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Editura Universitara European Union. Institutions, policies, activities

ISBN: 978-606-28-0440-4

DOI: 10.5682/9786062804404

Publisher year: 2016

Edition: a IV-a, revizuita si adaugita


Publisher: Editura Universitara

Author: Vidu Bidilean

Product Code: 9786062804404 Do you need help? 0745 200 718 / 0745 200 357
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Spirit Europe becomes increasingly obvious reality of our days. But how many know it, the idea of a united Europe was an elaborate's Montesquieu? Seen through the prism of current concerns in the field, thinking of this great philosopher had prophetic resonance. Indeed, Charles Louis de Montesquieu century dominated his life, the creator of modern sociology and political science. It's great to see, for example, that the idea of a united Europe was present so hard in the spirit of this great thinker, even before two centuries. Montesquieu's view of Europe to grant privileges to the position and the function it has in the world is certainly a Eurocentric idea, in a wider sense. He speaks of "European citizen" before and more than about "French citizen".

Currently, the European Union has become a reality. Ago over half a century, following visionary leaders created the European Union today: Konrard Adenauer Joseph Bech, Johan Willem Beyen, Wiston Churchill, Alcide de Gasperi, Walter Hallstein, Sicco Mansholt, Jean Monnet, Schuman Robeert, Paul- Henri Spaak, and Altiero Spinelli etc.

All these founding fathers were motivated by a common ideal: to create a united, peaceful and prosperous. But with the passage of time challenges have multiplied and we are far from truly speak of a united Europe. From this general perspective, this material consists in documentary information and advisory structures dealing with EU institutions and activities of various organs and body parts of these institutions. Throughout the paper, there was concern that the study developed to be reconciled, the content and form of those developed by the European Union, such ideas are clearly exposed to a clear disclosure of the addressing such issues. On this basis, the overall structure sections, chapters and subchapters, were subject just this purpose, and where appropriate, have appealed to the bibliographic references for more detailed information.

Over three editions compiled material presented always took into account the experience of Romania's integration into European and Transatlantic structures. Interference between the two millennia, the goal has become increasingly challenging and defiance. On the one hand, the European Union, appear more attractive to the candidate countries, on the other hand, the demands made on the integration were located at high levels for new partners. On 1 January 2007, through hard work over the years, Romania has been integrated into the European Union. Uniunea Europeana – institutii, politici, activitati

I wish to thank cordial gentlemen Acad. Prof. Dr. Dr. H. C. Paun Otiman - former secretary general of the Romanian Academy, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Banat, Timisoara, Prof. Dr. Ioan Vida former President of the Constitutional Court of Romania, Eng. Ovidiu Viorel Bidilean, a former researcher at the Institute of Agricultural Economics Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences in Bucharest and parliamentary expert, Mr. dr. Ionut Ifrim, researcher at the legal Research Institute of the Romanian Academy, PhD. Eng. Vili Dragomir, scientific Secretary of the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development - ASAS who supported and those preceding the occurrence of this issue.

The author will be solicitous to any comments and suggestions received from readers in a possible new appearance.

The author

  • Uniunea Europeana. Institutii, politici, activitati


Noua reeditare a lucrarii „UNIUNEA EUROPEANA – INSTITUTII, POLITICI, ACTIVITATI” vine sa confirme preocuparea autorului de a aduce mereu in actualitate subiectul prezentarii prin includerea modificarilor care au survenit in perioada de la prima aparitie a cartii (2000) pana in prezent.

Cu deosebire se evidentiaza, pe parcursul intregii lucrari, versiunea consolidata a Tratatului privind Uniunea Europeana, a Tratatului privind functionarea Uniunii Europene inclusiv a protocoalelor/anexelor la aceste tratate, astfel cum au fost ele modificate prin Tratatul de la Lisabona din decembrie 2007, intrat in vigoare la data de 1 decembrie 2009 dupa ratificarea lui de catre toate statele membre ale Uniunii Europene.

In egala masura sunt prezentate noile state care au devenit membre cu drepturi depline sau candidate la UE, inclusiv cele care au intrat in zona euro sau de libera circulatie prin Acordul de la Schengen. Si nu in ultimul rand schimbarile care au survenit in UE ca urmare a alegerilor parlamentare din anul 2014 s.a.

