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Editura Universitara PArticles of the Soul

35,00 Lei

ISBN: 978-606-28-1183-9


Publisher year: 2020

Edition: I

Pages: 384

Publisher: Editura Universitara

Author: Pr. Mihai Gojgar

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All 100 editorials put together now are the result of a beautiful pastoral experience, deal with current issues and are written in an expressive and convincing style.

Prof. Prof. Dr. Vasile Gordon

The 100 editorials gathered in this book have a clear, explicit, fresh, coherent, interesting, attractive, inspired and anchored in reality message. They are meant to help its readers to understand themselves, to know their own spiritual life, to rebuild themselves internally through reading, faith and hope, ideals increasingly foreign to today's pragmatic civilization.
The author's religious discourse is an example of interpreting and contextualizing the evangelical message to the possibilities and expectations of the contemporary Christian. The religious education that this book proposes restores the colloquial, receptive and, at the same time, prophetic character of theology. Theology is called to testify daily, like the Apostle Paul in the Areopagus, for it is an art of conversation on the vertical of the Godhead and the horizontal of the world.

Rev. Conf. Dr. Vasile Cretu

Foreword / 11
1. Christ sent! (Tomii Sunday) / 13
2. Do we really want to be healthy? (Fourth Sunday after Easter) / 17
3. Gratitude, testimony of sight (6th Sunday after Easter) / 20
4. The birthday of the Church (Pentecost) / 23
5. Human fishermen? (Second Sunday after Pentecost) / 26
6. We do not deserve miracles! (Fourth Sunday after Pentecost) / 29
7. Under the umbrella of the Church (6th Sunday after Pentecost / 33
8. About poverty (8th Sunday after Pentecost) / 36
9. Make us angry, O Lord, against evil! Healing the Sniper (10th Sunday after Pentecost) / 40
10. Mercy for the rich (11th Sunday after Pentecost) / 44
11. When the thought becomes the deed (20th Sunday after Pentecost) / 48
12. The lesson of the life of Saint Demetrius (St. M. Mc. Dimitrie) / 51
13. How do we read? (25th Sunday after Pentecost) / 55
14. The perspective of the last step (XXX Sunday after Pentecost) / 59
15. Stuttering and despair (XXXII Sunday after Pentecost) / 62
16. Fulfillment of the call (Sunday after the Baptism of the Lord) / 65
17. Blind and blind (XXXI Sunday after Pentecost) / 68
18. Saint Haralambie - for 200 years with us (St. Haralambie) / 71
19. The Pharisee - a Weeping Man (Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee) / 74
20. "I am waiting for the resurrection of the dead ..." (Fearful Judgment Sunday) / 77
21. Joy and responsibility (Sunday I of Lent) / 81
22. Fragile, climbing the ladder of happiness (Fourth Sunday of Lent) / 84
23. All in their time / 87
24. Come and receive the light! (Resurrection Sunday) / 90
25. The woman, the strong gender (Third Sunday after Easter) / 93
26. Samaritan and the power of life change (Fifth Sunday after Easter) / 97
27. I know, so I am happy (7th Sunday after Easter) / 101
28. Call to holiness (Sunday I after Pentecost) / 104
29. Smells of the feast (St. M. Mc. Pantelimon) / 107
30. Overcoming mediocrity (Fifth Sunday after Pentecost) / 109
31. A not at all trivial pericope (7th Sunday after Pentecost) / 113
32. The Impossible Possible (Ninth Sunday after Pentecost) / 117
33. About the beginnings (Sunday before the Exaltation of the Holy Cross) / 120
34. Your will be done! (18th Sunday after Pentecost) / 124
35. About mercy (20th Sunday after Pentecost) / 128
36. Between the renunciation of pigs and the approach of Christ (XXIII Sunday after Pentecost) / 132
37. How to forget someone's name (XXII Sunday after Pentecost) / 136
38. About exaggerated worries (26th Sunday after Pentecost) / 139
39. Is it hard to love? (Fifth Sunday after Pentecost) / 143
40. Without pretexts (XXVIII Sunday after Pentecost) / 146
41. End of the holidays? (Beginning of the calendar year) / 149
42. Zacchaeus of today (XXXII Sunday after Pentecost) / 153
43. Saint Haralambie and the beginning of the Triodion / 157
44. The Examination of Eternity (Fearful Judgment Sunday) / 160
45. Filipi and Natanaeli in the Old Center (Sunday I of Lent) / 164
46. ​​Travelers in the shadow of the Holy Cross (Third Sunday of Lent) / 168
47. Who deserves to be boss? (Fifth Sunday of Lent) / 172
48. Lights of Resurrection (Resurrection of the Lord) / 176
49. Samaritan Crisis (Fifth Sunday after Easter) / 180
50. Lesson of the First Ecumenical Synod (7th Sunday after Easter) / 184
51. Gossip, betrayal of the neighbor (St. Apostle Judas Thaddeus) / 187
52. About eye health (Third Sunday after Pentecost) / 191
53. Gadara fiecaruia (Fifth Sunday after Pentecost) / 195
54. Pantoleoni and Pantelimoni (St. M. Mc. Pantelimon) / 199
55. The water show (Ninth Sunday after Pentecost) / 203
56. The Duty of God (11th Sunday after Pentecost) / 207
57. Gratitude for grandparents (Saints Joachim and Anna) / 211
58. Sadness of shame (Sunday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross) / 216
59. How do we honor the Holy Icons? (Sunday of the Fathers of the VII Ecumenical Synod) / 220
60. Honoring St. Demetrius (St. M. Mc. Dimitrie) / 224
61. Sadness laughter (XXIV Sunday after Pentecost) / 228
62. An everyday dilemma: me or the others? (26th Sunday after Pentecost) / 232
63. Happy birthday, Christian Romania! (Romania's Day) / 236
64. Gifts for Bethlehem (Nativity) / 240
65. Where are you in a hurry? (Epiphany) / 244
66. Delicacy and dignity: Saint Gregory the Theologian / 248
67. Travel diary (XXXIV Sunday after Pentecost) / 252
68. Blessed post! (Beginning of Lent) / 256
69. Friendship and Lent (Second Sunday of Lent) / 259
70. How we verify our faith (Fourth Sunday of Lent) / 262
71. Christ has sent! (The Resurrection of the Lord) / 266
72. How much does a glass of water make? (Fifth Sunday after Easter) / 269
73. War and peace (Sunday I after Pentecost) / 273
74. Take care of me and take care of you (Third Sunday after Pentecost) / 278
75. Our Gadara (Fifth Sunday after Pentecost) / 282
76. Demand, the face of the love of Saint Elijah (St. Elijah the Prophet) / 286
77. How much faith do we have? (Ninth Sunday after Pentecost) / 290
78. Let's simply forgive! (11th Sunday after Pentecost) / 293
79. On the authority and peace of listening to superiors (XIIIth Sunday after Pentecost) / 297
80. Who is unclean? (St. Cornelius the Hundred) / 301
81. The example of emigration (St. Hierarch Antim Ivireanul) / 305
82. Windows to God (21st Sunday after Pentecost) / 309
83. A hero for all (St. M. Mc. Dimitrie) / 313
84. The angel - the diaphanous variant of man (the Holy Archangels) / 317
85. From monologue to dialogue (26th Sunday after Pentecost) / 321
86. Lauda Sfantului Nicolae (Sf. Ier. Nicolae) / 325
87. The Nativity, an eternal invitation to modesty / 329
88. Beginning of the year (Beginning of the calendar year) / 333
89. Ice models (XXXI Sunday after Pentecost) / 337
90. The multiplication of talents (16th Sunday after Pentecost) / 341
91. Words to an Impostor (XXXIII Sunday after Pentecost) / 345
92. Cures for stomach and liver (Fearful Judgment Sunday) / 350
93. The universal language of icons (Sunday I of Lent) / 354
94. Who should we follow? (Third Sunday of Lent) / 358
95. Near the end of the desert (Fifth Sunday of Lent) / 362
96. The Resurrection of the Lord / 366
97. Thank you, myrrh-bearers! (Third Sunday after Easter) / 370
98. The element of surprise (Fifth Sunday after Easter) / 374
99. Memory and sensitivity (St. Jude Thaddeus) / 376
100. Christian Oxymoron: Quarrel and Love (The Holy Apostles Peter and Paul) / 380

