Publisher: Editura Universitară
Author: Romanian Association of Climatology
Edition: I
Pages: 91
Publisher year: 2011
ISBN: ISSN 1841-513X
DOI: 10.5682/1841513X
The ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY publishes articles on climate research, mainly concerned with climate variability, changes in the climate system (including those caused by human activities), climate observing, modeling and forecasting, air-pollution meteorology, urban climatology, agricultural and forest meteorology, topo- and micro-climatology, methods for data acquisition, processing and interpretation, current scientific controversy and debate, as well as review articles.
Chief Editor:
Prof. Dr. STERIE CIULACHE University of Bucharest Romanian Association of Climatology
Editorial Committee :
Prof. Dr. NICOLETA IONAC, University of Bucharest
Prof. Dr. ELENA ERHAN, „Al. I. Cuza" University of Iassy
Prof. Dr. GÉRARD BELTRANDO University Paris 7 "Denis Diderot"-France
Prof. Dr. OCTAVIA BOGDAN, „Dimitrie Cantemir" Christian University of Sibiu, Geographical Institute of the Romanian Academy
Prof. Dr. LIVIU APOSTOL, „Al. I. Cuza" University of Iassy
Prof Dr. ADRIANO MAZZARELLA „Federico II" University of Naples –Italy
Prof. Dr. GHEORGHE MĂHĂRA University of Oradea
Referents :
Prof. Dr. STERIE CIULACHE, Romanian Association of Climatology University of Bucharest
Prof. Dr. NICOLETA IONAC, University of Bucharest
Dr. CARMEN DRAGOTA, Geographical Institute of the Romanian Academy
Prof. Dr. ELENA ERHAN, „Al. I. Cuza" University of Iassy
Prof. Dr. OCTAVIA BOGDAN, „Dimitrie Cantemir" Christian University of Sibiu, Geographical Institute of the Romanian Academy
Prof. Dr. LIVIU APOSTOL, „Al. I. Cuza" University of Iassy
Prof. Dr. GHEORGHE MAHARA, University of Oradea
Conf. dr. OVIDIU GACEU, University of Oradea
Editorial Staff :
Volume editor : NICOLETA IONAC (ACR)
Technical Editor : NICOLETA IONAC (ACR)
Editorial Secretary : NICOLETA IONAC (ACR)
English edition revised : NICOLETA IONAC (ACR)
Editorial Assistant / Cover Design : ELENA GRIGORE
Romanian Journal of Climatology
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