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Editura Universitara Studies of Literature and Lterary Criticism

ISBN: 978-606-591-895-5

DOI: 10.5682/9786065918955

Publisher year: 2014

Edition: I

Pages: 197

Publisher: Editura Universitara

Author: Paul Dugneanu - Coordonator

Product Code: 9786065918955 Do you need help? 0745 200 718 / 0745 200 357
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This volume includes a number of papers and studies by PhD students and even two notable contributions from, now, PhDs in Philology Raluca Grigore and Daniela Varvara, who attended the Doctoral School of Humanities at Ovidius University, and, I am pleased to say, whose doctoral supervisor I was. I will make some brief assertions on each text in the order of the summary, with the mention that they refer to the field of literature and are related to literary projects and doctoral theses.
  • Studies of Literature and Lterary Criticism

PAUL DUGNEANU - Coordinator

Introduction - Paul Dugneanu / 7

Mythical and symbolic occurrences in the prose of Mircea Eliade - Mirela Caraman (Graniceru) / 11

Paratopic constructions in the novels of Max Blecher - Anamaria Ciobotaru / 32

Hotel Europa complet: death and trauma - Mirela Mihaela Doga / 48

Trans-textual strategies in the prose of Mircea Horia Simionescu - Maria Magdalena Dumitrescu / 65

Mircea Nedelciu's short prose - narrative strategies, pictorial strategies - Dr. Raluca Grigore / 78

At the border between real and imaginary in the work of Constantin Toiu - Viviana Luca / 94

Gheorghe Craciun - deconstruction and reconstruction - Teodora Marcu / 105

Death and the double a lacanian approach to Poe - Bianca-Ionela Matei / 116

The discourse of authenticity in the novel A death that proves nothing - Mirela Moldoveanu / 132

D. R. Popescu and the paradigm of neomodernism - Valentina Sterian / 154

Aesthetic configurations of the myth of the fall in neomodernist poetry - Daniela Varvara / 167

Symbolism in the prose of Alexandru Ivasiuc - Denisa Zaher Malciu / 190

This volume includes a number of papers and studies by PhD students and even two notable contributions from, now, PhDs in Philology Raluca Grigore and Daniela Varvara, who attended the Doctoral School of Humanities at Ovidius University, and, I am pleased to say, whose doctoral supervisor I was. I will make some brief assertions on each text in the order of the summary, with the mention that they refer to the field of literature and are related to literary projects and doctoral theses.

In her study, Paratopic Constructions in Max Blecher's novels (Constructii paratopice in romanele lui Max Blecher), Ana Maria Ciobotaru considers, appealing to Dominique Maingueneau's conception from the Literary Discourse. Paratopia and the enunciation scene (Discursul literar. Paratopie si scena de enuntare), as Max Blecher's literary discourse is established by thematizing his own condition. The idea of ​​the text that thematizes its textual production circulated, however, long before, in the French textual semiotics of the seventies. Maingueneau brought it back today by recycling it, tinting it and discreetly passing it through a bath of neo-Marxism. Also in the knowledge of the French theorist, the doctoral student analyzes with intelligence and application the role and function of the place / places (topical and paratopic), designating Max Blecher's attempt to assert his own identity ontologically through literary spaces.

In Hotel Europa complet: death and trauma (Hotel Europa complet: moarte si trauma), Mirela Doga selected from the dramaturgical creation of Matei Visniec, built on the situation and complexes of the contemporary island, the play entitled Hotel Europa complet. The text is pertinently examined, both in its literature with psychological, alienating and existential implications, and in its dramatic specificity.

Maria Magdalena Dumitrescu demonstrates in her article, Transgender Strategies in Mircea Horia Simionescu's prose (Strategii transtextuale in proza lui Mircea Horia Simionescu), with an abundance of arguments and analytical ability, that transtextuality in all its hypostases constitutes the fundamental way of existence of the Targoviste writer's prose. Among the lines can be read a discreet critical reproach against the excessive use of this textual process.

