This volume of poems represents the fruit of a creative effort over a period of nine years, most of the poems being written during the last three years (2021-2023).
Beyond the attempts to write ingenuous poems during school, the moment that revived this latency for me was the recollection of Nichita Stănescu's poem "Autumn Emotion" which I had already discovered 12 years ago and which I reinterpreted, in his own style, in the fall of 2015 ("Autumn has not yet come:/Cover my heart in place,/With a leaf of a tree,/Rather with your gaze:/Through your black eyes,/Feminine, deep, whole, /To admire the starry-darkness/On an immaculate white sky./Then I will find my shade,/On the stones I will rest,/Until autumn ends.”).
Being a geographer, the Brailean area of the Danube means for me, beyond other exotic horizons that attract me (read the poem Refrene from the echo of the air), a landmark of mental geography that has its origins in the period of my school childhood, when I was, in a certain way, fascinated by a visit to the Memorial House "D. P. Perpessicius", located very close to the Danube bank. There, I can say that I felt a special emotion in my soul, an inner state triggered by the intimate association between the Danube (not just any Danube, but the one right next to Brăila) and the literary creation of some emotional quality. I have always imagined that the sailor's monument on the Brăila cliff - depicted on the front cover and on the background of the inside pages - is, in fact, the statue of Ovidiu from Constanța, in a downstream-upstream sense, the Sea being brought, with all the inner experiences inspired by the Euxine Bridge, on the Danube up to Brăila (where, by the way, is the end of the maritime Danube on which ships from the Sea can board). For me, the Danube means, essentially, a setting for feeling that quasi-Bakovian atmosphere of a cloudy early autumn day, when, sitting alone on a bench on the cliff, I contemplate the smooth flow of a river of authentic thoughts and experiences this place where I find myself with all my being, this place surrounded by stone sculptures, like existential pillars. The Danube seen from the other bank is no longer the same for me: a matter of emotional perspective, anchored in certain narrow coordinates, both spatial-geographical and temporal-seasonal.
I also exploited the sensitivity towards the geographical space of Bărăganu (a "terrestrial sea", which leaves the sky with maximum display, like the Sea), which I celebrated through some poems. Next to the Danube that flows in the eastern part, the Bărăganului Plain means for me an almost sacred topos, limited to the west only by the visibility on the horizon of the Măcin Mountains - a primary landmark in my situation in this space that defines me in the most intimate depths of my being my.