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Editura Universitară Diabetes differently. Natural methods of prevention and treatment

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Publisher: Editura Universitară

Author: Virginia Ciocan

ISBN: 978-606-28-1264-5


Edition: I

Pages: 224

Publisher year: 2021

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This book is a plea for a natural lifestyle, in which to put our health at the forefront, to relearn to eat, not to be seduced by the good taste of sugar that has come to be put in almost any food that we buy it from the store, from the taste enhancers, those E's that are present in all the products, to give up fast food and to choose a food that is as little processed as possible. This way of eating helps prevent diabetes.
A person diagnosed with this disease must be aware that his diet must change, that insulin or medications prescribed by doctors must be accompanied by a healthy lifestyle. At the beginning many limitations will be perceived, many foods will be banned or will be accepted only in limited quantities. Numerous tests can lead to a menu that satisfies the most demanding tastes, bearing in mind certain principles that must be taken into account, depending on the type of diabetes or other associated diseases (such as obesity, heart disease). vascular etc.). Blood glucose measurement thus becomes very important, being an indicator that shows us if we respect those principles.
This book helps the reader to better understand certain aspects of diabetes that the doctor did not have time to explain or did not retain from the multitude of information he gave. It also provides an entire arsenal of the fight against this disease which, in addition to drugs, will prolong and increase the quality of life.
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  • Diabetes differently. Natural methods of prevention and treatment





CHAPTER I. Triggers of diabetes / 23
1.1. What type of diabetes do you have? / 2. 3
1.2. Factors that favor the disease / 34
1.2.1. Genetic predisposition / 34
1.2.2. Unhealthy diet / 34
1.2.3. Vitamin deficiency / 36
1.2.4. Subactive thyroid / 37
1.2.5. Inflammation and toxins / 38
1.2.6. Low energy metabolism / 40
1.2.7. Stress / 44
1.2.8. Sedentarism / 45

CHAPTER II. Diet in diabetes / 47
2.1. Correct diet in diabetes / 47
2.2. Diet in the diabetic's diet / 49
2.3. Body weight / 60
2.4. Glycemic index in diabetic foods / 64

CHAPTER III. Natural lifestyle / 70
3.1. Clean air / 71
3.2. Clean water, preferably alkaline / 76
3.3. The Sun - The Healer of Nature / 85
3.4. Natural foods / 90
3.5. Adequate rest / 100
3.6. Physical movement / 105
3.7. Trust in God / 108

CHAPTER IV. Natural methods of prevention and treatment / 113
4.1. Vitamins and nutritional supplements / 113
4.2. Antidiabetic medicinal plants / 126
4.3. Physiotherapy in diabetes / 150
4.4. Hydrotherapy in diabetes / 152

CHAPTER V. Complications of Diabetes / 154
5.1. Short-term complications / 155
5.2. Long - term complications / 157
5.3. Diabetic retinopathy / 163
5.4. Diabetic foot / 167
5.5. Diabetic renal failure / 170
5.6. Heart and diabetes / 176
5.7. Other complications of diabetes / 179
Skin infections and conditions / 179
Dental problems / 181
Memory loss / 182
Fatty liver / 185
Diabetes and sexual function / 188
Smoking and diabetes / 191



