How to buy
You can buy books online, by phone or by email.
Online order
The book you want to order can be found by using the search field at the top of the page. Enter data about the book you are looking for: author, title or ISBN. You can also view other books from the same category, accessing the collection of which it is part, from the BOOKS / BOOK COLLECTIONS button.
While browsing, if you want to buy a book, press the "ADD TO CART" button and it is automatically added to your list. You can change the number of volumes you want at any time or delete an existing title in the cart. When you have finished choosing the books, click "SEE BASKET". You will see its contents and you can cancel or change the number of volumes ordered. Then press the "SEND ORDER" button.
On the order page, you will need to complete the following:
• Contact details: Email, Name, Telephone, Full address (County, City, Street, Number, Stairs, Block, Floor, Apartment, Intercom if applicable)
• Delivery Method:
Transport by express courier in the province, 18 lei (VAT included) for orders less than 125 lei;
Transport by express courier in Bucharest, 12 lei (VAT included) for orders less than 125 lei;
Transport by express courier in Bucharest or other localities, free for orders over 125 lei;
Lifting from our headquarters in Bucharest, Bd. Nicolae Balcescu no. 27-33, Bl. Unic, Sc. B, App. 38, intercom 38 C.
• Billing data
• Payment method: CASH upon delivery of the package, by CARD or by bank transfer - PO (Payment Order)
If you already have an account, you are asked to log in, and if you are a new customer, you are asked for information on contact details, delivery, invoicing, payment method. On the left side of the screen, view your shopping cart, the total cost - including the cost of transport. Also here you can make some necessary observations.
With the username and password you entered, you can log in to see your current order history or status, change / delete your profile, or place subsequent orders without re-entering your contact information.
Telephone order
By calling one of the numbers 021/315 32 47 or 0745 200 357, we can take your order. The requested data are the same as in the case of an online order:
• Contact details: Email, Name, Telephone, Full address (County, City, Street, Number, Stairs, Block, Floor, Apartment, Intercom if applicable)
• Delivery Method:
Transport by express courier in the province, 18 lei (VAT included) for orders less than 125 lei;
Transport by express courier in Bucharest, 12 lei (VAT included) for orders less than 126 lei;
Transport by express courier in Bucharest or other localities, free for orders over 125 lei;
Lifting from our headquarters in Bucharest, Bd. Nicolae Balcescu no. 27-33, Bloc Unic, Sc. B, Ap. 38, intercom 38 C.
• Billing data
• Payment method: CASH upon delivery of the package, by CARD or by bank transfer - PO (Payment Order)
Order by email
You can send your order by email to You will receive an answer by email or phone to confirm your order and the necessary data:
• Contact details: Email, Name, Telephone, Full address (County, City, Street, Number, Stairs, Block, Floor, Apartment, Intercom if applicable)
• Delivery Method:
Transport by express courier in the province, 18 lei (VAT included) for orders less than 100 lei;
Transport by express courier in Bucharest, 12 lei (VAT included) for orders less than 100 lei;
Transport by express courier in Bucharest or other localities, free for orders over 110 lei;
Lifting from our headquarters in Bucharest, Bd. Nicolae Balcescu NR. 27-33, Bl. Unic, Sc. B, App. 38, intercom 38 C.
• Billing data
• Payment method: CASH upon delivery of the package, by CARD or by bank transfer - PO (Payment Order).
You will receive the books by courier, at the mentioned address, in two working days.
There is no minimum value for an order.
We offer international delivery via DHL, for Europe, and via Romanian Post, for Europe, America, Australia and Asia.
The transit time differs depending on the destination country, 5-14 days, after order confirmation.
The order will be paid online, by card or by bank transfer, in which case the shipment will be made after receiving the payment confirmation from the bank.
Beneficiary of the PO: Editura Universitara SRL
Headquarters: Bucharest, Bd. Nicolae Balcescu no. 27-33
Trade Register: J40/2911/1994
CUI: RO7726230
IBAN: RO47 BACX 0000 0006 4971 1000, opened at Unicredit Bank, code Swift BACXROBUXXX.
The payment confirmation will be sent to
The international transport fee is 90 lei (VAT included) / order, regardless of the value and weight of the package or the destination country.