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Editura Universul Juridic Civil law. Persons. 3rd edition, revised and added - Petrica Trusca, Andrada Mihaela Trusca

70,00 Lei 59,50 Lei

Publisher: Universul Juridic

Author: Petrica Trusca, Andrada Mihaela Trusca

Edition: a 3-a, revazuta si adaugita

Pages: 348

Publisher year: 2017

ISBN: 978-606-39-0069-3

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Conceived as a university course, the paper is addressed mainly, but not exclusively, to students, following the explanation of the notions and mechanisms that govern the matter of the natural person and the legal person.

The authors have the desire to offer students, through this paper, a useful working tool for understanding essential institutions of civil law - individuals and legal entities constituting the actors of all civil legal relations.
Petrica Trusca


Bachelor of Laws (1981 - University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law); doctor of law (1999 - University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law).

Professor of PhD at the Faculty of Legal and Administrative Sciences, "Dimitrie Cantemir" Christian University.

He has published numerous teaching materials, books, treatises, monographs: Romanian civil law. Individual and legal entity (1995); Romanian civil law. Introduction to civil law. Subjects of civil law (1998), 5 consecutive editions; Legal entity. Subject of civil law (2000); Romanian civil law. People (2001); Romanian civil law. University course (2002); Civil law. Introduction to civil law. Individual. Legal entity (2003), 3 consecutive editions; Civil law. Course for economic faculties (2003); Civil law manual. General Part (2007); Civil law manual. People (2008); Elements of civil law (2009),); Civil law. Course for preparing for the bachelor's exam (1997); Civil law. Civil law institutions. Selective course for the license (2003), 2 consecutive editions; Selective course for the license. Coordinator (2014); University course. Civil law. The general part. Co-author (2012); University course. Civil law. Persons. Edition I and II, Co-author (2013; 2015).

He has also published many articles in specialized magazines.

Andrada Mihaela Trusca

Bachelor of Laws (2002 - Ecological University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law); doctor of law (2011 - University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law).

Associate Professor PhD at the Faculty of Legal and Administrative Sciences, "Dimitrie Cantemir" Christian University.

The published books are: Peculiarities of legal liability in environmental law (2012); Grid tests for the license. Law Specialization (2012; 2014); Environmental Law. Seminar notebook. 3rd Edition (2010); Elements of civil law. Course for public administration (2009); Environmental Law. Seminar notebook. Second Edition (2009); University course. Civil law. Persons. Co-author (2008); Seminar notebook. Environmental Law (2007); University course. Civil law. The general part. Co-author (2007); Selective course for the license. Co-author (2014); University course. Civil law. The general part. Co-author (2012); University course. Civil law. Persons. Edition I and II, Co-author (2013; 2015).

He has published articles in specialized magazines and participated in conferences, symposia, colloquia, workshops.

Conceived as a university course, the paper is addressed mainly, but not exclusively, to students, following the explanation of the notions and mechanisms that govern the matter of the natural person and the legal person.

The authors have the desire to offer students, through this paper, a useful working tool for understanding essential institutions of civil law - individuals and legal entities constituting the actors of all civil legal relations.

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