ISBN: 978-606-591-946-4
DOI: 10.5682/9786065919464
Publisher year: 2014
Edition: I
Pages: 89
Publisher: Editura Universitara
Author: Monica Condruz-Bacescu, Marius Bacescu, Angelica Bacescu – Carbunaru
graduate of the Economic Calculation and Economic Cybernetics, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest in 1968;
Professor of Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies in ASE Bucharest and associate professor at Polytechnic University of Bucharest and the Romanian Banking Institute.
PhD in the field of Cybernetics and economic statistics,
Member of the Academy of Scientists in Romania
Cybernetics member of the Romanian Academy and the Romanian Society of Statistics;
author and coauthor of over 100 articles published over 130 scientific and communications more than 25 books in economics;
Victor Slavescu laureate for economics of the Romanian Academy Award in 2000 and Virgil Madgearu the economy of the Academy of Scientists in Romania in 2005.
graduate of the Faculty of Cybernetics, Statistics and Economic Informatics from the ASE Bucharest in 1992;
professor at the Department of Statistics and Econometrics from ASE Bucharest;
corresponding member of Academy of Scientists in Romania;
Cybernetics member of the Romanian Academy, the Romanian Society of Statistics and of the Romanian Regional Science;
Victor Slavescu laureate for economics of the Romanian Academy in 2000;
author or coauthor of 15 books in economics, has published over 45 articles and over 55 scientific papers.
Graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Literatures, University of Bucharest in 2000.
Titular lecturer at the Department of Germanic Languages ​​and Business Communication, Business Communication discipline in English, ASE Bucharest.
Ph.D. in Economics in 2006 from ASE Bucharest.
Author and coauthor of over 35 articles in the field of Business English, English literature, economics, has over 25 scientific papers and six books of business English and economics.
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