With the NEW CHANGES brought by:
LAW NO. 58/2024
LAW NO. 122/2024
LAW NO. 126/2024
LAW NO. 172/2024
LAW NO. 202/2024
It also includes LAW NO. 241/2005
for prevention and combat
The 31st (revised) edition of the work, the Criminal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure: July 2024, printed on high-quality white paper and edited by Prof. Univ. dr. Dan Lupascu, includes the new changes brought by: Law no. 58/2024 (M. Of. no. 243 of March 21, 2024); Law no. 122/2024 (M. Of. no. 414 of May 7, 2024); Law no. 126/2024 (M. Of. no. 437 of May 13, 2024); Law no. 172/2024 (M. Of. no. 510 of May 31, 2024); Law no. 202/2024 (M. Of. no. 607 of June 28, 2024).
The articles of the two Codes are accompanied (where applicable) by: correlations with previous regulations; provisions of application; decisions of the Constitutional Court; appeals in the interest of the law; prior decisions; numerous particularly useful related provisions.
The index placed at the end of each Code indicates the seat of the matter for various important institutions in the criminal field, respectively in the field of criminal procedure, ensuring a quick search for related keywords.
The work includes, in the final part, various normative acts (full or excerpted) of wide interest in the field: Law no. 241/2005 for preventing and combating tax evasion (with recent amendments), Law no. 146/2021 regarding electronic monitoring in criminal judicial and executive proceedings (with recent amendments), Law no. 26/2024 regarding the protection order s.a.
The collection of the Criminal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure: July 2024 is intended for magistrates, police officers, lawyers, other categories of practitioners, but also theorists and students.
PRO LEGE – A necessary collection for any lawyer:
● gathers between the covers of each collection essential and extensive information from the field addressed, thus facilitating the user's research activity, significantly and efficiently reducing the time dedicated to it;
● presents packages of consolidated normative acts, carefully selected in order to cover the targeted field, enriched with notes and useful references, structured and highlighted professionally and intended to facilitate the understanding of the legislator's will and intentions (by signaling and/or by presenting some correlations or some relevant issues, in some cases by offering specific clarifications, etc.);
● it is printed on high-quality white paper, ideal for annotations needed in didactic and practical activities;
● the PREMIUM series from the PRO LEGE collection includes extensive additional informative material (as the case may be, European jurisprudence, more national jurisprudence and several related laws in full or in excerpts, various annotations, etc.);
● each collection in part constitutes, practically, a complex legal instrument, indispensable for the day-to-day activity within the domain to which it is dedicated and which it represents, unitarily organizing the information necessary for a good knowledge of the respective domain.
Dan Lupascu
Relevant experience
Long-term activity in the legal field, both as a practitioner (judge - 1990 - 2016, lawyer - 2016 - up to date), and as a university teacher (from 1993 - up to date). He exercised management functions at the Court of Sector 5, Bucharest (vice president), the Bucharest Court (president) and the Bucharest Court of Appeal (president). He was a member of the Superior Council (2003-2011), an institution he led as secretary general (2003-2005) and, respectively, as president (2005-2006). He carried out teaching activities at the "Dimitrie Cantemir" Christian University in Bucharest - Faculty of Legal and Administrative Sciences (1993-1995), the University of Bucharest - Faculty of Law (1994-1995), the National Institute of Magistracy (1993-2018) and the University "Nicolae Titulescu" from Bucharest - Faculty of Law (2002 - present). Currently, he is a lawyer at the Bucharest Bar - owner of the "Lupascu Dan" Individual Law Office - and a professor at the "Nicolae Titulescu" University in Bucharest - Faculty of Law.
Education and Training
2014-present: University professor
2001: Doctor of Law, Dr
for criminal procedure, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law
1990: Graduate, head of promotion, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law
Scientific research activity
He published numerous scientific works (see the Annex to the Curriculum vitae, published at professoral), was part of three scientific research teams and participated in several internal or international conferences.
For the results obtained in the more than three decades of activity in the legal field, he received numerous awards, diplomas and other distinctions, from Romanian and foreign institutions. In 2000, the President of Romania awarded him the national Order "Star of Romania", in the rank of "officer", for "special merits in the development of jurisprudence, the reform of justice and the correct application of laws".