The work Geography of the world population represents a synthesis of the most important geodemographic aspects of the contemporary world.
Population is the fundamental element of society. The most important manifestations and achievements in the fields: economic, social, political, cultural, institutional find some of the main explanations in the population factor.
The human resource largely depends on the wealth of a nation, its power, its social and cultural achievements, its civilization in the last resort.
Vitality, dynamism, economic power, politics, the value of government systems, etc. of a society have been, are and will be related to the demographic component.
For the present and the future, the most accurate knowledge of demographic processes is of paramount importance, many scientific disciplines studying the population from different perspectives, using specific methods, techniques and tools.
Geography studies and interprets the complexity of demographic phenomena, factors of spatial distribution of the population, demographic gaps between countries and geographical regions, depending on time and space, the concrete natural, economic and social conditions.
The informational richness, as well as the authors' points of view on the topical problems, fully contribute to the deeper and more accurate knowledge of the geodemographic problems of today's world.
The close correlation of the population geography with other scientific fields is highlighted, showing the place of the population geography within the human geography, its object of study and its development directions.
Capitalizing on a series of statistical-demographic results and approaching them geographically, special emphasis is placed on spatial and regional aspects aimed at the distribution, dynamics, mobility and structure of the world population (by age groups and sexes, socio-economic, by means of life, ethno-cultural).
In carrying out this paper we started from the idea that the study of the population in the spatio-temporal perspective does not become convincing unless it explains all the mechanisms that lead to the described situation.
Based on statistical and territorial information were analyzed: birth rate, fertility, general and infant mortality, natural growth and types of demographic evolution, by country, but also by large geographical regions, evoking the role of demographic policies and their consequences.
Relationships between young people and the elderly, as well as imbalances between different age groups, the processes of aging or demographic rejuvenation that affect different parts of the world are also widely presented.
The activities of the population were also the object of the authors' attention, showing the decline of primary activities, the heterogeneous evolution of the secondary sector, the growth of the tertiary sector or highlighting the differentiated participation of the female and male population in economic life. of today's world.
Equally highlighted are the demo-economic imbalances that tend to be blurred as a result of voluntary migration, the dire consequences of military or religious conflicts that generate waves of refugees.
Last but not least, within the ethno-cultural structure of the population, new elements regarding the racial, ethnic, religious and linguistic diversity are highlighted.
This paper could not be completed without illustrating concepts such as human development, sustainable development and eco-development, as defining forms of human life.
Also, the study, which is completed by a rich illustrative material (maps, graphs, tables), is based on an extensive documentation, consulting national or international bibliographic and statistical sources.
The addressability area of the paper is represented by students, doctoral students, teachers, scientific researchers and specialists who are interested in the problems of the population seen through a geographical perspective.
The Authors