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Editura Universitara Communication Management and Public Relations in Business - Vadim Dumitrascu

35,00 Lei 22,75 Lei

ISBN: 978-606-28-1089-4

DOI: 10.5682/9786062810894

Publisher year: 2020

Edition: I

Pages: 190

Publisher: Editura Universitara

Author: Vadim Dumitrascu

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PR is the management of communication between the organization and its audiences. Audiences are groups of people important to the organization, who influence, through their decisions and behaviors, organizational evolutions and performances.

The PR's mission is to gain the public's attention in ways that are beneficial to the organization. Therefore, PR must be seen first of all as a systematic effort aimed at creating and maintaining mutual goodwill between the organization and its audiences. Goodwill has become an economic asset worthy of taking into account in the substantiation of managerial decisions, it is the one that strengthens relations, broadens the horizon of business cooperation, affirms and promotes brand values, etc.

PR helps the organization and its audiences to adapt to each other's needs, embodying the organization's effort to obtain constructive cooperation from well-defined groups of people. Thus, PR supports the organization to interact and communicate effectively with key audiences. It is important to remember that a company can choose its markets, but not always all key audiences.

The main purpose of PR is to convince. A good PR essentially means convincing and getting a positive result for the party initiating the communication. Therefore, PR influences opinions and beliefs to determine, at the level of key audiences, reactions and behaviors favorable to the organization.

The messages conveyed by PR are, above all, persuasive, regardless of the way they are communicated. But, unlike manipulation, PR seeks to gain voluntary acceptance, which will positively influence attitudes and behaviors. The credibility, both of the message and of the sender, is the decisive factor of the success of the PR activity.

  • Communication Management and Public Relations in Business



/ 7
Topic 1. Introductory notions regarding public relations (PR) / 7
Theme 2. PR and other forms of communication of the organization / 14
Topic 3. Strategic importance of PR / 21
Theme 4. PR as a function of modern management / 27
Theme 5. PR as a means of promoting corporate social responsibility / 33
Item 6. The internal mechanism of PR / 40
Theme 7. Technical aspects of PR / 46 management
Topic 8. Structuring PR / 53 messages
Theme 9. PR with the help of awarness / 59

/ 66
Theme 10. Identity, image, reputation - causes and interrelationships / 66
Theme 11. The global communication system of the organization / 75
Theme 12. Components of global communication: a synthesis / 85

/ 95
Theme 13. What is the brand (brand) / 95
Theme 14. Branding or brand management / 103
Topic 15. Brand communication / 112

/ 121
Theme 16. Manipulation communication / 121
Theme 17. Other persuasion techniques / 131
Theme 18. Mental programming in business / 141
Theme 19. Mental programming in sales / 150

/ 157
Theme 20. The content of organizational image management / 157
Theme 21. The process of creating the organizational image / 164
Theme 22. Crisis communication / 174



PR is the management of communication between the organization and its audiences. Audiences are groups of people important to the organization, who influence, through their decisions and behaviors, organizational evolutions and performances.

The PR's mission is to gain the public's attention in ways that are beneficial to the organization. Therefore, PR must be seen first of all as a systematic effort aimed at creating and maintaining mutual goodwill between the organization and its audiences. Goodwill has become an economic asset worthy of taking into account in the substantiation of managerial decisions, it is the one that strengthens relations, broadens the horizon of business cooperation, affirms and promotes brand values, etc.

PR helps the organization and its audiences to adapt to each other's needs, embodying the organization's effort to obtain constructive cooperation from well-defined groups of people. Thus, PR supports the organization to interact and communicate effectively with key audiences. It is important to remember that a company can choose its markets, but not always all key audiences.

The main purpose of PR is to convince. A good PR essentially means convincing and getting a positive result for the party initiating the communication. Therefore, PR influences opinions and beliefs to determine, at the level of key audiences, reactions and behaviors favorable to the organization.

The messages conveyed by PR are, above all, persuasive, regardless of the way they are communicated. But, unlike manipulation, PR seeks to gain voluntary acceptance, which will positively influence attitudes and behaviors. The credibility, both of the message and of the sender, is the decisive factor of the success of the PR activity.

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