ANNEX 1 - Glossary of medical terms / 205

ANNEX 2 - Glycemic index and glucose contained in various foods / 220

ANNEX 3 - Scientific and popular name of antidiabetic plants / 222

If we were to analyze the specialized literature, we would notice that numerous articles and books have been written about diabetes, but a multitude of studies of prestigious Romanian and foreign researchers have also been published. Our country is very well represented in this field, the one who discovered insulin being the Romanian Nicolae Paulescu.
Why should I read another book about diabetes? It is an inevitable question, which can be asked by a reader in the library and who sees this work. As the title suggests, DIABETES DIABETES - OTHERWISE (Natural methods of prevention and treatment), the author Virginia Ciocan, biologist (doctor in biology), approaches this topic from another perspective, which can complement the classic, medicinal, a perspective that it first requires a better understanding of the human body and this disease in particular.
If the treatises and specialized books are addressed especially to doctors, this book is addressed to patients, those who do not have medical training, explaining to everyone what diabetes is, what are the triggers, the role of diet and how we can help treatment medicine by natural methods.
Depending on the type of diabetes, natural methods and a healthy lifestyle can make diabetes go away. And there are many cases in which patients, taking this disease seriously, understanding it and being persevering, managed to keep their blood sugar within normal limits only through diet and natural treatments, after the doctor diagnosed them with person suffering from diabetes and indicated drug treatment.
This book is also addressed to healthy people, because prevention has a special role, every person can be a potential diabetic. It is also addressed to those who have people with diabetes in the family, because a healthy lifestyle is recommended to be followed by the whole family, this being a very important support for the patient.
This book explains to everyone what diabetes is, how many types of diabetes there are and how each of them occurs. It draws our attention to some symptoms that could cause a person to ask himself or herself if he or she has diabetes and which could cause him or her to go to the doctor.
It also presents the factors that promote the onset of diabetes, which are very important to be known by any of us, because if measures are taken before the onset of the disease, it may be delayed or may not occur.
Diet is very important for anyone who suffers from diabetes or has a predisposition to this disease. The author addressed this topic in a separate chapter, explaining what a diabetic person should eat, depending on the type of diabetes they have. It is important for the whole family, and especially for the cook, to know to make a proper menu.
It is said that diabetes is the disease of the century, as a significant percentage of the population suffers from this disease, whether they are diagnosed or not. And this situation is largely caused by today's diet in which it is easier to eat fast food than cooked food.
The modern life in which an active person runs all day and eats on the go, when he no longer cooks at home but buys semi-finished products, fast food or the eternal pretzels with which we satisfy our hunger, all these make us contenders for diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular diseases.
Stress is an important factor that adds to unbalanced food and can trigger one of these diseases. A healthy lifestyle, which is also the diet of a person with diabetes, helps us to live a longer life and its quality to increase a lot. The natural lifestyle comes to complete the diet, bringing benefits to those who adopt it: clean air, preferably mountain or sea breeze, water and especially alkaline and the sun are elements of nature that help man to have a healthy life. If we add to these physical exercise, adequate rest and trust in God, here is a successful recipe of our life!
As a phytotherapist, the author devotes an important chapter to the use of plants in the prevention and treatment of diabetes. Explain in detail which plants help us to maintain normal blood glucose limits, bringing medical scientific evidence, results of research conducted by Romanian and foreign scientists, published in specialized journals, how to use these plants, in what form and what quantities to use.
We will know what is the difference between infusion and decoction, what plants we can use to stimulate the function of the pancreas, to reduce blood sugar or to decrease insulin resistance. We find out what special qualities they have some plants that we commonly use such as onions and garlic, how ginger and cinnamon help us but we are also introduced to some less known plants (fenugreek, bitter cucumber, Gymnema sylvestre, Bijasar, etc.) that we can use. we try in the natural treatment of diabetes.
It is said that the doctor should not treat the disease but the patient. This is because each organism reacts differently to a substance. Every time we introduce a new food or plant in the diet we must act with caution and check how our body responds to it. That is, to check your blood sugar constantly and see if it really has beneficial effects on us. Not everything that is good for one person is good for others, each organism presenting certain individual peculiarities that we must take into account.
Another important chapter is dedicated to the complications caused by diabetes. They can appear shortly after diagnosis or, the most numerous and treacherous, appear after a diabetic person faces this disease for a long time. Neuropathy, retinopathy, kidney failure, cardiovascular disease and diabetic foot are all long-term complications that can affect a diabetic. Knowing them, the mechanism of their appearance, helps us to establish appropriate preventive or curative treatments, the natural ones can have important benefits, without the side effects given by allopathic medication.
At the end of the book we are presented with a series of medical terms used and which are explained for a better understanding of them, a table with the glycemic index of different foods and an appendix with the scientific and popular name of various antidiabetic plants, being of real use. for those who read this paper.
Modern life is like a carousel that makes everything happen at high speed. Many times we get involved in this tumult, without paying attention to certain very important things of our existence such as food, rest, our health and those around us.
This book is a plea for a natural lifestyle, in which to put our health at the forefront, to relearn to eat, not to be seduced by the good taste of sugar that has come to be put in almost any food that we buy it from the store, from the taste enhancers, those E's that are present in all the products, to give up fast food and to choose a food that is as little processed as possible. This way of eating helps prevent diabetes.
A person diagnosed with this disease must be aware that his diet must change, that insulin or medications prescribed by doctors must be accompanied by a healthy lifestyle. At the beginning many limitations will be perceived, many foods will be banned or will be accepted only in limited quantities. Numerous tests can lead to a menu that satisfies the most demanding tastes, bearing in mind certain principles that must be taken into account, depending on the type of diabetes or other associated diseases (such as obesity, heart disease). vascular etc.). Blood glucose measurement thus becomes very important, being an indicator that shows us if we respect those principles.
This book helps the reader to better understand certain aspects of diabetes that the doctor did not have time to explain or did not retain from the multitude of information he gave. It also provides an entire arsenal of the fight against this disease which, in addition to drugs, will prolong and increase the quality of life.
Going back to where I started, the question "Why should I read another book about diabetes?" Has a clear answer: because this book is for everyone (diabetic or not) offering solutions for a good quality of life through simple methods and available to anyone.

Chief of works Dr. Andra-Elena Aungurencei

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