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Editura Universitara British economic issues during 1970-2000 - Thatcerismul - between goals and accomplishments

21,20 Lei

ISBN: 978-973-749-868-7

Publisher year: 2010

Edition: I

Pages: 213

Publisher: Editura Universitara

Author: Maria Dărăbanţ

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This paper aims to make a comprehensive review of the major economic events that marked the Great Britain from 1970 to 2000.
Maximum resonance Center, both in time and work on time and in the emotional memory of those who directly experienced this period is undoubtedly the Thatcher period, ie 1979-1990. The first chapter, entitled British economic situation in the early 70s of last century, examines the period before the seventh decade of the last century. Here we detail the main events that marked the period after the Second World War, their implications both immediate and sustained primarily economic and, second, the social plan. We find this attempt revival of British rule profoundly affected by the two great World War, a State which, in the context of new economic and political power no longer found once or European leadership and undisputed world. Collapse amid colonial empire that ensure, to the Second World War, the status of first class international power, Britain faces economic hardship exacerbated by the war effort drained him deeply human and material resources. Alternatives are presented Labour and conservative governments in the context of trying to maintain and strengthen the welfare state.
Internal evolution of the UK is from this period, increasingly marked by the course of external events. Despite the country's geostrategic insularity which allowed up to that time, the luxury of a "splendid isolation", Britain sees need to become ever more part of a continental European dislike them, but that must accept it as prefaţând future membership "de facto" the European Union. In this respect, the Marshall Plan is, we consider the first signal that the future of European nations is that of unity and "community" states.
International situation marked by the division of time is fundamental in the world two great blocks of influence, the Communists, on the one hand and the capitalist, on the other. Time when some European state could dictate an approach, be it economic, political or military has gone forever. World states, and the European excellence, become part of a whole which overlap creating events with international impact effects felt as such. Moreover, it has received and then a name, which is globalization.
The second chapter, entitled economic measures adopted during the Thatcher government is the largest and also the point of maximum impact of the paper and analysis focuses on the period of Margaret Thatcher government in Britain. Are the main economic measures that marked this period of eleven years is as an absolute record of the twentieth century, both by duration and by continuity. We believe that not only this time he enrolled as a reminder for posterity, but the very force that Thatcher government to fingerprint all British life is a turning point in modern history universal. Impact that economic measures have been taken over the government "Iron Lady" is felt to this day, not just the UK but also internationally.
Anchoring British life international realities of the time is even stronger the more we can do a reference off the special relationship that Margaret Thatcher as British Prime Minister has had with Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America. I devote a chapter to this aspect in particular of the second chapter of our work. Treatment was in itself a first in literature in Romania.
A special place in the economy of the second chapter we have European problem which, more than thirty years after the events, keep their currency, in a paradoxical novel punctuated by iterations that bring on the frontispiece of a common European agenda whose diversity factor is, nowadays, only the prefix of a new millennium.
At the end of the third chapter do a retrospective of the eleven years of Thatcher government, an analysis of successes and shortcomings of the period. Do not forget, however, that now ends more than a government, more than a decade. Ending a whole chapter of world history, ending the Cold War, ending an era of confrontation and tensions bleak, fortunately, have found a nonaggressive defulare valve. "Berlin Wall" falling, communism falls, Margaret Thatcher and she falls. Not with the same force, it is true, but under the same laws that ends a cycle of development and marks a new beginning.
The third chapter, entitled immediate economic effects of measures in the Thatcher era and their long-term effectiveness analyzes the main economic developments in Great Britain after Thatcher government, in terms of long-term follow thatcheriste measures, namely, the periods under the leadership of John Major, Tony Blair respectively.
We can comment without fear of prejudice in any way conservative image that John Major was a solution largely compromise, given that an entire country no longer keep pace with "long-distance runner" that Margaret Thatcher is imposed on an entire national economy. Therefore, we consider that John Major as a "breathing space" necessary economic and social life of the early British ninth decade of the last century has not the slightest pejorative reference.
Labour came to power under Tony Blair's leadership marks a new era in economic development of Britain. New Labour movement, or "the New Labour" as he himself calls itself, brings a new spirit in economic life and social policy of the country. Witness the openness and transparency worthy of a real democracy and in accordance with principles left in the more real sense of the term. Although an orientation quite different from that of the Conservatives, Labour continues in most areas of economic transformations inaugurated by Margaret Thatcher. For that, we think, the true heir to Margaret Thatcher was not John Major, but Tony Blair himself.
If the topic is addressed in itself a challenge by the interest it generates still alive, both in specialized environments and in the non-academic resources are particularly extensive bibliography, requiring careful selection and rigorous, but especially , impartial. In this sense, proved to be of real help British government statistics, OECD statistics, the data made available by the British Parliament, and archives Thatcher, Reagan and Churchill.
Collection, selection and interpretation of statistical data analysis with socio-economic phenomena combined laborious effort and time that have resulted form this paper.

