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Editura Universitară Theological Journal, 12th volume, no. 2, 2013

ISBN: ISSN 1844-7252

DOI: 10.5682/18447252

Publisher year: 2013

Edition: I

Pages: 188

Publisher: Editura Universitară

Author: Sorin Sabou

Product Code: 184472521222013 Do you need help? 0745 200 718 / 0745 200 357
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  • Jurnal Teologic, Vol. 12, Nr. 2, 2013


Otniel Ioan BUNACIU, Understanding atonement and the workof the Holy Spirit in relation to the teachings of the prosperityGospel /  5

Sorin SABOU, Snippets of Ancient Wisdom - from the MilesianSchool to Augustine / 24

Bruce A. LITTLE, God and Gratuitous Evil / 37

James A. PATTERSON, Superficial Views of Evil in the Era of theEarly Church: Two Persistent Views / 59

Daniel FODOREAN, Eclezia contemporană între supraviețuire șireînnoire  / 79

Samuiel BALC, Paradigma trinitara a relatiilor eclesiale / 95

Timotei RUSU, Teocratia ca principiu al conducerii spirituale / 113

Teodor-Ioan COLDA, Utopia libertatii religioase in Romania postbelica. Baptistii din Romania in perioada de tranzitie de laMonarhie la Republica intre 1944-1953 / 133

Daniel GHERMAN, Relatiile dintre Testamente: o abordare istorica de la perioada apostolica pana la cea postmoderna / 169

Sorin Sabou

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