With the seriousness that characterizes it, based on a wide and solid information, Mirela Caraman Graniceru investigates some hypostases of Mircea Eliade's narratives from the angle of mythologemes, epiphanies and symbolic structures (Mythical and symbolic occurrences in Mircea Eliade's prose) (Ocurente mitice si simbolice in proza lui Mircea Eliade).
In Mircea Nedelciu's Short Prose - Narrative Strategies, Pictorial Strategies (Proza scurta a lui Mircea Nedelciu – strategii narative, strategii picturale), Raluca Grigore focuses on the detailed exploration of the Nedelcian narrative construct, diegesis, focus, narrative instances, metadiegetic story, its metalepsa, but not in itself, but as discursive ways of constituting the fictional universe. The author certainly masters the theoretical concepts and effectively implements them in her own critical discourse.

Viviana Luca proposes an interesting, innovative perspective in connection with Constantin Toiu's novels, Falling into the World (Caderea in lume) and the Companion (Insotitorul), frequently received as fictions with a biographical-referential substratum (At the border between real and imaginary in Constantin Toiu's work) (La limita dintre real si imaginar in opera lui Constantin Toiu). The author undertakes a fine reading of the hypostases and signs of the imaginary, the strange and the fantastic, revealing dimensions of depth in a prose received somewhat monochordally.

Biancai-Ionela Matei's study, Death and The Double - A Lacanian Approach to Poe [Moartea si dublul – o abordare lacaniana a lui Poe]  represents a bold and knowledgeable Lacanian approach, as the author herself defines it, of Edgar Allan Poe's romantic prose . The text proves not only good information, but also critical intelligence and analytical spirit.

Teodora Marcu proposes an original, adequate and ingenious critical reading of Gheorghe Craciun's narrative edifice in a postmodernist key, Gheorghe Craciun - deconstruction and re-construction (Gheorghe Craciun – deconstructie si re-constructie). The author is interested in reconstructing an alienating system that modifies and influences discourse. From another point of view, he comes to the conclusion, only seemingly surprising, according to which the prose writer contributed decisively in the eighties to a Romanian postmodernism without postmodernity.

Mirela Moldoveanu insists in her analytical approach about Anton Holban's novel (The Discourse of Authenticity in the novel A Death That Proves Nothing) (Discursul autenticitatii in romanul O moarte care nu dovedeste nimic), mentioned in the title, on the techniques specific to modernist psychological prose such as introspection, retrospect and the influence of Proustianism. At the same time, the doctoral student focuses on that tendency characteristic of the Romanian interwar modernism, the authenticism, to which Anton Holban together with Camil Petrescu gave the most significant expression.

Paula Stegarescu's article refers to one of Stefan Banulescu's best-known short stories and, of course, the most commented. The author investigates the text in its double hypostasis, of realistic frame and fantastic scenario with mythical-symbolic valences, and the bird is considered as an emblem of the enigmatic mythology of of the plain.

Valentina Sterian's text, D. R. Popescu and the paradigm of neomodernism (D. R. Popescu si paradigma neomodernismului), has as its premise the perfectly justified statement that the prose writer is not only one of the most representative leaders of his generation, but also a paradigmatic author of the mythical-fantastic novel. And the applied critical reading of the novels F and the Royal Hunt (Vanatoarea regala) that he undertakes fully supports his opinion.

Through her approach to mitocriticism, seasoned with thematic and anthropological influences of the imaginary, well integrated, Daniela Varvara realizes a new and profound interpretation of some leading poets of Romanian neomodernism, Ioan Alexandru, Gheorghe Pitut, Constanta Buzea, George Alboiu and Mircea Ciobanu (Aesthetic configurations of the fall in neo-modernist poetry) (Configurari estetice ale miului caderii in poezia neomodernista). Their imaginary universe is reread as various paradigms determined by the biblical mythology of the Fall: hell, the wilderness, the stone eden, the cursed city, etc. It is worth mentioning the attention paid to Constanta Buzea, George Alboiu and Mircea Ciobanu, remarkable authors, partially forgotten by contemporary exegesis.

Analyzing Alexandru Ivasiuc's narrative discourse (Symbolism in Alexandru Ivasiuc's prose) (Simbolistica in proza lui Alexandru Ivasiuc), Denisa Zaher Malciu reveals three structuring planes, one of social-political and historical realism, a level of introspection and retrospect and a symbolizing dimension. The author is particularly interested in this last level, much less approached by critics; more specifically, by the symbolizing mechanism (birds, water, mirror, circle, rhombus, number five, etc.) through which the social and political realities of the communist regime were refracted, not reflected.

In conclusion, the texts summarized in this volume outline the profile of future researchers and exegetes, with application for thorough study and hermeneutic skills in the field of Romanian or universal literature.

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