ISBN: 978-606-591-937-2
DOI: 10.5682/9786065919372
Publisher year: 2014
Edition: II
Pages: 152
Publisher: Editura Universitara
Author: Virginia Ciocan
Grupa de sange A si viata individuala
Download- Born in 1946, in Ramnicu-Sarat
- High School "Al. Vlahuta "(1963), bachelor of Biology, University of Bucharest (1968), Doctor of Biology (1977).
Activity: biologist and researcher at the Central Delta (Tulcea, Maliuc, Sulina),CCIT - Fagaras, IBNA - BaloteÅŸti-Ilfov.
Experienced research fields: general ecology, fisheries, entomology, plant protection, systematic botany, microbiology.
Scientific papers: over 500 articles in Romanian, English and French in professional journals, 4 patents OSIM Bucharest.
Books published:
"Group and individual life blood", 2007, Ed Ceres, Bucharest.
"Health and wellness through aromatherapy and massage", 2010, Ed Stefan, Bucharest.
"Ethnobotanical plants in Romania, between truth and danger", 2011, Ed Ceres, Bucharest.
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