Writing this book was a remarkable didactic experience from several points of view. First, it brought together in the same effort people who did not think this was possible. Then, he tested the limits of understanding and self-transcendence, building the new from the old and bringing to the surface psychic and intellectual resources that no one suspected existed in the depths. Last but not least, he managed to illustrate a pedagogical ideal expressed by Noica: the school where nothing is taught, except states of mind, the school where the teacher also learns, continuously, even from the students, in which, from this perspective , "one does not know who gives and who receives." (Leon Bloy).
This is how this book was born, responding to the learning needs of our students, surprised by the novelty and difficulty of the logic and critical thinking subjects introduced, starting with the year 2022, in the entrance exam, by a decision of the management of the Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest , from November 24, 2021, accompanied by four subject models. I fully solved the critical thinking and formal logic exercises from these subject models.
And I had noticed something else: not only the students had difficulties in solving, but also the teachers.
To all, we offer a learning guide capable of following the versatility of the thinking of the examiners who make up the subjects and deconstructing, decoding, overcoming the difficulties disguised in natural language (e.g. "everyone can choose several activities/objects, but can also don't choose any of them" is different in meaning and logical content, therefore also as a formalization of "everyone can choose several activities/objects, but can also not choose any of them") or in the logical structure of one or the other of subjects, in their deceptive appearance, so similar to each other, in their constitutive essence, so different from each other.
In other words, we responded to versatility with versatility and diversity, bringing to the scene more solution possibilities, through several methods proposed as a solution: in chapter I we proposed two methods and we would have even had three, but the third one not having the universality necessary, we gave up on making it known; in chapter II, also two methods for solving reasoning with compound sentences; in chapter III, we have at our disposal, exposed, three methods, each having its "virtues", such as accuracy for the formalization method, speed for the natural deduction method or speculative character, originality and speed for the intuitive-speculative method; and finally, in chapter IV, which includes both reasoning with compound sentences and syllogisms, and which appears only in the models made public by the Faculty of Law in November 2021, I set out the same two methods from chapter II for reasoning with compound sentences and three methods for testing the validity of the syllogism, faster and with less possibility of making a mistake than the classic and dusty, now obsolete, method of Venn diagrams.
It should be remembered here that during the writing of this book, two of the authors, the seniors, created a fourth method of solving the type of problem that they called "the problem of relationally conditioned choice", the problem treated in this chapter, the method which somehow, cumulatively has all the "virtues" of the other methods mentioned above. Since this guide is written for students, future candidates for the Faculty of Law, we chose (painful choice) not to make it public, yet, in order not to make the book too dense. In addition, the logical calculation within this fourth method requires more in-depth knowledge, which most of the time a student does not have, but which the teacher can pass on to him.
Iterative combinatorial calculation, that's how we named our innovative method and decided to publish it later, separately, in a guide for teachers.
We hope that you will use the result of our effort that has metamorphosed into this book.
Parallel to the book, and somehow starting from its issue, we founded in our college, a college with an age of 135 years, the "Club of applied logic, linguistics and critical/creative thinking", the authors of the book being also founding members of this club, where the juniors, 20 in number, are now caught in a creative approach around some critical thinking problems and in another intellectual approach, translating "into our language" a useful and extremely attractive and synthetic book, an introduction to logic . This is how we understand promoting students as authors and translators, attracting them to the land, full of innovative surprises, of thinking, of knowledge, of ideas.
In conclusion, we would like to thank Mr. Vasile Muscalu, the director of the University Publishing House, for his openness to our project and who handled the publication of this book with great care and professionalism.