  • Aspecte economice britanice în perioada 1970-2000 - Thatcerismul - între deziderate şi împliniri


În istoria economiei europene Marea Britanie ocup? o pozi?ie special?, fapt datorat locului ?i rolului economiei acestei ??ri în ansamblul continentului, dar ?i particularit??ilor institu?ionale pe care le are. Problematica, extrem de complex? ?i deosebit de incitant?, examinat? în prezenta tez? de doctorat a constituit ?i constituie o tem? de larg? ?i controversat? dezbatere. Diversitatea opiniilor, exprimate atât în epoc?, cât ?i despre epoc? se explic? prin unghiurile de vedere diferite, dar ?i prin interese de multe ori contradictorii care marcheaz? evolu?ia economiei britanice ?i influen?eaz? nemijlocit economia european? ?i mondial?.
Privit? în ansamblu, lucrarea Aspecte economice britanice în perioada 1970 - 2000. Thatcherismul - între deziderate ?i împliniri cuprinde rezultatele unei cercet?ri deosebit de laborioase, numeroase constat?ri, considera?ii ?i concluzii inedite, care se sprijin? pe un mare volum de informa?ii statistice, atent selectate, dar ?i pe o bibliografie cuprinz?toare. Preocuparea pentru a surprinde cu acurate?e ?tiin?ific? ?i nuan?at con?inutul ?i semnifica?iile faptelor economice ?i politice din epoc? ?i din lucr?ri despre aceast? epoc?, precum ?i efectele acestora, o conduce pe d-a Maria D?r?ban?, autoarea prezentei lucr?ri, la punerea în lumin? a locului ?i rolului economiei britanice în arena european? ?i mondial? în perioada postbelic? ?i la evaluarea corect? a poten?ialului acesteia. Autoarea surprinde cu obiectivitate elementele de continuitate ?i discontinuitate în faptele ?i actele economice întreprinse în perioada guvern?rii Thatcher, iar apelul la induc?ie ?i deduc?ie, la metoda istoric? ?i cea comparativ? o conduce la formularea punctelor de vedere proprii ?i la argumentarea sistematic? a acestora. Subliniez ?i preocuparea autoarei pentru a expune argumentat considera?iile ?i concluziile sale ?i a evita aprecieri absolutizante ori de oportunitate, precum ?i stilul personal, cursiv ?i antrenant în care este redactat? lucrarea.
Considera?iile ?i concluziile sunt formulate cu claritate ?i în optic? deschis? c?tre actualitate ?i cerin?a adâncirii cercet?rilor ?i atest? capacitatea de cercet?tor format a autoarei. Ele merit? toat? aten?ia din partea celor interesa?i de faptele, actele ?i ideile economice, de desf??urarea activit??ilor ?i politicilor economice din lume ?i din ?ara noastr?.
Lucrarea, credem noi, poate fi deosebit de util? pentru studen?i, masteranzi, doctoranzi ?i cercet?tori din lumea economic?. 

Prof. univ. dr. Maria Mure?an
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucure?ti

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Maria Dărăbanţ

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