The management of the hospital department represents, at present, the orientation with the greatest practical relevance in the Romanian health management. The troubled history of the local health system has shown that all reforms, all promises and top-level changes have not had results in the modernization plan expected by the beneficiaries and employees of the system. Significant results were obtained through the efforts of doctors, department heads, clinic. All the problems of the system were deeply felt by the practitioners, by the patients. This reality has led us to promote several specialized works in health management, with direct reference to the management of the organization, medical units: Management of health systems and organizations (2010, Editors: AV Ciurea, Cary L. Cooper, Eugen Avram, "Carol Davila" University Publishing House, Bucharest), Modern Management in Health Organizations. Perspectives in Neurosurgery Services (2009, authors: A.V. Ciurea, V.G. Ciubotaru, E. Avram, Medical Publishing House, Bucharest), Development of management in health organizations. Excellence in neurosurgery services (2007, authors: A.V. Ciurea, V. Gh. Ciubotaru, E. Avram, University Publishing House, Bucharest).
Every section head has learned that in a confusing system only the practice of a coherent management at section level can be the salvation! Practitioners must find internal solutions without waiting for the system to support them. Therefore, the management of the hospital department is the most relevant solution in the current context. Everyone must be self-sufficient, take care of their own section, clinic, their own department, department, trying to avoid the "meteorites" that come at high speed from the Ministry, from the system and that produce currents. Every doctor needs to focus on his "garden".
This book proposes a new destiny for those who have dedicated themselves to medicine: to manage the department, accepting to be abandoned by the system. Of course, so far all the department heads, all the practitioners have done this, but from now on this trend is official. She asks us to develop new coordinates of organization, mobilization. In other words, today we must RELEASE ourselves in a historical moment of crisis, in a confused system, in a society in which we are blamed and invited to leave to serve other health systems. Yes, we must invigorate ourselves in our wards, take care of our patients, lead employees on the right path, succeed in fulfilling our duty and mission!
The paper completes our editorial approaches from the past years and makes the transition from system management, organization management to departmental management.
The present editorial includes the contributions of several authors appreciated in medical practice and literature. Each analyzes a series of current realities and proposes some remedies at the internal, section level.
Part I deals with managerial aspects of the organization and management of the ward / department: current trends in hospital ward management amid current challenges in the health system, management by objectives, clinical ward management, stress and risks of the profession.
Part II considers human resources management, professional training, job satisfaction and motivation, management principles and staff relocation.
Part III is dedicated to the relationship between the medical staff and the patient, including his family. The chapters include interesting approaches to trust in personal-patient relationships, specific aspects of the relationship with terminal patients, the elderly or diagnosed with cancer, the relationship with the patient's companions.
Without claiming to exhaust the range of issues or topics located at the grassroots level of representative organizations in the health system, the hospital, the paper aims to mobilize internally, challenging all physicians to propose local management solutions. Deliberately, the paper does not address administrative or service management issues, but focuses on the organizational approach targeting two major issues:
1. the management system, revealing development opportunities oriented towards processes and organizational behavior,
2. the relationship with the client / patient, selecting the analysis of special categories of patients, taking into account the personality and conduct of the medical staff, but also of the family or "belongings" of the patient.
Prof. Dr. A. V. Ciurea
Head of Clinical Section I Neurosurgery,
Sp. Cl. de Urg. Bagdasar-Arseni, Bucharest