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Editura Universitara Psychology of Human Development

38,54 Lei 26,97 Lei

ISBN: 978-973-749-865-6

Publisher year: 2010

Edition: I

Pages: 315

Publisher: Editura Universitara

Author: Florinda Golu

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Development issues, in general, the mental, in particular, has long in the area of ​​concern for many groups of scientists - philosophers, sociologists, anthropologists, doctors, biologists, psychologists, teachers - and continues to be and now a permanent complex studies, interdisciplinary, focusing on thorough investigation of physical mechanisms and genesis of the laws that govern the creation, evolution and functioning psyche throughout human ages.

The theme is of great theoretical and practical, as early foreshadowing discerning process, since the prenatal period, the basic mental structures and then the enrichment and diversification of their successive maturation during the life of the individual, we provide keys to understanding of what is constant and variable becoming psychological human being, of what normality and deviation from normality in the process.

It is obvious that, depending on the image we have on the internal dynamics of mental evolution - which begins in early childhood continue in adolescence and turns to young adults and the elderly - can structure practice certain ways of reporting the personality of the develop and conduct of the segment-specific response of individual time in its history.

Florinda work Golu, suggestively titled "The Psychology of Human Development", is a successful attempt, of high scientific, to respond, in terms of contemporary, these complex issues, thorny but fascinating psyche in the early dawn of human being and registration plamadirii developments and impending downturn of the time axis until the final moment of life.

The author predicts and demonstrates, with great wealth of scientific facts and arguments provided by the literature consulted and the results of original research, by itself, as the psychological genesis of this process, the decisive role is how hereditary factors work together , environmental and educational seen as being in a relationship overlap, coevolutie and mutual modeling.

This optical methodology - systemic and interactionist - crosses a red thread around the paper, can be found in the analysis of specific forms in each stage of development. It is used by the author explaining the foundation of what is common, constant and variable for individuals belonging to the same period of age, but practically are on different levels of development. The development paths systematically combines similar, with different homogeneous, general and with particular uniqueness of the individual.

Structured in twelve chapters, the book offers a panoramic view Florinda Golu chaining the cycle life performance, with their contrasting aspects, changing with their continuity and discontinuities. It insists, with reason, the pressure moments, conflict, crisis, generating new motivations of development that its print character kneading process, dramatically, in the context of which the individual is in a feverish search for self continues. Ages and stages of development are different, with different psychological profiles, but are not strictly defined, rigid, insurmountable boundaries. But every new stage breast is made in the previous stage and offers, in turn, passing the premises to the next stage. Hence the appearance of unique history and unitary time evolution of the human being, which itself remains always identical with itself, but at the same time, accumulate and assimilate various changes - cognitive, emotional, behavioral, action - adapting is the new status and roles in society and to bring about each new tier of age.

Of course, trying to the requirements and recommendations adaptezele social development actors often slip sliding slope certain deviations, deviations from expectations psycho-behavioral models. It produces so-called 'errors' development, which, uncorrected timely educational mechanisms, may cost him dearly on the individual, delaying it and reducing its potential evolution adaptive in relation to family life, professional, personal. The author is very careful to possible developments of these deformed, anomie, to identify signals of interest and outlines their improvement strategies.

Beyond the forefront of analysis, natural flowing, fluent in a structured path, I say, algorithms and constantly maintained by the author, the paper contains a construction background, which takes the form of boxes, tables and images, associated text, containing many case analysis, information exemplary, iconic materials that give theoretical support and substance treatment and determines that, overall, the text becomes very compelling, and his very pleasant reading.

The author avoid linear style, simplistic, superficial descriptive-narrative biographies of mental evolution of man and move to a more close to reality, combining description with analysis depth explanation. This quality, associated in a manner to lead happy with the way scientific discourse, which is a concrete, flexible, attractive, persuasive, cause psychological portrait of man with its various components, structured and sequenced chronologically, to gain consistency, color and color, to become a living, permeated by the lights and shadows, but their age and defining each period for each individual separately. However believes will motivate the reader to linger with interest on the text and make a pleasant and profitable reading.
Florinda work Golu school psychology is part of the Romanian tradition, with remarkable results in the longitudinal analysis of human evolution, how to make it different mental acquisitions, such as they manage and their multiplication is concerned with - that initiated and representative analysis of brand Professor Ursula is Schiopu.
Recommended, heat, readers - psychologists and nepsihologi - Florinda Golu book in the belief that they will find it both an information rich, diverse, modern on mental development of man and suggestions, methods and techniques to explore the psyche of the universe evolution and thus the performance improvement of knowledge of self and others.



