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Editura Universitara Technical Manual of Therapeutic Massage in Medical Practice and Complementary Physiotherapy, Vol. I-III. Revised and completed edition, 2023 - Anghel Diaconu

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Publisher: Editura Universitara

Author: Anghel Diaconu

Edition: revised and completed

Pages: 1126

Publisher year: 2023

ISBN: 978-606-28-1588-2

DOI: 10.5682/9786062815882

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"Through the methods of presentation and organization of the chapters, methodologies, notions and technical procedures, the content of the Treaty corresponds to the training and improvement requirements of specialists in the field, as well as the analytical program related to therapeutic massage, indicated as a therapeutic method, in the context of recovery programs or in prophylactic programs, being part of the golden tetrad of recovery."

Acad. Prof. Dr. Vasile CANDEA
Former President of AOSR and Honorary President

"In the medical literature of our country and of many other countries, monographs dedicated to the maneuvers and techniques of therapeutic massage have not been published until now. This work, "Manual of therapeutic massage technique", has the merit of removing the existing gap in the field.
The author of the work, Anghel Diaconu, specialist in balneo-physiotherapy and massage, having a long experience in the field, obtained remarkable results in improving the health of a large number of patients."

Prof. Dr. Stefan SUTEANU
Honorary President of the Romanian Society of Rheumatology

"The therapeutic massage technique manual is a necessary publication, it has the character of a monograph and the qualities of a comprehensive presentation, respecting all the sequences required for a detailed manual to provide the necessary information for professional training in the therapeutic massage section for balneophysiotherapists and physiokinetotherapists."

Prof. Dr. Adriana SARAH NICA,
Specialist in Recovery, Physical Medicine and Balneoclimatology

"The book proposes a complex and detailed approach to massage techniques, as a treatment method associated with physical therapy and physiotherapy. This monograph supports those who specialize in this field, by providing the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge."

Prof. Dr. Delia CINTEZA,
Specialist in Recovery, Physical Medicine and Balneoclimatology

"Going through the monograph, I noticed the wealth of information with practical applicability, useful for masseuses and physiotherapists with different training (students). The masseur must be a good connoisseur of the secrets of this true art of non-verbal communication with the suffering man, of transmitting messages from the outside intended to reharmonize his somato-psychic functionality."

Prof. Dr. Gilda MOLOGHIANU,
Specialist in Recovery, Physical Medicine and Balneoclimatology
  • Therapeutic massage technique manual in medical practice and complementary physical therapy, Vol. I-III. Revised and completed edition, 2023


