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Editura Universitara The Charismatic Movements in Catholicism and Protestantism and the Ecclesiological Implications for the Whole Church

45,00 Lei 29,25 Lei

Publisher: Editura Universitara

Author: Gavril Beniamin Micle

ISBN: 978-606-28-1235-5


Publisher year: 2021

Edition: I

Pages: 285

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We have before us a work rich in themes and ideas in the landscape of our current Missiology to which he has thoroughly and successfully engaged through the present research of Dr. Micle Gavril Beniamin, in a well-structured synthesis that gives us an overview of what charismatic movement.
The research of the charismatic phenomenon reveals the presence and manifestation of the Charisms throughout the entire existence of the Church. There is a preconception prevalent in the minds of many modern historians, who look at the phenomenon from the perspective of their own doctrinal influences and thus the charismatic phenomenon is not described objectively, on the other hand the lack of Pentecostal or charismatic theologians prevail as a measure of faith. This book is a valuable one through the missionary synthesis from the area of ​​contemporary neo-religious nonconformism represented by the charismatic groups, presenting real measures to counteract the charismatic proselytism. The charismatic doctrines are approached from an interdisciplinary perspective, proving the author's ability for dialogue and to offer new solutions, new methods, for understanding the phenomenon of these charismatic groups.

  • The Charismatic Movements in Catholicism and Protestantism and the Ecclesiological Implications for the Whole Church


Foreword / 7

Introduction / 9
1. The actuality and necessity of the topic / 14
2. The current state of research at national and international level / 19
3. Modern research methods / 24
4. Short framework of the paper / 27

Chapter 1. Highlights of Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant teaching on the role and importance of charisms in human life. Interfaith perspective / 32
1.1. Charisms in Orthodox theology. The role of charisms in the economy of salvation / 32
1.2. Charisms in Catholic theology. Grace as a source of charisms / 41
1.3. Charisms in Protestant theology, charisms and the fruit of the Holy Spirit / 53
1.3.1. Charisms and the "Fruit of the Holy Spirit" / 58
1.4. Teaching about the person and work of the Holy Spirit from an interfaith point of view / 62
1.4.1. Orthodoxy / 63
1.4.2. Catholicism / 76
1.4.3. Protestantism and neo-Protestantism / 80
1.5. The teaching about the “classification” of charisms / 93
1.6. The heresies of the first centuries, paradigm of modern charismatic movements / 99

Chapter 2. Historical landmarks of the development of charismatic theological thought. Interfaith perspective / 105
2.1. The charismatic phenomenon in the Catholic Church. Fundamental landmarks / 105
2.1.1. Philetism and Catholic monasticism / 105
2.1.2. Monastic order and charismatic renewal / 110
2.1.3. Mysticism and Catholic spiritual exercises / 116
2.2. The charismatic phenomenon in Protestantism / 128
2.2.1. Luther, / Calvin, the Anabaptist movement and Protestant Puritanism / 128
2.2.2. Anabaptism / 130
2.2.3. Protestant pietism / 132
2.2.4. Protestant awakenings prior to the fundamentalist-Pentecostal movement / 137
2.3. Is there a charismatic phenomenon in Orthodoxy? / 140

Chapter 3. Charismatic thinking currents. Defining doctrinal elements for the charismatic movement / 147
3.1. Theories of the beginnings of the charismatic movement / 147
3.2. Pentecostal charismatics - Apostolic and Unitarian / 160
3.3. Independent charismatics / 174
3.4. Catholic Charismatics, Second Vatican Council / 184
3.5. The charismatic theology of the Kingdom / 205
3.6. The charismatic theology of Healing / 212
3.7. Charismatic Theology of Worship / 220

Chapter 4. Evaluation of the charismatic phenomenon from the perspective of the Church's mission / 244
4.1. Ecclesiological implications of the charismatic movement / 244
4.2. Soteriological implications of the charismatic movement / 258
4.3. The charismatic movements in the Romanian space / 263
4.4. The ecumenical spirit of the charismatic movement / 267
4.5. The answer of Eastern theology to the proliferation of charismatic movements / 274

Conclusions / 278

Bibliography / 285


We have before us a work rich in themes and ideas in the landscape of our current Missiology to which he has thoroughly and successfully engaged through the present research of Dr. Micle Gavril Beniamin, in a well-structured synthesis that gives us an overview of what charismatic movement.
The research of the charismatic phenomenon reveals the presence and manifestation of the Charisms throughout the entire existence of the Church. There is a preconception prevalent in the minds of many modern historians, who look at the phenomenon from the perspective of their own doctrinal influences and thus the charismatic phenomenon is not described objectively, on the other hand the lack of Pentecostal or charismatic theologians prevail as a measure of faith. This book is a valuable one through the missionary synthesis from the area of ​​contemporary neo-religious nonconformism represented by the charismatic groups, presenting real measures to counteract the charismatic proselytism. The charismatic doctrines are approached from an interdisciplinary perspective, proving the author's ability for dialogue and to offer new solutions, new methods, for understanding the phenomenon of these charismatic groups.
The author realizes through his approach a laudable act for the Romanian missiology, providing numerous solutions for knowing the phenomenon, but also analyzes in depth the causes that can lead to the accession and to the charismatic pietistic way of life. Dr. Benjamin Micle emphasizes his vocation: first theological and then missionary, being passionate for the good in the salvation of man and care for the understanding of the authentic work of the Holy Spirit.
The scientific level of the book and the impact on those to whom it is addressed is obvious and results from the approach and reflection of the features of the charismatic phenomenon seen from the inter-confessional perspective. From a practical point of view, it brings up theological, missionary and social issues. For the social area it offers new perspectives worthy of consideration, and for the missionary area it adds good measures to a research so far applied very little to the charismatic phenomenon. The choice of subject, the approach, the originality combined with the academic erudition make this book a welcome one to the academic context. The paper presents the accuracy of information and academic erudition by summarizing the existing academic literature, discussing it and presenting concrete conclusions based on it. The important themes of the charismatic phenomenon are covered and reflected in the central questions of the book. The writing is a quality one proving the capacity of deepening and cursive pursuit of the charismatic phenomenon. The book stands out through its stylistics, serious and clear analysis of texts and documents with multiple and exemplary values ​​for assuming a missionary model regarding the charismatic movement. The paper is accompanied by an updated critical apparatus, with a generous bibliography corresponding to the academic norms. The research reflects a sustained work of documentation, information, meticulousness, linearity in the scientific presentation with the success of the judicious presentation of the academic approach of Dr. Micle Gavril Beniamin, whom we warmly congratulate.

Prof. Univ. Dr. Gheorghe PETRARU
Faculty of Orthodox Theology, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University IASI


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