To fulfill his spell, the novel Giles. Another life should not be "unmasked" by any introduction, because it is already under the sign of infinity. Because, beyond its epic thread and the thrill that sometimes overwhelms you, it talks so realistically about time, times and life, even if it is a fictional novel. It is a harrowing love story, entangled with the dramas of those who suffer, from hospital life, but also from other diverse, unexpected environments.
Were we ever free? Of course! Even now we are free. Free to dream, free to think, free to hope. And to exist. Navalny. Until the last moment. Until the last sip of life. We are free. Even if we are, from birth, touched by death. Even if we are practically in a prison. And even if we are bound by the limitation of time, by predestination, by prejudices and fear, by the predeterminations of birth, by the unknown of fate, as long as our soul burns, we are free. Time no longer exists. And we can forget about death. This is how the book's characters teach us how to cheat death. At the same time, they tell us about burning love and its amazing metamorphoses. Then, about another, unexpected love, when the characters learn to hope and stop being afraid. And I'm talking about the sins of the sons and the parents, about prejudices, punishment, guilt, remorse and forgetting. About how we should forgive. Or at least about mercy and how we should forget.
The novel Giles. Another life is also a portal between times. Do we only exist now or will there be another life? Another chance? Or is everything just a reiteration of the same scenario, ad infinitum?
Let's close our eyes. We can forget what is beyond this door. And let's live only this moment, this life, let's believe fervently and hope. And let us not be afraid anymore. Let's dream. Life is amazing and, if we want, it can become infinite.
And the dedication of the book "to the beings who no longer have anything to hope for and dedicated to those who should still hope..." is not accidental. Enter the pages of the book to live another life!