The current edition of the "Technical Manual of Therapeutic Massage in Medical Practice and Complementary Physiotherapy" - revised and completed, is an editorial publication of reference, a reality proven both by the need for professional information in the field, and by the presentation of the correlation "massage therapeutic - physical therapy". The author of the work, Mr. Anghel Diaconu, with an experience in the field of over 45 years, approached this topic with scientific, didactic, theoretical and practical value, distinguished by its pragmatism.
In 2008, Mr. Anghel Diaconu transferred for the first time his entire professional and didactic experience in the pages of a work of this type. The manual covered the existing gap in the specialized medical literature, both in our country and in other countries, and proved to be of remarkable utility in training and perfecting the application of therapeutic massage in medical practice for an important number of practitioners, for physiotherapists - classic or special post-secondary level, for physiotherapists in the university register, residents and medical specialists.
This first appearance was requested by an extremely important number of specialists, beneficiaries of complex information with an applicative nature regarding therapeutic massage in medical practice.
The manual, according to the Order of the Minister of National Education no. 5455/18.10.2010, is mandatory for the training of all those who will practice massage, regardless of the level of education, because it corresponds to the analytical program for all schools with training in the field.
As a result of the requests, the Medical Publishing House published the second edition of the "Technical manual of therapeutic massage in medical practice", revised and supplemented. Also, the Romanian Academy of Scientists approved the publication of its numerous editions as a "Treaty", presented in the history of the work, mentioned at the end of the manual.
The Association of Non-Wearers from Romania, at the request of its members who are preparing and carrying out their activities in this field, published the "Manual" in the Braille alphabet.
The work was published in the USA in numerous editions, both as a Treatise and as a Manual, in English, Italian and Romanian, which were printed by different publishers (distributed through, presented in the history of the work, mentioned at the end the manual.
Craiova University Publishing House publishes the 13th edition of the work, entitled Manual of therapeutic massage technique in medical practice and complementary physical therapy.
Bucharest University Publishing House has published and printed numerous editions distributed through bookstores and online, presented in the history of the work, mentioned at the end of the manual.
The works presented, including the present one, keep part of the structure and content of the first appearance, update the themes and bring added technical and scientific value, through the new presentation vision, through the development of the subjects in a correlative context - "therapeutic massage and associated physical therapy".
The historical context and the current reality of the European platform regarding the training of the various specialists in the recovery group require continuous professional training (long life learning). Physiotherapy fully responds to this requirement, which requires periodic updating of information, in order to have a good correspondence between the theoretical and practical aspects of professional training, at the national level and in accordance with the level of training from the European platform. In this context, other publications on therapeutic massage were sporadic and insufficient as a basis of information and training for the specialist practitioner of balneophysiotherapy and massage or balneophysiokinetotherapy and massage, so the appearance of this work was extremely timely, finding both its place and and utility.
The work covers an important area of theoretical and practical training needs for the specialist in Balneophysiokinetotherapy, Physiokinetotherapy and Kinetotherapy, by structuring the material, by detailing the application methodologies of different categories of therapeutic massage procedures, with the association of a rich illustrative material.
The content of the Manual is structured logically, initially with the specific aspects related to the infrastructure of the physical medicine sector, respectively therapeutic massage and associated physical therapy, followed by the general principles that guide the activity of the staff in the therapeutic massage sector.
Through the methods of presentation, organization and description of the chapters, methodologies, notions and technical procedures, the content of the Manual covers the training and improvement requirements of specialists in the field, at the same time corresponding to the analytical program related to therapeutic massage in medical practice indicated as a treatment method, in the context of recovery programs or in prophylactic programs. Through the content, readers receive information on the peculiarities of different topographical areas, become progressively familiar with the physiological and physiopathological aspects of the tissues and organs on which the massage maneuvers are performed, learn to follow the physiological and therapeutic effects of the different forms of therapeutic massage and find, in the application way, the justification of the correlations between the therapeutic massage and the associated physical therapy.
Chapter I presents essential criteria for selecting people who want to become masseuses. Also, the basic notions that any person who wants to practice this profession must acquire and - further - the conditions and equipment of the massage room are presented.
In Chapter II, the author Anghel Diaconu classifies and details, structured, the technique of performing each maneuver of the therapeutic massage.
Chapter III includes the general recommendations regarding the technique of correctly performing the therapeutic massage maneuvers, the anatomophysiological and topographical description of each region, as well as the technique of performing the massage maneuvers on each area and on each region of the body.
Chapter IV presents the general massage technique, which is a synthesis of massage by region. The author insists on respecting neighborhood reactions, taking into account the musculo-vasculo-nervous package and the deep organs, on local or neighborhood algic and trophic particularities and on non-specific somatic and psychobehavioral reaction particularities.
Chapter V presents the conditions and technique for massaging children (babies) by parents and/or masseuses. Next, the role of therapeutic massage in increasing the effectiveness of treatment with lymphatic, reflex and sports massage is presented.
In chapter VI, craniosacral therapy is presented.
I also appreciate and consider (because they are welcome and necessary) the following chapters, presented by top personalities from the medical field, which complete the technical-scientific and practical notions in the field, necessary in the complex training of the people who will practice this therapy, in order to render the state of health of those who are suffering.
In Chapter VII massage is presented - particular techniques.
Chapter VIII describes the technique of performing the massage with the patient sitting on the chair.
In Chapter IX, the therapeutic massage is presented - the basic procedure in recovery, the medical evaluation, the indications and contraindications of this therapy.
Chapter X presents the role of massage in the therapy of neurological and rheumatic diseases.
Chapter XI contains corrective exercises for balancing the muscle tone, as well as for increasing the mobility of the joints, performed by the therapist in collaboration with the patient.
On the basis of this work with a clearly presented, coherently structured and convincingly illustrated content, both theoretical presentations and practical works such as comparative demonstrations, applied exercises, case studies, analysis of situations on different categories of pathology, specialized on case. The work can be the basis of acquiring the skills and abilities required by the training standard for a good quality professional offer. It has an applicative nature, covering a need for information and corrective exercise in the field of physiotherapy, as a specific offer of non-pharmacological therapy. The aspect of novelty for the international specialized literature is also worth noting.
The work is written after a long experience of knowledge and application of what was presented, being the fruit of sequential professional accumulation, both in the area of therapeutic application and in the area of education. The author, constant and meticulous in his permanent training and improvement, graduated from the European level adult training courses, organized by the National Council for Professional Training of Adults, by the Ministry of National Education and the Ministry of Labour.
Anghel Diaconu trained and trained many generations of specialists in the field. He also participated in the realization of the research topics regarding the recovery of the working capacity of locomotor disabilities, within the Research Laboratory of the National Institute of Medical Expertise and Recovery of Working Capacity and directly coordinated the improvement and retraining courses organized by the Ministry of Labor in within the Institute.
At the same time, his work has proven its usefulness in the training of people who will practice massage, as evidenced by the appreciation of numerous specialized units who considered that the author of this work with scientific and didactic content deserves to receive their appreciation, offering him the following distinctions:
Diploma of the Romanian Academy of Scientists: "Alexandru D. Radulescu"
Diploma of excellence from the Medical Rehabilitation Commission - Ministry of Health;
Diploma of merit from the National Institute of Recovery, Physical Medicine and Balneoclimatology;
Diploma of excellence from the Ilfov County Emergency Clinical Hospital;
Diploma of excellence from the "Fundeni" Post-secondary School of Health and others.
Also, the work was evaluated by top personalities from education and specialized units: Acad. Prof. Dr. Vasile Candea, Prof. Dr. Stefan Suteanu, Prof. Dr. Delia Cinteza, Prof. Dr. Gilda Mologhianu, Dr. Bianca‑Doina Posirca and Dr. Cornelia Popescu.