Cuvânt înainte 9
Capitolul I – Dezvoltarea umană 15
1.1. Apariţia psihologiei dezvoltării. Conceptul de dezvoltare 16
1.1.1. Repere istorice în apariţia şi evoluţia psihologiei dezvoltării 16
1.1.2. Conceptul de dezvoltare 21
1.2. Caracteristici ale dezvoltării umane 26
1.2.1. Durata şi stadialitatea dezvoltării 26
1.2.2. Mecanisme şi factori explicativi ai dezvoltării 32
1.2.3. Metode de investigare 38
1.2.4. Teoriile dezvoltării umane 44
Capitolul II
Perioada prenatală 49
2.1. Concepţia. Dezvoltarea prenatală 50
2.2. Influenţe prenatale. Factori de risc 55
2.3. Pregătirea pentru parentalitate 60
Capitolul III
Naşterea. Nou-născutul (Stadiul sugarului) 61
3.1. Naşterea. Etapele naşterii 62
3.2. Depresia post-natală şi legătura părinte – copil 65
3.3. Nou-născutul 68
3.3.1. Caracteristicile generale ale nou-născutului 68
3.3.2. Dezvoltarea motorie. Reflexele nou-născutului 71
3.3.3. Dezvoltarea abilităţilor de învăţare 74
3.3.4. Dezvoltarea perceptivă şi intelectuală 77
Capitolul IV
Copilăria mică (antepreşcolaritatea) 83
4.1. Repere generice ale dezvoltării 84
4.2. Dezvoltarea cognitivă 87
54.3. Comunicarea şi limbajul 90
4.4. Dezvoltarea emoţională. Ataşamentul 96
4.5. Dezvoltarea psiho-socială. Importanţa climatului familial 101
4.6. Formarea conştiinţei de sine 104
Capitolul V
Preşcolaritatea 107
5.1. Caracteristici generale ale perioadei preşcolare 108
5.2. Creşterea fizică şi dezvoltarea motorie 111
5.3. Dezvoltarea intelectuală 113
5.4. Limbajul şi comunicarea cu ceilalţi 117
5.5. Structurile emoţionale şi de personalitate ale preşcolarului 119
5.6. Identitatea de gen, constanţa şi consistenţa genului 129
5.7. Jocul 130
5.8. Învăţarea la vârsta preşcolară 138
Capitolul VI
Mica şcolaritate 143
6.1. Aspecte generale ale micii şcolarităţi. Dezvoltarea fizică şi motorie 144
6.2. Dezvoltarea intelectuală 145
6.3. Dezvoltarea limbajului. Abilităţile de comunicare. Scris-cititul 149
6.4. Mediul şcolar. Învăţarea 155
6.5. Influenţe familiale 160
6.6. Dezvoltarea morală 168
6.7. Dezvoltarea socială şi de personalitate 170
6.8. Imaginea de sine. Stima de sine 176
Capitolul VII
Preadolescenţa 183
7.1. Aspecte generale ale creşterii, dezvoltării şi maturizării în preadolescenţă 184
7.2. Dezvoltarea cognitivă în perioada preadolescenţei 189
7.3. Maturizarea afectivă, morală şi de personalitate 194
7.4. Dezvoltarea socială şi de sine 196
7.5. Influenţe ale mediului şcolar: expectaţii şi percepţii sociale 198
Capitolul VIII
Adolescenţa 203
8.1. Evoluţia concepţiilor şi studiilor cu privire la perioada adolescenţei. Teorii 204
8.2. Caracterizarea generală a adolescenţei 206
8.3. Dezvoltarea fizică. Impactul psihologic al transformărilor fizice 209
8.4. Dezvoltarea socială şi de personalitate 213
8.5. Criza de originalitate 215
8.6. Relaţiile cu părinţii şi conflictul dintre generaţii 219
8.7. „Cine sunt eu?” sau în căutarea identităţii de sine 221
8.8. Adolescenţa – vârsta conturării opţiunilor şcolare şi profesionale 227
Capitolul IX
Tinereţea 233
9.1. Creştere şi maturizare personală 234
9.2. Dezvoltarea intelectuală 240
9.3. Dezvoltarea socială şi de personalitate 243
9.4. Stiluri de viaţă 249
9.4.1. Iubirea şi cuplul 250
9.4.2. Căsătoria 253
9.4.3. Divorţul 256
9.4.4. Parentalitatea 257
9.5. Dezvoltarea vocaţională. Alegerea carierei 260
9.5.1. Teoriile luării deciziei vocaţionale 261
9.5.2. Stadiile împlinirii vocaţionale 263
9.5.3. Alegerea profesiei 265
Capitolul X
Maturitatea 271
10.1. Caracterizarea generală a perioadei maturităţii 272
10.2. Funcţionarea intelectuală şi creativă: declin sau productivitate? 274
10.3. Criza vârstei de mijloc 275
10.4. Dezvoltarea socială şi de personalitate 276
10.5. Învăţarea la vârsta adultă, învăţarea permanentă 279
10.6. Profesia şi stresul ocupaţional 280
Capitolul XI
Bătrâneţea 285
11.1. Particularităţile vârstei 286
11.2. Teorii explicative ale procesului îmbătrânirii 291
11.3. Alternative pentru vârstnici 292
11.4. Funcţionarea socială şi de personalitate 294
11.5. Implicaţii sociale ale bătrâneţii 297 11.6. Teoriile adaptării la bătrâneţe 298
Capitolul XII
Sfârşitul vieţii. Moartea 301
12.1. Conceptul de moarte 301
12.2. Diversitatea percepţiilor şi atitudinilor faţă de moarte 303
12.2.1. Perspective istorice şi culturale 303
12.2.2. Perspectivele vârstelor 304
12.3. Atitudini în faţa morţii. Fazele morţii 305
Bibliografie 312



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Florinda Golu

Associate Professor, PhD degree in psychology.

Is teacher  of psychology at the University of Bucharest and is member of the Association of Psychologists in Romania.

She has  different books, studies and articles published in magazines.

Also is a member of staff to develop curriculum for Master of Educational Psychology.

At Editura Universitara she published Psihologia dezvoltarii umane.

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