ISBN: 978-606-28-0643-9
DOI: 10.5682/9786062806439
Publisher year: 2017
Edition: I
Pages: 250
Publisher: Editura Universitară
Author: Tino Neacsu
She has been called the most beautiful woman in the world for decades. But it was not beauty that brought her universal fame, but her huge personality. The press on all meridians constantly reported, day after day, year after year, decade after decade, every aspect of Elizabeth Taylor's life, a life full of drama, triumphs and tragedies as in a play by William Shakespeare.
All this ocean of news and newspaper headlines intensified her status as a Hollywood legend, but most often overshadowed the fact that Elizabeth Taylor was one of the greatest and award-winning actresses in the history of film. All in all, what remains in the end - and never ceases to amaze us - is Elizabeth Taylor herself, the generous, courageous and temperamental woman who continues to be a landmark of universal pop culture.
Looking back, you are amazed by her tumultuous life, her fabulous work as a film, theater, radio and television actress, the mogul of the perfume industry and the efficiency and dedication with which she was involved in the fight against AIDS!
Based on dozens of books, interviews, magazines and newspapers, feature films and documentaries, this work represents a personal vision of the life of Elizabeth Taylor, a tribute to the last superstar of the golden age of Hollywood.
ELIZABETH TAYLOR. VIS DE GLORIE. Primii zece ani la Hollywood
Elizabeth Taylor: The first ten years in Hollywood / 11
Foreword / 13
1 The American Dream / 15
2 Where to start? / 19
3 Sara and the dream factory / 24
4 The best manager in Hollywood / 29
5 The road to success / 34
6 A star has been born! / 37
7 The first on the credits of a movie / 41
8 Hard times for Sara / 46
9 Mother and daughter / 51
10 The ideal adolescent / 54
11 The first movie kiss! / 58
12 Neither horse nor donkey / 64
13 Work, school and fun / 71
14 Liz the one-piece / 78
15 Girl with the body of a woman / 85
16 Censorship and bust inspection / 89
17 An unforeseen engagement / 99
18 To be good, you must first be bad / 105
19 Who is this Liz Taylor? / 111
20 Actress job / 116
21 Tell your mother! / 121
22 The Secret of Monty / 145
23 Charlie Chaplin gives the verdict / 148
24 A matter of marketing / 151
25 The father of the bride / 155
26 Passport to freedom / 160
27 Truth or fiction / 166
28 How long does happiness last? / 171
29 Broken Dreams / 176
30 Facing reality / 181
31 The end of an era / 187
32 An indecent proposal / 1
33 A medieval western / 193
34 The taste of freedom / 200
35 Which path do you choose? / 203
36 The first ten years in Hollywood: facts and figures / 207
37 Box office performance / 212
38 The Wonder Child: filmography / 217
39 The teenage star: filmography / 223
40 Princess MGM: filmography / 228
41 Bibliography / 237
Director George Cukor is the one who says that actors usually have a rather complicated life, which means that in real life they are not perfectly adjusted or very happy, this being the price they have to pay to be unique and you shine on the big screen.
In her words we find Elizabeth, acclaimed as a Hollywood emblem, who has fascinated and continues to fascinate generations of spectators, unmistakable by the sparkling look, of a unique purple hue, an actress unrepeatable by the huge talent, which seems to be the sublimation of an inner life. subject to strong feelings, tumultuous passions, as well as a vital impetus that is expressed through the magnetism of his acting performance.
Elizabeth herself acknowledged that making a film was for her the only authentic way to exist, which did not involve a transformation into a particular character, but the excavation and bringing into the spotlight of her personality, which touched the truth in art.
A star of such stature certainly has a cult of personality to match, but Elizabeth denies this by modesty and intelligence, by an inapparent shyness and by her refusal to read biographies about herself. The real Elizabeth Taylor is a brilliant, spiritual actress who continues to stimulate our imagination.
Diana Gheorghian
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