ISBN: 978-606-591-032-4
Publisher year: 2011
Edition: I
Pages: 522
Publisher: Editura Universitara
Author: --
Conflict resolution, otherwise than through the traditional justice has become a necessity in a society weakened by the complexity of its rules of operation and the individualism of its members.
Gemma (European Group of magistrates say mediation) is a European association, born from a French initiative, which aims to bring together judges from different European Union countries plus Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Iceland, which considers that a magistrates court efficiency and impose peace and development including the promotion of alternative ways of conflict resolution, especially mediation.
Romanian section of Gemma, the youngest national team Gemma Europe, was recently involved in European projects and the association is composed of 24 judges and prosecutors Romans. Gemma is an associate member of Craiova Mediation Center Association.
Based on reports about the huge volume of cases pending before the courts of Romania (virtually any dispute reaches the court) and the duration, enough times unreasonable, to solve their international conference "Mediation in the EU. Status and Perspectives ", held on 29 October 2010 in Bucharest, under the organization Gemma - Romanian section, the Superior Council of Magistracy, Ministry of Justice, National Institute of Magistracy, the Mediation Council, the Romanian Academy, Bucharest University Publishing House Cantemir Christian University, supported Holding truth media partners,, Center for European Legal Studies, Judges Forum magazine, Agerpress and Judges Association Forum of Romania, has proposed to make a presentation of how mediation really works in the EU Member States European as well as a presentation of perspectives, and to promote its widespread application.
The conference brought face to face for the first time in Romania, in the Aula Magna of the University Christian Cantemir, over 400 professors, judges, prosecutors, lawyers, mediators, politicians.
Speakers, in order exposure: Mrs. Corina-Adriana Dumitrescu, Cantemir Christian University Rector, Mr. Dragos Calin, representative Gemma - Romanian Section, vice president Gemma, Mr. Gavin Lightman, president Gemma, Ms. Florica Bejinaru, president of the Superior Council of Magistracy, Mr. Branzan Constantine, director of National Institute of Magistracy, Ms. Alina Bica, State Secretary, Ministry of Justice, Mrs. Anca Ciuca, Chairman of the Board of Mediation, Mr. Murdanaigum Reuben, Deputy Secretary Gemma, Mrs. Beatrice Brenneur, vice president Gemma, Mr. Michel Brenneur, mediators, GEMMA - French Section, Mr. Octavio Cardona Jaime Ferreira, former president of the Supreme Court of Portugal, representative Gemma - Portuguese Section, Mrs. Anne van der Does Martian, vice president Gemma, Mr. Gim
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