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Editura Universitara Confessions of a geologist

10,50 Lei

ISBN: 978-606-591-727-9

DOI: 10.5682/9786065917279

Publisher year: 2013

Edition: I

Pages: 113

Publisher: Editura Universitara


Radu Jude
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Cartea de fata este rodul momentelor mele de reflectii la vârsta a treia, in care mi se dezvaluie scene din trecutul mai departat sau mai apropiat, pe care le credeam uitate. Ele cuprind secvente de dinaintea celui de-al doilea Razboi Mondial, din timpul si de dupa razboi cu instalarea "tiraniei comuniste" si ajung in actualitate. 

Cartea este o marturisire, o confesiune despre acele trairi, intamplari, evenimente si oameni care mi-au marcat traiectoria vietii. In aceste naratiuni nu voi ezita sa relatez cum am ajuns geolog si ce a insemnat geologia pentru mine. 

Confesiunile unui geolog / 9

Capitolul I. Anii copilariei / 11

Capitolul II. Scoala primara / 13

Capitolul III. Elev la Gimnaziul Petru Span din Baia de Aries / 19

Capitolul IV. Anii de liceu / 24

Capitolul V. Anii studentiei / 30

Capitolul VI. Insemnari din viata de geolog / 53

Capitolul VII. Doi ani la Institutul de Geologie si Geografie al Academiei / 79

Capitolul VIII. Din viata de cadru didactic / 83

Capitolul IX. Cu statut de pensionar / 96

Capitolul X. Colegii din anii studentiei / 99

Epilog / 103

Bibliografie / 109 

Radu Jude
Radu Jude

Geologist Radu Jude was born on 24 August 1931 in Avram Iancu village in the county Alba.

He graduated in Geology from the former Institute of Mining technique in Bucharest in 1957.

He served seven years as a geologist Enterprise Geological Prospecting of the former committee, two years as researcher at the Institute of Geology and Geography of the Academy, and in 1966, higher education in the former Institute of Oil, Gas and Geology, and the University of Bucharest. He retired in 1996 with academic rank of Associate Professor.

He searched vulcanites Neogene and related mineralization of these formations, in some areas of the mountains Oas and Gutai Mountains and the Ore Mountains magmatic laramic banatitice Bihar Poiana Rusca and Banat with interesting results in terms of scientific and practical interest, economic.

Radu Jude and a Ph.D. in geological sciences laureate Gregory Cobalcescu Romanian Academy. He co-authored or authored more than 60 papers published in national and international journals. He has published two books: one treating metallic ores in 2006, another in 2011, about the time bomb, a short monograph.

This book evokes significant moments before the Second World War, during and after this historic event and get in actuality, to surprise the "Zeitgeist" (spirit of the age) of each moment. Geological brief retrospective on the Baia Mare region, in the Gutai Mountains and the Ore Mountains is trying to illustrate the progress made in recent decades, scientific fandirea geology.

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