This paper aims to present a set of tools to provide the basis for training the skills needed by any manager. In a schematic graphic form, the essential elements specific to project management, business plan, feasibility study, completed with aspects regarding the components of the business environment or the identification of business financing sources, including the conditions and steps, are brought in a single paper. for expanding a business abroad.
During the development of the book, a series of application works are provided that offer the possibility to learn the skills necessary to develop and implement a project, business plan or feasibility study, including from the perspective of successful development of a project to qualify for European funding. .
The book is addressed to all those who consider that they have identified an ingenious business idea for a particular target customer segment or who want to join forces with other partners in achieving a common goal related to the successful implementation of a business idea, but more elected to students, masters, employees with direct responsibilities in writing and carrying out business plans or in approving business loans.