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Editura Universitara Directive - amending EU law - and Romanian law

37,00 Lei 34,41 Lei

ISBN: 978-606-28-0209-7

DOI: 10.5682/9786062802097

Publisher year: 2016

Edition: I

Pages: 268

Publisher: Editura Universitara

Author: Dragos Calin, Daniel-Mihail Sandru, Constantin-Mihai Banu

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The present book originates from a conference organized on 11 November 2014 by the Center for European Legal Studies (of the Legal Research Institute „Acad. Andrei Radulescu” of the Romanian Academy) and the Romanian Association for Law and European Affairs. The initial papers were supplemented by some other pieces, in order to have a grasp of the complex picture of the European Union directive.

The directive is defined as act of European Union law which is binding, as to the result to be achieved, upon each Member State to which it is addressed, but which leaves to the national authorities the choice of form and methods.

The ten papers included in this book, which are grouped in five sections and preceded by a solid introduction in the subject-matter, are meant to offer various perspectives on the impact of directive on the Romanian legal order and the three branches of government, without losing sight of the specific case of the Constitutional Court.

  • Directiva - act de dreptul Uniunii Europene – si dreptul român

Dragos Calin
Judge at the Bucharest Court of Appeal, trainer of the National Institute of Magistracy for continuous professional training European Union law, international judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters, labor law and social insurance law; associate scientific researcher of the Institute of Legal Research of the Romanian Academy - Center for European Law Studies, director of the Journal of Judges Forum, member of the scientific college of the journal Jurisclasor ECHR, co-editor of the Journal iaduer - European Legal Affairs, founding member and co-president Judges of Romania (2007-present), member of the Board of Directors GEMME Europe (May 2010-present), vice-president of GEMME Europe - European Grouping of Magistrates for Mediation (May 2010-May 2012), founding member of CIMJ (International Conference of Mediation for Justice), October 2009, Paris

Daniel-Mihail Sandru
  • Coordinator of the Center for European Law Studies of the Institute for Legal Research “Acad. Andrei Radulescu ”of the Romanian Academy and university professor;
  • Arbitrator at the International Commercial Arbitration Court attached to the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
  • Ad-hoc judge at the European Court of Human Rights;
  • President of the Romanian Association of European Law and Affairs (ARDAE);
  • President of the Society of Legal Sciences (SSJ);

Constantin-Mihai Banu
Associate researcher, Center for European Law Studies within the Institute of Legal Research „Acad. Andrei Radulescu ”of the Romanian Academy; Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Romanian Journal of European Law (R.R.D.E.).

Introducere. Directiva – act de dreptul Uniunii Europene
(Constantin Mihai BANU)

Partea I – Directiva – act de dreptul Uniunii Europene. Aspecte generale

Daniel-Mihail SANDRU
Directiva – act de dreptul Uniunii Europene – si simplificarea normativa

Daniel-Mihail SANDRU
Autoritatile potential responsabile ale unui stat membru in situatia constatarii neindeplinirii obligatiilor de catre Curtea de Justitie

Tiberiu SAVU
Controlul de legalitate a directivelor reflectat in jurisprudenta recenta a instantelor Uniunii Europene

Partea a II-a – Directiva – act de dreptul Uniunii Europene – si puterile legislativa si executiva

Marieta SAFTA
Limite constitutionale ale legiferarii pe calea ordonantelor de urgenta ale Guvernului

Irina ALEXE, Constantin Mihai BANU
Transpunerea directivei prin ordonanta de urgenta. Exemple recente din dreptul roman si aspecte comparate

Partea a III-a – Directiva – act de dreptul Uniunii Europene – si judecatorul national

Constantin Mihai BANU, Dragos Alin CALIN, Daniel Mihail SANDRU
Concedieri colective in cazul insolventei societatii comerciale si efectul direct orizontal al unei directive. Hotarari ale instantelor romane in context european

Anamaria GROZA
Aplicarea si neaplicarea Directivei 93/13 de catre judecatorul national in cauze analoage

Consideratii privind relevanta dreptului Uniunii Europene pentru materia achizitiilor publice

Partea a IV-a – Directiva – act de dreptul Uniunii Europene – si Curtea Constitutionala

Tudorel TOADER, Marieta SAFTA
Controlul de constitutionalitate al legii de transpunere a directivei

Partea a V-a – Directiva – act de dreptul Uniunii Europene – si sistemul Conventiei europene a drepturilor omului

Judecatorul roman si problema incompatibilitatii directivelor cu Conventia europeana a drepturilor omului. Perspectiva aderarii Uniunii Europene la Conventia europeana a drepturilor omului

The present book originates from a conference organized on 11 November 2014 by the Center for European Legal Studies (of the Legal Research Institute „Acad. Andrei Radulescu” of the Romanian Academy) and the Romanian Association for Law and European Affairs. The initial papers were supplemented by some other pieces, in order to have a grasp of the complex picture of the European Union directive.

The directive is defined as act of European Union law which is binding, as to the result to be achieved, upon each Member State to which it is addressed, but which leaves to the national authorities the choice of form and methods.

The ten papers included in this book, which are grouped in five sections and preceded by a solid introduction in the subject-matter, are meant to offer various perspectives on the impact of directive on the Romanian legal order and the three branches of government, without losing sight of the specific case of the Constitutional Court.

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