The paper "Approaches to Human Resource Management in the practice of the organization" is addressed to economists and master students interested in the strategic and multidisciplinary approach to the complex field represented by human resources.
The authors conceived this work, first of all, as a tool with the role of facilitating the assimilation of specialized knowledge. For this purpose, the content of the manual "HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT" was summarized, highlighting the essence of the concepts, principles, tools used in the multiple activities of specific processes. This first destination of the paper serves not only as a support for the seminar activities, but also as a working tool in preparation for the exam. In correlation with the basic material, but also with the elaborated syntheses, the authors designed questions and batteries of tests designed to verify the degree of assimilation of the knowledge contained in each chapter. The paper contains, for most chapters, case studies that illustrate with information and data close to reality without rendering it with full fidelity - activities that require solutions, creativity, initiative based, however, on a good knowledge of theoretical aspects.
Overall, the paper aims not only a synthesis and verification of the degree of understanding and mastery of specialized knowledge in the field of human resources, but also the identification and development of skills that practice management, in general, human resources management, in particular, ask them to reach professionalism.
In the hope that the paper will cover the exigencies of a pretentious public, the authors look forward to the suggestions of all those interested in the field, suggestions that could lead to the improvement of the current work.
The Authors
Foreword / 5
Chapter 1. Fundamental concepts of human resources / 9
1.1. The various conceptions regarding human resources / 9
1.2. Defining human resources / 10
1.3. Characteristics of human resources / 10
Chapter 2. The conceptual framework of Human Resources Management / 13
2.1. Defining Human Resource Management / 14
2.2. Specific goals and objectives of human resources management / 15
2.3. The content of human resources management / 16
Chapter 3. The evolution of the concept of Human Resources Management / 19
3.1. Staff administration stage / 19
3.2. Personnel management stage / 20
3.3. The entrepreneurial stage of Human Resources Management / 21
3.4. Post-entrepreneurial stage of Human Resource Management / 21
3.5. Stage of Strategic Human Resources Management / 21
Chapter 4. Trends of Human Resources Management in the conditions of market globalization / 24
4.1. Globalization and its impact on international human resources management. / 24
4.2. Evaluation and diagnosis regarding human resources management / 25
4.3. Calculating the return on investment in human resources (ROI) / 26
4.4. Models of strategic human resources management in the context of globalization / 26
Chapter 5. Strategic planning of human resources / 30
5.1. Definition, importance and particularities of strategic planning of Human Resources / 30
5.2. Stages of strategic human resources planning / 31
5.3. Methods and techniques used in strategic human resources planning / 33
Case study: "Forecasting the need for human resources in the travel agency - D&G Travel" / 34
Chapter 6. Organization of human resources / 38
6.1. Job analysis and definition / 38
6.2. Job design / 40
6.3. Post redesign / 41
6.4. Job evaluation / 41
Case study: Evaluation of positions based on score / 43
Chapter 7. Recruitment, selection and professional insertion / 51
7.1. Recruitment of human resources: definition, premises, content / 51
7.2. Human resources selection: definition, criteria, methods / 54
7.3. Professional insertion / 56
Case study: Selection interview / 57
Chapter 8. Training and professional development of staff / 61
8.1. Conceptual framework of training / 61
8.2. Vocational training methodology / 62
8.3. Professional staff development / 63
Case study: An admirable software with unpredictable effects / 64
Chapter 9. Career management / 68
9.1. The career concept / 68
9.2. Types of careers. Career anchors / 70
9.3. Career management / 71
Case study: "Good security outweighs bad danger" / 73
Chapter 10. Motivation of human resources / 77
10.1. Definition and characteristics of the concept of motivation / 77
10.2. The main types of staff motivation / 77
10.3. The main motivational theories / 78
Case study: "Above or outside" / 79
Chapter 11. Management of professional competencies / 83
11.1. Professional competence: meanings and definitions / 83
11.2. Factors of professional competence / 84
11.3. Types of professional skills / 85
Chapter 12. Rewards Management / 89
12.1. Definition and components of the reward system / 89
12.2. Salary: the fundamental component of the reward system / 90
12.3. Influencing factors and principles of the reward system / 91
Case study: What good. / 94
Annex 1. Post sheet “Receptioner” / 99
Annex 2. Post description “Reception Director” / 101
Annex 3. CV - European Model / 107
Annex 4. Model “Letter of Intent” / 109
Annex 5. Model career plan / 110
Annex 6. Labor Code 2013/112
Bibliography / 186
The paper "Approaches to Human Resource Management in the practice of the organization" is addressed to economists and master students interested in the strategic and multidisciplinary approach to the complex field represented by human resources.
The authors conceived this work, first of all, as a tool with the role of facilitating the assimilation of specialized knowledge. For this purpose, the content of the manual "HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT" was summarized, highlighting the essence of the concepts, principles, tools used in the multiple activities of specific processes. This first destination of the paper serves not only as a support for the seminar activities, but also as a working tool in preparation for the exam. In correlation with the basic material, but also with the elaborated syntheses, the authors designed questions and batteries of tests designed to verify the degree of assimilation of the knowledge contained in each chapter. The paper contains, for most chapters, case studies that illustrate with information and data close to reality without rendering it with full fidelity - activities that require solutions, creativity, initiative based, however, on a good knowledge of theoretical aspects.
Overall, the paper aims not only a synthesis and verification of the degree of understanding and mastery of specialized knowledge in the field of human resources, but also the identification and development of skills that practice management, in general, human resources management, in particular, ask them to reach professionalism.
In the hope that the paper will cover the exigencies of a pretentious public, the authors look forward to the suggestions of all those interested in the field, suggestions that could lead to the improvement of the current work.
The Authors