De asemenea, in lucrare sunt prezente si alte aspecte rezultate din cercetarea unui bogat material bibliografic aparut in ultima vreme in literatura de specialitate referitoare la UE.

Fara a iesi din logica prezentarii, autorul nu a ezitat sa intervina chiar in structura unor capitole, in ideea de a le racorda la noile cerinte impuse de dezvoltarea actuala si de noua perspectiva a constructiei europene. In acest fel, pastrand intact edificiul Uniunii, autorul a inclus in prezentare noi principii, judecati, concepte aparute recent in dezbaterea privind arhitectura Europei comunitare. Profesorul Vidu Bidilean, fost expert parlamentar cu vasta experienta in domeniu, s-a dovedit a fi un militant de forta pentru destinul economiei nationale, prin aceea ca a desprins din literatura de specialitate studiata, necesitatea ca economiile nationale sa beneficieze de mai multa atentie la nivelul deciziilor comunitare tinand seama de principiile generale care guverneaza statele membre – solidaritate, reciprocitate, identitate nationala, suveranitate s.a. O asemenea abordare se va dovedi benefica, in opinia noastra, pentru destinul si viitorul fiecarui stat membru din cadrul UE, inclusiv al cetatenilor sai.

Astazi suntem in fata unei reeditari binevenite pentru cei care doresc sa aiba o imagine de ansamblu asupra constructiei europene actuale: specialistii din cercetare si invatamant, studenti de la facultatile de profil, lumea politica (partide, parlament, guvernanti), reprezentanti ai puterii centrale si locale, mass-media, manageri de societati comerciale, oameni de Uniunea Europeana – institutii, politici, activitati afaceri, organizatii nonguvernamentale, intr-un cuvant toti cei interesati de constructia europeana sau cei care au legaturi, intr-o forma sau alta, cu organe sau organisme ale Uniunii Europene.

Iata de ce, reaparitia lucrarii este de bun augur pentru literatura de specialitate din Romania ca membra a UE, salutand publicarea acesteia intr-o editie noua, revizuita si adaugita.

Prof. Univ. Dr. Ioan Mircea Pascu

Vicepresedinte al Parlamentului European

si al Comisiei pentru Afaceri Externe

Vidu Bidilean
Vidu Bidilean He was born in Albesti - Bihar School "Samuil Vulcan" in Beius. Agronomic Institute of Timisoara and Bucharest Polytechnic Institute - postgraduate courses after graduation and to conduct all activities in higher education teaching positions occupied by the professor. In 1973, he received, through competition for an internship, specialization in Paris, the scholarship offered by the ILO - Geneva, the UN specialized body. After the revolution he worked as an expert in the Chamber of Deputies and Senate, general counsel at City Hall, consultant to SC Import - Export LLC ROBOT Cluj-Napoca (Roman-Austrian) and advisor to CENTROCOOP.
They noted that the author of a total of 32 editorial - treated, work, university courses was published alone or in collaboration, the various national and international publishing houses, about 250 articles, papers and studies that appeared in magazines or newsletters scientific, more than 100 teaching materials for use - classes, lessons, practical applications, case studies, analysis and diagnosis, about 120 scientific papers presented at various national and international, over 40 research contracts and agreements with institutions and diagnostic tests economic central research directions county agricultural, PHARE Remember and translations of French novels of Caesar Borgia and Tamerlane.
He participated actively in numerous international scientific meetings - congresses, conferences, symposia, to: Hamburg - Germany, Banff - Canada, Padova - Italy, Malaga - Spain, Prague, Budapest, Copenhagen, Raqqa - Syria, Belgrade, Moscow, Athens, Sofia , Beijing, Cairo to Lisbon, represented Romania at the European FAO General Conference, has been visiting professor at the University of Padova - Italy, and at Montpellier, Ain and Melun - France, supported the conference on economic issues.
Awards: Prize "Titulescu" of the Romanian Academy, "Merit Scholar" Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences "Gheorghe Ionescu-Sisesti" Prize "N. Densusianu "Daco Academy, Honorary Diploma of the National Association" Cult Heroes "orders and medals. He is a member of the Academy Daco.
This paper is the result of sustained research, as he worked during the Romanian Parliament. The entire acativitate Mr. prof. Vidu PhD Bidilean noted that a well-known personality in the economy both in Romania and abroad.

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