Dr. VASILE GH. CIUBOTARU (coordinator) is a primary neurosurgeon, doctor of medical sciences. He is the Head of the III Neurosurgery Clinic at the Bagdasar - Arseni Emergency Clinical Hospital. Special professional achievements: the first endoscopic ventriculocisternostomy in Romania; the first intraoperative determination of the evoked potentials in Romania; introduction of the operating microscope and endoscopic assistance in the transsphenoidal approach of pituitary tumors; the first endoscopic transfenoidal approach of a pituitary tumor in Romania. He has been Treasurer of the Romanian Society of Neurosurgery since 1990; organizer of over 20 national and international scientific events; over 100 participations in scientific events; author of numerous papers in the field of neurosurgery and health management.
EUGEN AVRAM (coordinator) is a University Lecturer. dr .; holder in the Department of Psychology / P.S.E. of the University of Bucharest. He is the coordinator of several volumes (selective): Organizational-managerial psychology. Current trends, Polirom, Iasi (2008, co-editor: Cary L. Cooper), Psychology in a positive world (2008), University of Bucharest Publishing House; Organizational trust (co-author: Pamela Shockley-Zalabak, 2008). Author: Personality Psychology. Architecture and dimensions (2009, University Publishing House, Bucharest). He is a specialist clinical psychologist and carries out health research activities at the "Bagdasar-Arseni" Emergency Clinical Hospital.
ANAMARIA BRAILEAN has a degree in Psychology from Al. I. Cuza from Iasi, Master Student in Clinical Psychology, Counseling and Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapy at Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Clinical Psychologist under supervision, certified by the Romanian College of Psychologists.
BOGDAN CONSTANCIUC is a graduate psychologist at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Bucharest. In 2005 he graduated from the Faculty of Food Control and Expertise at Bioterra University. He has been and is involved in intervention projects in the clinical area: Game Therapy project, for children hospitalized in the Oncology Department of Fundeni Hospital; Occupational Therapy project within the Al. Obregia section IV Psychiatry, patients under supervision; since 2005 he has been present in the NGO Alpine Project.
RALUCA ANTOANELA DIN is a psychopedagogue teacher (therapy of language disorders), holder at the Special School no. 7 from Bucharest. Graduate of the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology, Psychology and Pedagogy, Special Psychopedagogy department. Currently, second year master student, in the field of school counseling at the University of Bucharest. He participated with specialized works at conferences, national and international symposia; training courses and training courses at C.C.D., Bucharest; author of a number of 4 articles published in magazines and specialized guides.
ADINA LEASU is a graduate of the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Department of Psychology. She works as an assistant psychologist for people with severe learning disabilities, epilepsy, autism and other disorders associated with ClearWater Care, Colchester, UK. She is pursuing a master's degree in Cognitive Neuropsychology and is a member of the British Psychological Association. He has experience in neurorehabilitation for people who have suffered head injuries or strokes at the Headway Day Center, Colchester, UK.
IOANA MAIORESCU is a psychologist, a graduate of the psychology department at the University of Bucharest. He is also an architect. Her current interests gravitate in the area of clinical psychology, being involved in research projects and editorial projects.
CLAUDIA VERONICA MARINACHE is a psycho-pedagogue teacher, first grade, holder of the School for the Visually Impaired in Bucharest. She is a graduate of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Special Psychopedagogy department. He has a master's degree in Integrated Education and is a doctoral student, first year, in the field of "Education Sciences". Carries out practical and research activities on the issue of early intervention in children with blindness. He is the author of the first pre-Braille guide, developed in Bucharest, entitled: The program for efficient development of tactile sense in preschool - Guide for teachers and parents (2008) and the book Tactile stimulation-early kinesthetic-premise in the formation of lexico-graphic skills in Braille (2008).
SILVIU MATU is a clinical psychologist under supervision, a graduate of the psychology department at the University of Bucharest. He is currently a master's student in cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy at Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca. His current interests gravitate in the area of psychotherapy, psycho-clinical research, being involved in application projects and editorial projects.
MARIANA POPA is an associate professor. PhD, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences. Activity of academia and journalism covers the fields: psychopedagogy of hearing impairment, psychopedagogy of visual impairment, psychopedagogy of neuromotor disability, psychopedagogy of the integrated education system, knowledge and communication of sensory impairments, game theory and practice, educational anthropology and ethnopsychology, occupational therapy and occupational therapy educational, behavioral psychotherapy. He is the author of numerous works.
ALIN-DUMITRU RASINA is a primary neurosurgeon, doctoral student, scientific researcher in the Stereotaxic and Functional Neurosurgery Department of Bagsadar-Arseni Hospital in Bucharest. He attended training courses and training courses in Lyon (1999-2000), Paris (2003-2004), Salzburg (2008).
CARMEN MARILENA SERBANESCU is a teacher of special psychopedagogy, holder at the Special School no. 7 from Bucharest. Graduate of ProHumanitas University of Bucharest, Faculty of Special Psychopedagogy and Social Work. Master in Educational Management at the University of Bucharest. Training internships and training courses at C.C.D., Bucharest. Participation with specialized papers at conferences, national and international symposia in the field of special psychopedagogy and more. Author of a number of 5 articles published in specialized magazines. Participant in numerous partnerships and educational projects, national and international (eTwinning).