Economic-Financial Analysis. Theoretical and Practical Landmarks
The paper addresses issues of economic and financial analysis encountered at the microeconomic level both theoretically and practically, being an excellent support for those who enter the "secrets" of this discipline or those who they want to explore this science.
This paper has a methodological character emphasizing theories, concepts, principles and models of economic and financial analysis.
The structure of the book allows the understanding and gradual assimilation of the presented knowledge, as the first part of it offers explanations regarding the calculation of the main economic-financial indicators found in the analysis models used in the second part of the book, which makes the learning process much easier.
Analytical - on the specifics of "case studies" and having as object of investigation a series of economic-financial indicators used in practical activity - were designed the application sequences inserted in each chapter of the paper, insisting on the systemic side of diagnosis and regulation corresponding to the various situations found.
The economic-financial analysis offers the conceptual as well as the methodological-applicative framework of the identification and use of human, material and financial resources through which aspects of the production and commercial activity, the management of the internal potential of the enterprise, costs, profitability, analysis of the financial-patrimonial situation can be highlighted. , etc. issues of special interest for practical activity.
The presented paper is addressed to students from economic faculties, specialists from economic units, managers, as well as external users.
We thank in advance the students and specialists who will come with observations and new suggestions on the content of the paper so that, at the next edition, it will appear improved.
At the end of these lines, our grateful thoughts are directed to those who put their soul in the training of many specialists in the area of ​​economic and financial analysis and who offered us generous support in all our professional endeavors: Prof. univ. dr. Constantin Stanescu, Prof. univ. Dr. Constantin C. Cojocaru.
The Authors
Economic-Financial Analysis. Grid Tests
The present paper has an applicative character, constituting a completion of the course “Economic-financial analysis. Theoretical and practical landmarks ”, which contains 160 grid-type applications, solved by the author and 200 applications proposed for solving.
This paper offers the possibility to the one who goes through the solved applications and then the proposed ones, to fix his acquired knowledge based on the theoretical course, regarding the various aspects of the analysis of financial balance, analysis of enterprise performance, analysis of financial situation, profitability, costs, and so on
The paper is intended for all students who are preparing in this vast field of economic-financial analysis or anyone who wants to benefit from the practical knowledge of this discipline.
In order to improve the content of a future edition, we express our full availability for comments and suggestions from readers.
The Authors