If you go through other preconceptions, you will notice that the authors justify their literary approach through an experience, inspiration, search. In my case, the volume appears as a response to the request of some parishioners who asked me why I do not gather all the editorials published in Dimitrios magazine, given that the articles from the past years of the parish bimonthly are not found anywhere. So I put together the first 100 texts, published between 2012 and 2016 and I present them before you with the invitation to go through them together with our recent history. They do not describe or interpret exclusively evangelical or liturgical motives, but embrace the experiences, efforts, failures and achievements of the community of the Church "Saint Dumitru-Posta", University Chapel. This explains the dynamics of the texts and even the style. The changes within us are found in the words we perpetuate in writing. I did not fundamentally accept the texts compared to the way they first appeared; the footnotes and the chiseling of the sentences, here and there, remained the only interventions. I preferred the primacy of chronology and the naturalness of growth over time, the abandonment of systematization and the avoidance of changes suggested by the passing of the years.
You will be able to see, as I did when I went through them in full, a transition of concerns strictly related to the gospel text to everyday subjects and people. You will travel with my soul to the genesis of texts springing from ideas circulated around us, puns, anonymous glances, undisclosed thoughts.
Thanks to all those who inspired me, criticized me, helped in shaping the fragments of thought. I called them PArticles of the soul because they twin items from Dimitrios and particles from my heart; the word particles came out, a symbiosis between two terms, a union between old and new, between the monumentality of the place and the original that challenges us daily. Thank you to the members of the editorial team who, during the four years, 2012-2016, contributed to the editing of Dimitrios magazine, implicitly of my texts! Thanks to the patron saints of the place where I serve, the Holy Great Martyr Dimitrie, the Fountain of Myrrh (October 26), the Holy Holy Martyr Haralambie, the Savior of the plague (February 10), the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Pantelimon, the Great Doctor without silver (27) , The Holy Holy Martyr Antipas of Pergamum, the Healer of the Dental Sick (April 11), the Holy Pious Nicanor, the Protector of Children (August 7) ​​and the Holy Apostle Judas Thaddeus, the Defender of the Unbelievable (June 19)!
Glory to God for all!

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