from being a simple religious system, biblical Christianity means a living relationship with a living God.
The Christian life is dynamic, surprising and especially holistic - there are no areas of life untouched by the Christian faith. For the practicing Christian, everything is viewed through the lens of the Holy Scriptures and through the principles of the Christian life: personal experience, family life, social life.
Starting from this premise, the present study is intended to be a theological-homiletical conversation between the biblical landmarks of the Christian life and the practical dimensions of lived Christianity. Attention is paid to some theological aspects of the Christian life, as well as some of the more practical overlapping areas - the individual and the community: Christianity is always part of God's people, who are engaged in a pilgrimage to the heavenly homeland.

Sorin Badragan


1.1. What is the Christian life? / 9
1.2. Faith - the condition of the Christian life / 13
1.3. Birth from God / 24

2.1. The poor Christian in spirit / 34
2.2. The weeping Christian / 37
2.3. The Gentle Christian / 39
2.4. The hungry and thirsty Christian according to justice / 41
2.5. The merciful Christian / 43
2.6. The Christian with a pure heart / 45
2.7. The pacifying Christian / 47
2.8. The Christian obedient to the Lord / 49
2.9. The Christian brings sacrifices that cost him / 56
2.10. The Christian rises if he has fallen / 65
2.11. The fruitful Christian / 74
2.12. The Christian closely follows Christ / 80
2.13. The Christian carries his cross / 86
2.14. The Christian who walks with God / 92
2.15. A motto for a happy Christian life / 98

3.1. The church modeled after the divine project / 105
3.2. The expanding church / 108
3.3. The fighting church / 114
3.4. Holy Church / 120
3.5. Spiritually revived church (1) / 127
3.6. The spiritually revived church (2) / 134
3.7. Church and healthy teaching / 140
3.8. The church in the apologetic dimension / 148
3.9. The church full of love and passion / 154
3.10. The faithful church until death / 163
3.11. Pure moral and doctrinaire church / 170
3.12. The church struck by idolatry / 176
3.13. Living Church / 183
3.14. The Church Guarded by the Power of God / 188
3.15. The Church (in) dependence on God / 194



Crestinismul este viata. Departe de a fi un simplu sistem religios, un artefact pur institutional si guvernat de principii abstracte, crestinismul biblic inseamna o relatie vie cu un Dumnezeu viu. Desigur, de aici rezulta imediat ideea ca un crestinism autentic trebuie sa fie trait coram Deo si totodata, am putea spune, coram hominibus.

Viata crestina este dinamica, surprinzatoare si mai ales holistica – nu exista domenii ale vietii neatinse de credinta crestina. Pentru crestinul practicant, totul este privit prin lentila Sfintelor Scripturi si prin principiile vietii crestine: trairea personala, viata de familie, viata sociala.

Studiile referitoare la viata crestina sunt binevenite fiindca ele au intotdeauna un actual „obiect al cercetarii”. Cata vreme viata crestina este traita ne aflam mereu intr-o fascinanta expeditie de explorare a unor provocari noi intr-o societate globalizata. Totusi „calatoria” nu se face fara a sti care este originea si destinatia noastra finala si nici uitand ghidul biblic care ne ajuta sa ne orientam in complexul peisaj religios si ideologic al zilelor noastre.

Plecand de la aceasta premisa, studiul de fata se doreste sa fie o „conversatie teologico-homiletica” intre reperele biblice ale vietii crestine si dimensiunile practice ale crestinismului trait. Ne vom focaliza atat asupra unor aspecte teologie ale vietii crestine, cat si asupra celor din zona mai practica. Mai mult, tinand seama de faptul ca viata crestina se traieste la nivel individual, dar si comunitar, am incercat si noi sa avem in atentie aceasta delimitare, una deschisa, ce-i drept: nimeni nu poate trai un crestinism de tip individualist, uitand de comunitate, si invers.

Pentru a realiza obiectivele noastre am ales sa surprindem invataturile teologice referitoare la viata crestina, asa dupa cum apar ele in cateva pasaje esentiale din Sfintele Scripturi: „fericirile” din Predica de pe Munte, cateva texte relevante din Evanghelia dupa Ioan, invataturile Mantuitorului si cele pauline privitoare la Biserica si, in sfarsit, mesajele lui Isus Hristos adresate celor 7 biserici din cartea Apocalipsa, (mesaje pe care le consideram a fi paradigmatice pentru viata practica a tuturor bisericilor, pana la revenirea lui Cristos).

Credem ca aceste texte biblice surprind cele mai semnificative elemente privitoare la viata crestina la nivel individual si comunitar (eclezial).

As dori sa multumesc tuturor celor care si-au adus aportul la initierea si continuarea calatoriei mele spirituale de-a lungul anilor. In ceea ce priveste redactarea si editarea, multumiri se cuvin dr. Constantin Ghioanca si sotiei mele, Monica. De asemenea, Editura Universitara, cu profesionalismul sau, a fost de un real ajutor.


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