Prof. Dr. Adriana SARAH NICA
Specialist in Recovery, Physical Medicine and Balneoclimatology



Description of the evolution of the massage technique and its benefits in medical practice / 5

Preface / 15
Prof. Dr. Adriana Sarah Nica

Preamble / 18
Prof. Dr. Adriana Sarah Nica

Brief history of the evolution of massage in some countries and in our country / 20

Chapter I
Essential information for the selection and preparation of those who will practice the massage
/ 21
A. Essential information for selecting the people who will practice the massage / 22
B. Essential notions necessary in the preparation of those who will practice the massage / 22
Professor of psychology Florentina Avram
C. General rules that the therapist must fulfill / 24
D. The conditions and equipment of the massage room / 24

Chapter II
Definition, classification, sequence of medical therapeutic massage maneuvers and their technique
/ 27
I. Definition and classification of medical therapeutic massage / 28
II. Classification and sequence of massage maneuvers / 30
III. Description of the technique for performing each medical massage maneuver / 32
A. The main massage maneuvers / 35
1. Smoothing (Efleurage or stroking) / 35
2. The churning (Petrisage) / 46
3. Friction / 60
4. Beating (Tapping) / 65
5. Vibrations / 69
B. Complementary maneuvers / 72
1. Rolling (Mangaluirea) / 72
2. The sieve / 75
3. Compressions / 77
4. Tractions / 82
5. The shakes / 86
6. Elongations / 86
C. Complementary physical therapy / 89
The general effects of processing the tissues, devices and systems of the human body with the maneuvers of medical massage and complementary physical therapy / 94

Chapter III
The technique of performing each maneuver of the medical therapeutic massage, the way of processing the tissues on the 25 regions and areas of the body and the complementary physical therapy suitable for each processed joint
/ 97
General rules to be observed for the correct performance of the medical massage technique on each area of the body / 98
I. Massage on the dorsal thoracic region and area (back) and complementary physical therapy / 101
II. Massage on the lombo-sacro-coccygeal region and complementary physical therapy / 135
III. Massage on the buttock region and complementary physical therapy / 159
IV. Massage on the region and area of the coxofemoral joints (hips) and complementary physical therapy / 175
V. Massage on the region and thigh area and complementary physical therapy / 205
VI. Massage on the region and area of the knee joints and complementary physical therapy / 233
VIII. Massage on the region and calf area and complementary physical therapy / 266
VIII. Massage on the region and area of the ankle joints and complementary physical therapy / 301
IX. Massage on the region and area of the legs themselves (the soles of the feet) and complementary physical therapy / 338
X. Massage on the region and the area of the fingers of the lower limbs (pelvis) and complementary physical therapy / 371

Next, the other regions are described in volume 2


XI. Massage on the region and area of the abdominal wall and complementary physical therapy / 415
XII. Massage on the anterior chest area (chest) and complementary physical therapy / 435
XIII. Massage on the region and area of the hemithorax and breasts during lactation, in the case of the breast affected by mastitis, in the case of the drooping breast and complementary physical therapy / 457
XIV. Massage on the region and cervical area and complementary physical therapy / 489
XV. Massage on the region and area of the shoulder joints (scapulohumeral belt) and complementary physical therapy / 508
XVI. Massage on the region and arm area and complementary physical therapy / 530
XVII. Massage on the region and area of the elbow joint and complementary physical therapy / 548
XVIII. Massage on the region and area of the forearms and complementary physical therapy / 566
XIX Massage on the region and area of the joints of the hands (fists) and complementary physical therapy / 586
20th Massage on the region and the area of the actual hands and complementary physical therapy / 607
XXI. Massage on the region and the area of the fingers of the upper limbs (thoracic) and complementary physical therapy / 634
XXII. Massage on the region and the front area of the neck and complementary physical therapy / 663
XXIII. Facial massage and complementary physical therapy / 679
XXIV. Forehead massage and complementary physical therapy / 695
XXV. Massage on the scalp area (cranial box) and complementary physical therapy / 702

