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Editura Universitara Teste grila pentru examenul de licenta. Psihologie. Editia a II-a revizuita si adaugita

50,00 Lei 32,50 Lei

ISBN: 978-606-28-0831-0

DOI: 10.5682/9786062808310

Publisher year: 2018

Edition: II, revizuita si completata

Pages: 348

Publisher: Editura Universitara

Author: Steliana Rizeanu, coordonator

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Every year the licensure exam is constituted as a crowning of the construction of a professional in the field of psychology that the academic environment is thus preparing to consecrate. In this context, the first test of the licensure exam consists in checking the fundamental and specialized knowledge in psychology acquired during the three years of study. This check is carried out in the form of a grid-type written exam, in which each question has five answer options, but only one answer option is the correct one.
This year, the range of subjects included in this volume won two more fundamental pillars, thus ending up containing all the disciplines that will constitute the foundation, the foundation of the profession of psychologist.
The manual includes grid tests from the main subjects covered, the related bibliography and the correct answers for each question.
The second test of the licensure exam is represented by the defense of the licensure thesis, having as its theme a problem chosen by the student, under the coordination of a teaching staff, this last step being the crowning of the application of the fundamental knowledge, the bases of the knowledge of psychology in a research approach , to build a concretely applied science.
We recommend graduates to go through both the course notes taught by the teaching staff during the three years of study, as well as the additional bibliography presented in this manual.
We hope that the students of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the Hyperion University will benefit from the best quality training, this volume being a landmark in their preparation for completing the undergraduate cycle.

  • Test the grid for the license exam. Psychology. Second edition revised and added


Foreword / 7

1. Test the grid. Psychotherapy / 9
Steliana Rizeanu

2. Test the grid. Fundamentals of psychology / 36
Emil Razvan Gatej

3. Test the grid. Social psychology / 48
Emil Razvan Gatej

4. Test the grid. Psychic mechanisms / 60
Csaba Kiss

5. Test the grid. Experimental psychology / 85
Csaba Kiss

6. Test the grid. Dynamics of groups / 98
Aliodor Manolea

7. Test the grid. Personality psychology / 122
Florian Gheorghe

8. Test the grid. Theoretical bases of psychological evaluation / 151
Maria Tanase-Manzat

9. Test the grid. Psychodiagnosis of personality / 160
Maria Tanase-Manzat

10. Test the grid. Psychodiagnosis of aptitudes and intelligence / 174
Maria Tanase-Manzat

11. Test the grid. Clinical psychology / 184
Marinela Sarbu

12. Test the grid. Cognitive psychology / 210
Seramis Sas

13. Test the grid. Child and adolescent psychology / 234
Mihaela Stomff

14. Test the grid. Neuropsychology / 248
Mihaela Stomff

15. Test the grid. Adult and elderly psychology / 264
Mihaela Stomff

16. Test the grid. Psychology of education / 277
Mihai Covaci

17. Test the grid. Intercultural psychology / 298
Mihai Covaci

18. Organizational and managerial psychology / 318
Lavinia Tanculescu

19. Psychology of work / 333
Lavinia Tanculescu

Every year the licensure exam is constituted as a crowning of the construction of a professional in the field of psychology that the academic environment is thus preparing to consecrate. In this context, the first test of the licensure exam consists in checking the fundamental and specialized knowledge in psychology acquired during the three years of study. This check is carried out in the form of a grid-type written exam, in which each question has five answer options, but only one answer option is the correct one.
This year, the range of subjects included in this volume won two more fundamental pillars, thus ending up containing all the disciplines that will constitute the foundation, the foundation of the profession of psychologist.
The manual includes grid tests from the main subjects covered, the related bibliography and the correct answers for each question.
The second test of the licensure exam is represented by the defense of the licensure thesis, having as its theme a problem chosen by the student, under the coordination of a teaching staff, this last step being the crowning of the application of the fundamental knowledge, the bases of the knowledge of psychology in a research approach , to build a concretely applied science.
We recommend graduates to go through both the course notes taught by the teaching staff during the three years of study, as well as the additional bibliography presented in this manual.
We hope that the students of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the Hyperion University will benefit from the best quality training, this volume being a landmark in their preparation for completing the undergraduate cycle.


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