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Editura Pro Universitaria From Protection to Social Work of Family. Values and Interventional Strategies - Gheorghita Nistor

35,00 Lei 29,75 Lei

Editura: Pro Universitaria

Autor: Gheorghita Nistor

Pagini: 156

Anul publicării: 2022

ISBN: 978-606-26-1610-6

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Cod Produs: 9786062616106 Ai nevoie de ajutor? 0745 200 718 / 0745 200 357
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The volume From Protection to Social Work of Family. Values and interventional strategies, author Gheorghița Nistor, written in English, is a work of interest for those who want to know and familiarize themselves with the protection and social work system for families and children in vulnerable situations in Romania. This book is based on an experience of over 25 years of study and scientific research in the field of family and child social work and is intended to be a useful tool for specialists in the socio-educational field, social workers, teachers, but also for those in training, students in the field of social work, and not only.

The volume presents in three chapters, different aspects and specific problems, which the Romanian family faces at the beginning of the millennium. In the first part, certain aspects of the system of protection and social work for family and child are presented, different principles of organization and operation of social services, especially for vulnerable families in difficulty. The second chapter presents different analyzes of the educational models and interventions carried out by the contemporary family as a socializing institution, positive socio-educational paradigms, but also the challenges they have to face. Some of these negative avatars are analyzed on which the social work services and the family must watch over and intervene: addiction to the online environment, drug use and addiction, parental migration and the transnational family. The practice of specialists in the field of social work is guided by values specific to the deontological and ethical framework for carrying out interventions, aspects also analyzed in an international context. Chapter three presents the relationship between applied ethics and professions in the social field, models for defining and analyzing ethical dilemmas in the practice of social work, with an emphasis on the principle of responsibility in the use of information in socio-educational interventions.

The theoretical and practical-applicative value of the work is clear for the analyzed field and we hope that it will represent a useful material for specialists involved in the constructive approach of social and educational inclusion of all children. 

  • From Protection to Social Work of Family. Values and Interventional Strategies - Gheorghita Nistor

Conferentiar universitar doctor la Facultatea de Sociologie si Asistenta Sociala din cadrul Universitatii din Bucuresti. Studii: licenta in asistenta sociala, master in politici sociale (promotia 1996), doctorat in sociologie (2003) la Universitatea din Bucuresti, Facultatea de Sociolgie si Asistenta Sociala. Preda cursuri centrate pe asistenta sociala a familiei, comportament si mediu social (psihologie sociala), asistenta sociala si consiliere in institutiile educationale, cultura organizationala, deontologie si etica in practica asistentei sociale. Autor si coordonator de carti, autor si co-autor de studii si articole de specialitate, publicate in reviste si edituri de prestigiu. Dintre lucrarile publicate amintim: - Motivatie si cultura organizationala (2016, autor); - Familia in secolul (2021, coordonator); - Conventia O.N.U. cu privire la drepturile copilului: O Magna Carta a demnitatii umane. 1989-2020. (2020, coordonator); - Familia in societatea romaneasca. Pregatirea copiilor si tinerilor pentru viata de familie (coordonator, 2018), - Copiii – victime ale saraciei (2011, coordonator, editie bilingva). - Articole in reviste de specialitate: Revista de Asistenta Sociala, Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, Sociology and Social Work Review, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences (Elsevier), International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies sa.

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