Chapter IV
General massage
Processing of tissues from all regions and areas of the human body
/ 711

Chapter V
I. The massage performed on the child (baby) by one of the parents or by the masseur
/ 783
A. The conditions and period in the baby's life when one of the parents can perform the massage / 784
B. The technique of performing each massage maneuver and the way of processing the tissues on each segment or on the whole body of the baby by one of the parents / 789
C. The technique of performing each massage maneuver and the way of processing the tissues on a segment or on the whole body of the baby by the masseur, in case of some ailments / 801
II. Physiotherapy / 802
Conditions and method of performing gymnastics for children (0-20 months) / 802
Bibliography / 809

Chapter VI
Cranio-sacral therapy
/ 812
The method of determining the affected areas by the appearance of energetic heat (emanated by the therapist's palms and the patient's affected tissues) and the craniosacral rhythm / 815
The therapist's contact with the patient during craniosacral therapy, in various ailments, to transmit beneficial energy to the patient / 817
The technique of applying craniosacral therapy in different ailments / 817

Next, the other regions are described in volume 3


Chapter VII
The massage. Particular techniques
/ 829
The massage applied in different ailments through different particular techniques derived from the therapeutic massage maneuvers / 829
The role of therapeutic massage in increasing the effectiveness of lymphatic, reflex, sports massage, etc. / 830
Prof. Dr. Gilda Mologhianu
1. Manual lymphatic drainage (Leduc) / 831
2. Reflex massage / 836
3. Cyriax deep transverse massage / 887
4. Periosteal massage (Vogler) / 889
5. Wettervald / 890 roll probing technique
6. Terrier manipulative massage / 891
7. Rabe's method / 891
8. Bugnet's method / 891
9. Cryomassage / 892
10. Colon massage / 892

Chapter VIII
Massage on body segments with the patient sitting on a chair
/ 896
Devices complementary to massage therapy / 921
Professor instructor therapist Mircea Badea Ene Ene and Anghel Diaconu

Chapter IX
Therapeutic massage, the basic procedure in the recovery of various ailments, as well as for their prevention and/or for maintaining and maintaining the well-being of all people
/ 938
Prof. Dr. Adriana Sarah Nica
Medical evaluation and specific investigations are mandatory prior to the application and development of therapeutic massage / 939
The indications and objectives of massage therapy depending on the physio-pathological and psycho-behavioural changes / 939
Contraindications of massage therapy depending on the categories of pathology / 951

Chapter X
Therapeutic massage used as a procedure in the improvement and treatment of various ailments
/ 957
Therapeutic massage in neurological diseases / 958
Massage in rheumatic diseases / 970
Prof. Dr. Delia Cinteza

Chapter XI
Corrective exercises for the locomotor system in various conditions, performed by the patient under the coordination of the therapist
/ 973
Physiotherapist Vadim Panta and Anghel Diaconu

Laws and Orders issued by the Ministry of Health for the protection of patients / 1068

Afterword / 1069

The topics of the analytical programs for study and for the exams where massage therapy is studied are drawn up according to the Manual of the technique of therapeutic massage and complementary physical therapy, respectively the Treatise on the technique of therapeutic massage and complementary physical therapy. The topics for the mentioned exams are presented on the website of each specialized education unit and on that of the health units / 1069

Distinctions obtained by the author for this work, from various specialized units in the medical and educational fields / 1094
Diploma of excellence, from the Medical Rehabilitation Commission - Ministry of Health;
Diploma of merit, from the National Institute of Recovery, Physical Medicine and Balneoclimatology;
Diploma of excellence, from the Ilfov County Emergency Clinical Hospital;
Diploma of excellence, from the "Fundeni" Sanitary Post-secondary School;
Diploma of special merits, from the "Fundeni" Post-secondary School of Health and others.

The technical manual of therapeutic massage and complementary physical therapy was analyzed and evaluated by a large number of personalities from the specialized medical and didactic sphere / 1100

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