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Editura Universitara Insurance and Pensions

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Publisher: Editura Universitara

Author: Roxana Ionescu, Paul Tanasescu

ISBN: 978-606-28-0931-7

DOI: 10.5682/9786062809317

Publisher year: 2020

Edition: I

Pages: 122

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The paper "Insurance and Pensions" contains updated course notes, useful information for the general public, questions, grids to solve and problems that are addressed to all those interested in this socio-economic field.
In this paper we aim to present the main theoretical and practical aspects of the Romanian system of insurance and social protection. For this reason, we considered it useful to concentrate the theoretical aspects and to bring to the reader's knowledge the novelties that he can use in daily life.
Addressing economics students, the book helps to synthesize the content of disciplines with a pronounced social character in the university curriculum.
Readers' access to the information contained in this paper is facilitated by the use of various ways of presentation and presentation, descriptions, comparisons, etc.
The selective bibliography offers those interested the opportunity to know the broad issues of contemporary social protection, to deepen the knowledge acquired through a complex and continuous training process.
PAUL TANASESCU, Associate Professor dr., is a graduate of the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Faculty of Finance-Accounting, class of 1988.
He graduated specialization courses at prestigious universities in Europe: E.S.U.G. Toulouse - France, University of Ulm - Germany, Uni-Mail Geneva - Switzerland.
Author of numerous specialized books in the field of insurance and reinsurance, health economics and social protection, scientific communications, articles published in the country and abroad, Paul Tanasescu is a member of the Finance Department of the Academy of Economic Studies - Bucharest.
He was also vice dean of the Faculty of Finance, Insurance, Banking and Stock Exchanges, a member of the U.S. Senate, a member of the Faculty Council, and has extensive professional experience in insurance.

ROXANA IONESCU, Associate Professor dr, is a graduate of the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Faculty of Commerce and holds a PhD in Finance.
The author has written books and specialized works in the field of insurance and reinsurance and in the field of finance. At the same time, he attended professional development courses in the accounting and financial field.
Currently, he is a tenured teacher at the Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Faculty of Tourism and Commercial Management.

Foreword / 7

Chapter 1. Theoretical considerations regarding social security and social protection / 9
1.1. The concepts of security and social protection / 9
1.2. Europe 2020 Strategy / 16
1.3. Keywords / 19
1.4. Verification of knowledge / 20
1.5. Grids to solve / 20
1.6. Answers to grids / 22

Chapter 2. Social security policy / 23
2.1. Highlights of social policy / 23
2.2. Keywords / 30
2.3. Verification of knowledge / 30
2.4. Grids to solve / 31
2.5. Answers to the grids / 32

Chapter 3. State social insurance / 33
3.1. The concept of state social insurance / 33
3.2. The social insurance system in Romania / 35
3.2.1. Pensions / 39
3.2.2. Social insurance benefits and aids / 49
3.3. International pension systems / 54
3.4. State social insurance budget / 56
3.5. The stages of the budgetary process at the level of the Romanian State Social Insurance Budget / 57
3.6. Keywords / 62
3.7. Verification of knowledge / 63
3.8. Grids to solve / 64
3.9. Answers to grids / 69

Chapter 4. The privately administered pension system in Romania / 71
4.1. General aspects regarding privately administered pensions / 71
4.2. Privately administered state pension (Pillar II) / 73
4.3. Privately administered voluntary pension (Pillar III) / 82
4.4. Keywords / 87
4.5. Verification of knowledge / 88
4.6. Answers to grids / 89

Chapter 5. Private life insurance type pension / 90
5.1. Overview of life insurance / 90
5.2. Traditional insurance / 98
5.3. Unit linked insurance (investment) / 101
5.4. Keywords / 106
5.5. Grids to solve / 107
5.6. Answers to the grids / 108

Chapter 6. Social assistance in Romania / 109
6.1. The concept of social assistance / 109
6.2. Keywords / 116
6.3. Verification of knowledge / 116
6.4. Grids to solve / 117
6.5. Answers to grids / 120

Selective bibliography / 121

The paper "Insurance and Pensions" contains updated course notes, useful information for the general public, questions, grids to solve and problems that are addressed to all those interested in this socio-economic field.
In this paper we aim to present the main theoretical and practical aspects of the Romanian system of insurance and social protection. For this reason, we considered it useful to concentrate the theoretical aspects and to bring to the reader's knowledge the novelties that he can use in daily life.
Addressing economics students, the book helps to synthesize the content of disciplines with a pronounced social character in the university curriculum.
Readers' access to the information contained in this paper is facilitated by the use of various ways of presentation and presentation, descriptions, comparisons, etc.
The selective bibliography offers those interested the opportunity to know the broad issues of contemporary social protection, to deepen the knowledge acquired through a complex and continuous training process.
The realization of this paper was requested by economist students for a faster learning of the economic and social notions of social protection in Romania. At the same time, this book is addressed to any reader eager to know, in a short time, the main problems of insurance and social protection in Romania.
For an interdisciplinary approach, such as the issue of social insurance, we turned to the experience of undisputed specialists in their fields of activity, who supported the realization of this work.

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